Happy Easter, user! Remember that today we celebrate our Lord's triumph over the grave and his acceptance and forgiveness of all sin of humankind! Though he rejects the (((unrepentant))), He has come to bring peace in life and eternal glory through Him to those who accept His teachings into their hearts!
Happy Easter...
I'm going to fap to Christchan
do I get chocolate or something
in fact I hate chocolate
unless it's bitter chocolate
50% or so
Going to the park tomorrow. Hopefully it's fun.
Religion is strange to me. I want to goto heaven who wouldn't. At the same time I'm very bitter.
Happy Easter.
Masturbation is a sin, user, but remember that it's not the object of your lust that's being hurt but yourself. When you surrender yourself to idle fantasies you're losing hours of your life and actively degrading the energy and drive you possess in everyday life. If and when you stop masturbating, you'll notice an increased energy and drive in your life, both in happiness/contentment and in accomplishments. Others will find you more engaging and interesting as well.
We throw away, when we masturbate, a tremendous amount of our energy - more than any idolatry though video games, television, even drugs in some cases (though almost all drugs are more harmful in the long run to you.) The commands of the Lord are not idle, but pointed guidelines to keep you from harm, just as a good parent will not allow a child to eat nothing but chocolate all day.
I'm sure many gatherings will have food at their services tomorrow user! I think 50%+ will be hard to find at such gatherings, though, just because they tend to cater to the congregations' children rather than adults. But if you go to a youth group or young-adult meeting, I'm sure you'll find at least a few others who share your tastes!
Are you going on an Easter Egg hunt or something?
I understand bitterness towards religion. For years, after I lost a dear friend, I hated religion because I felt that no just and loving deity would take away my friend. Through years of philosophical development, I now understand that we are all taken and that life is not meant as a happy playtime but as the greatest philosophical journey to prepare us for the Truth. I look back now on all the hardships, all the pain and death and hospital beds and phone calls bearing the news, and I understand how it has shaped me. I wouldn't trade it for a millionaire's fortune, and I understand that the beauty the Lord has crafted for us is like the beauty of the most tragic book you've ever read: It's hard, and depressing, and threatened to destroy me, but it's precious to me beyond belief for that very reason.
God bless you, user!
Yes I am. Family is having a picnic and the two kids are going to hunt eggs. Hopefully it ends well.
I dunno user. I just don't have a reason to be happy. I'm a lonely drain on society. My family only talks to me out of obligation. I only think of how I'm unhappy and nothing else. I don't know what would make me happy either. I'm just waiting for magic to happen.
I mean look at where I am in life I'm talking about my feelings and thoughts on an anonymous image board to stave off loneliness. I do this every day.
Eating mammi+cream for breakfast. Thanks lord.
Why did God make us like this? Why is he so malevolent?
>I mean look at where I am in life
I was much the same, before coming to the church. Accepting love and forgiveness into your life, as well as the community of a good and faithful church (I believe it's important to attend a church with many active members of your age group who meet independently, not for theological reasons directly but to feel more included) is a tremendous boon. When and if you're ever ready to accept it, I think that if you began attending with an open mind and open heart it could do you great good.
Understanding beauty hinges on pain. If He gave us a life free of pain and suffering, we would never be able to grow and understand the true beauty of existence. I touched on this in as well. It's a difficult concept to understand at first.
If he really is all powerful, he would be able to grant a life of just as perfect an understanding of joy without the necessity of pain. Either he is not all powerful or he is allowing his creations to suffer unnecessarily.
I should add that I do find your idea of suffering preceding understanding fascinating. I'm too agnostic to agree with it, but it does pose an interesting view of life.
why does god and the early church fathers seem to dislike women (especially paul)
why are all parts of the trinity male
why cant women be priests
>why do I have more pain than [others? them?]
Blessed are those who suffer. I live with several chronic pain conditions, and almost died in the same auto crash that killed my best friend. I've been homeless, I've lived in infested shithouses and the backseat of a small economy car, and live my life knowing that if the doctor decides to stop prescribing my magic pills I'll die.
Pain and suffering, I believe, is the only path that allows us to understand the true depths of beauty and wonder.
The concept of "if He was all powerful, etc" is a fairly new idea to hit public media. Personally, though I believe He is powerful to save, I'm not sure if He is truly all powerful or not - after all, many of the language in the Bible that describes Him as all-powerful is set in times where the term was really used quite freely and often by other societies to describe mortal kings and human priests.
However, even if He was all-powerful and could do that, you're asking me to answer why an all-powerful and presumably all-knowing entity does what He does. A child does not understand why rules exist, but when he is older he understands and appreciates them.
That's a better question for Jow Forums than robit, and you're using slightly misleading language. There are tremendous biological God-given differences between men and women, remember also that women (and especially younger/virgin women) often didn't die in wars in those days.
The Trinity is not male, that's an entirely pop-culture invention. Male pronouns are used at times simply for convenience, and our Savior inhabited for a brief period of time a male body, but you may as well say that Skynet is male or Cortana is female.
Wageslaving is a sin, user, but remember that it's not the object of your greed that's being hurt but yourself. When you surrender yourself to idle fantasies you're losing hours of your life and actively degrading the energy and drive you possess in everyday life. If and when you stop working, you'll notice an increased energy and drive in your life, both in happiness/contentment and in accomplishments. Others will find you more engaging and interesting as well.
We throw away, when we wageslave, a tremendous amount of our energy - more than any idolatry though video games, television, even drugs in some cases (though almost all drugs are more harmful in the long run to you.) The commands of the Lord are not idle, but pointed guidelines to keep you from harm, just as a good parent will not allow a child to eat nothing but chocolate all day.
My mom always forced me to go to church on easter. Anyways, god's not real
Fucking traps is a sin, user, but remember that it's not the object of your lust that's being hurt but yourself. When you surrender yourself to idle fantasies you're losing hours of your life and actively degrading the energy and drive you possess in everyday life. If and when you stop fucking traps, you'll notice an increased energy and drive in your life, both in happiness/contentment and in accomplishments. Others will find you more engaging and interesting as well.
We throw away, when we fuck traps, a tremendous amount of our energy - more than any idolatry though video games, television, even drugs in some cases (though almost all drugs are more harmful in the long run to you.) The commands of the Lord are not idle, but pointed guidelines to keep you from harm, just as a good parent will not allow a child to eat nothing but chocolate all day.
Just had Easter lunch with my family.
Feels good and god bless.
It's not easter yet. Delete this thread and make it again when it's actually easter.
I plan on spending Sunday in church and with a church group later, followed by a period of reflection and Biblical studying in nature as I'm fortunate enough to live in a location where I'm close to places of isolation in nature. I do not plan on spending the Lord's day on Cambodian boar-roasting forums.