>I will never get good at drawing
Things that make you want to kys
Other urls found in this thread:
>nobody replies to my thread
>one chance at life
>born black
Screw this gay earth
>I will never be a middle classed white living in NYC
I will never feel relaxed and comfy
>I will NEVER be a virtuoso pianist
>no motivation to do anything that can make money
>submissive in a world full of roasts with daddy issues and meathead chads
>recently found old facebook password
>why not?
>logged in on fb
>all my past friends and school mates are either engaged, in a relationship or have kids
>I'm a 21 year old KHHV NEET
>tfw used to be good at drawing and got real gud by 17
>got my first job at 20
>stopped drawing as much
>picked up another job the following year
>stopped drawing altogether
>tried to pick it up again after a few years
>absolutely horrible now
You will. Just practice the fundamentals you little shit. Also learn how to learn.
Little shit
>Rejection (from women, from jobs, from social events etc..)
Every single day feels like wasted time, no matter if you do nothing, or do a thousand things
>tfw i will never be good at competitive vidya
>tfw i'll never be loved by anyone outside of my bloodline
>tfw my peers are all better than me in some way, shape, or form
>tfw i'll never figure out when i can actually complain and have that complaint be justified
You can master any skill by sheer practice althought not as much or fast as a talented person.
>tfw I'll never be able to afford college and I'm probably going to be a wagecuck for the rest of my life because I have no talents and no friends whatsoever and I'm most likely going die due to suicide and with no one with me
Crybaby Meme
what are the fundamentals pls help me
>getting married at 21
Yeah don't worry those guys are gonna lose everything and be worse off than you in five years, and in five more years their wives are gonna hit the wall and regret it
Team peanut butter? What the fuxk?
The hardest thing to draw are the hands and feet
Anons help me what's happening to me??? I'm not a tripfag or anything what's going on?!
Hands and feet ain't bad but getting the leg / torso proportions right is a living hell
Just takes a lotta practice!
Also wanted to see which team I'm on
The fundamentals of art. I spent so many years drawing and not improving. I started getting serious, visiting /ic/'s board, reading art books (kinda), using references and drawing from imagination. I've improved a lot faster in one year than I have for the 18 I have been alive.
It sounds so simple, and it is. All you need is effort, and the ability to see that your work is bad without quitting, because it ultimately leads to improvement no matter what.
Some of the fundamentals are: Line, form, color, space, texture, value and shape.
Do you know how to draw boxes, pyramids and rectangular prisms? They're the building blocks of drawing and if you learn how to draw them it makes pretty much everything ridiculously easy to draw.
It's April fools day, bud
>tfw ywn just be happy and content with life
Knowing I've fucked up another relationship
A human body is roughly 7 heads
Get a loomis book
>have always been madly in love with my 26(f) cousin
>she knows because it's extremely awkward around her
>Spend most of my time sitting at my computer or with my laptop
>Difficulty understanding programming languages
>Tfw I'll probably never be able to program
I'll never sit for hours smoking a pipe in silence with another dudebro interrupted periodically by calm, random thoughts that occasionally stem into brief yet meaningful philosophical debates. I just want a friend that doesn't want to do shit :(
>ywn be team peep
>tfw crush going out with chad
time to end it, lads
I'll never make a difference in the world
>have the skills to achieve my dream
>to afraid to go out into the world and do things
>result in hiding in my room all day
How much of a headcase I am when it comes to making friends.
im a 5'4 manlet
Whatever the fuck this team bullshit is
>being chocolate
>I will never have a big dick
>ywn is last place
>things that make me want to kill myself
being on any other team than team peep LMAO
>learning to draw perfect proportions
shiggy diggy
You're gonna be frustrated to death when you're drawing a portrait and see that no one on earth has the proportions you've learned.
last place in what? What the fuck is this? Where can I check standings or wtf
>scroll up dingus
>born in argentina
>I'm on team Chocolate
20 years old and still no gf
>team mini will never make the top