Do you think its poor peoples fault they're poor?

Do you think its poor peoples fault they're poor?

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Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Once you're poor, it's very hard to make it back up above the poverty threshold.

Depends on the opportunities, chances and environment that they are in. If they seek out all opportunities and try everything but are still poor
I don't blame them.
But if they wasted their opportunities then I would. But also what he said

Yes and no. You can definitely be handed bad circumstances but if you live in a first world country you really do have a lot of opportunities. Many poor people know fuck all about how to manage money.

after one generation if you are still poor than yeah it is your fault

You say that as if having kids makes your family richer.

Kinda. You only need food, water and shelter to survive. Depending on where you live a car. Everything else is luxury. You can definitely afford a room and groceries on minimum wage and save up

I know how to manage money but spend when things are hopeless. Just like some overwatch to avoid pain

>Once you're poor, it's very hard to make it back up above the poverty threshold.
not true. it's unfair that some people become poor. but once that person accepts their shitty hand, anyone can get a mediocre job and save money to help their next generation thrive.

people just don't want to accept that they, their parents, or whoever it was fucked up somewhere

but if you're poor and live paycheck to paycheck, how can you save anything at all?

while poverty is sometimes the individuals fault, it also sometimes isnt. The world is a vast grey area and sometimes things dont go well for people. should the government help them? im not so sure, but really its all opinion.

As someone who was born and grew up in poverty. Absolutely. Especially if you are American. Being in poverty is a choice in the USA. The ones in it are too lazy to work themselves out of it. Now I am not saying you can become a billionaire because that absolutely requires luck but you can easily raise yourself from poverty to lower or middle class with ease. If I can do then so can anyone else.

>see nigs
>they are poor
>ditch school to sell drugs
>get rich for like a few months
>go to jail
>come out
>no school, can't get a job because of record so go back to doing crime
>either dies or go back to jail

>If you are born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor it's your mistake
Bill Gates said it best, barring some very bad luck like getting an illness and having to pay gigantic medical bills I think it's pretty accurate

you learn to budget and stop living paycheck to paycheck

They're just not entitled to free stuff at other people's expense.

Absolutely. Everyone is born and raised in an equal environment, so in theory everyone could be rich. But because of the choices they make, they end up poor.

Some people are just born too stupid to do that

Success is basically only ever handed to you.You can't start making money unless you already have it. Nearly every multi-millionaire executive had rich parents and a million dollar trust fund. I can work hard all my life but I will NEVER make anything more than $100k a year. I didn't have enough money to get a college education so unskilled labor is the only thing I'm "qualified" to do. I can start at the bottom and work my way up but the new manager will always be the old manager's buddy.

>Everyone is born and raised in an equal environment

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Depends on the situation.

So if you live like a poor still end up as a poor person.

Poor person who has always been poor and lived among poor people here.

They're all idiots. They all get a loan to buy the latest flagship smartphone or laptop every month. They all waste their money on fast food and gimmicks. They're all deep in debt.

I see all these retards on welfare with iphones and I can't even get any autismbux.

Yes. It's either the result of willful ignorance or lack of intellect(read genetic inferiority). People are poor because they lack the willpower or intellect to make financial gains, control their finances, and plan for the future accordingly. Most poor people are stupid, and most stupid people are poor. And one shouldn't waste their time caring about poor stupid people who will never be able to support themselves. Darwinism used to be a thing where stupid people were naturally culled but now we just shoulder the burden of keeping their bodies alive like it's some kind of holy mandate.

Anyone can become at least comfortably wealthy if they work hard and avoid making any stupid mistakes
My parent's were junkies and I grew up in living in literal crack houses and crisis accommodation until we got a council flat.

Now I'm in my final year of medical school, will be graduating with more savings than debt, and already make $50-80/h as a tutor.

>Didn't have money to go to college
>What are grants/scholarships/loans/part-time employment
>What is going to a trade school


>What are grants/scholarships/loans/part-time employment
Things not given to white men

>warehouse job
$10 an hour
>retail job
Less than $10 an hour
>factory job
$10 an hour
And $10 an hour doesnt go very far

true/nottrue, I recieved pell grant, but their are strict limitations on it, dont know about anything else though. Scholarships you get out what you put in/take advantage of. Loans anyone can get.