State of anime

Wtf is going on with anime nowadays or the shitty fans at least?
Years ago the general image of anime was warriors, freaks, and monsters, Tales in which anyone could be a hero (mutant heroes, dinosaur heroes, outlaw heroes, fat heroes), and everyone was trying to get their shit together.

Nowadays, it seems to be full of Moe dogshit, and every internet jackass is going on about their waifus or whatever.

Shit is irritating, highschool sucked, homework sucks.people need to stop glorying that shit. Also truth be told, most female characters are more alien than the strangest of xenos to me, I just can't relate.

Why does everything have to be so pretty.

Attached: 1372290654_1.jpg (700x448, 172K)

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OP image greatly resembles 90s/early 2000's disney type cartoons for kids.
ie: chip & dale rescue rangers and some other stuff.

what a fucking good kiddie show m8.
No retard here will even know what you posted or what whas to expect new episodes every saturday as a kiddie.
Also what are your favorites?
Blame (short films from the 2000's)
Samurai Shamploo
Ergo Proxy

They hired the chinchongs for their animations in fact.

please don't.
But anyway, yes, Samurai Pizza Cats is GOAT tier anime and it's a shame it didn't get its foot in the Toonami door.

>watching Psycho Pass because of shotgunboi's Myanimelist
>episode 2
>"hurrr, I was just an obedient dog that just mindlessly followed orders, but through your spunky, defiant optimism, you have shown me the way."
Fucking dropped

Attached: 1439608882989.jpg (340x506, 22K)

I honestly think the world and Japan especially have an underreported xenoestrogen toxicity problem going on. Although they did ban thermal paper about 18 years ago, meanwhile Americans in general are uninformed and are still rubbing receipts between their bare fingers every day.

Attached: thermalpaperendocrinedisruption.png (617x502, 48K)

i usually just watch anime from the 80s and 90s desu. i hate modern art styles that use the weird combo of cg/flash(?) and 2D. things looked nicer when it was all drawn

same. i wanted to like it because of the cyb aesthetic but dropped it over the edgy characters

>lupin any series
>gaogaigar (I was young)
>warau sales man was ok
>space dandy (it's a tribute to older anime)
>dai no daiboukken

Are a few of my favorites

there are good modern one, like the most recent devilman, as well as the new lupin series, and a ton of others.

i don't mean to imply that there aren't good modern anime coming out. for the most part however i enjoy older stuff much more

It's too old to get to Toonami. I was almost a 4 year old toddler when this show was aired in my country, and that is early-early 90's i'm talking about (yes im not a burger).
Also why hate about m8? f a m can't be used anymore and sempai is out of the use nowadays.
why the hate about m8? don't obtuse about it it's hard to find people without shit taste these days here.

Anime is making people gay. Like this anime I'm posting, fucking MC literally asked a slut out and is OKAY with her fucking Chad on the side as long as she doesn't leave him. He chooses the worst girl and she wins basically.

If he choose girl in pic related, he would have felt love.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.51_[2018.03.06_01.37.13].png (548x710, 396K)


>Anime is making people gay
1. don't watch faggot harem dogshit
2. This actually benefits me because I was in a similiar situation being the "chad":
3. You are like 16-20 aren't you?
4. watch seinen or shonen or horror or something, anything but that horrid moe, harem shit.

Moe has always been in a lot of anime. Remember Project A-Ko?

well, it was about high school over the top fights with lesbian undertone romance, a lil bit like kill la kill but on the 90's i guess?

>When liking anime literally turns you gay
The times we live in.

lt was in the 80's

you want a shovel to the face m8 don't talk shit about anime ever again or I'll fite you

Attached: shovelknight.jpg (606x704, 62K)

It was like one or two shows in the 80-90's per year
Now it's like 10-12 dog shit moe shows per season, it's fucking disgusting

You're fav anime is shit that is all., Also op gots a point most anime is shit these days deal with it moe fanboy.

joke's on you mr. gaybutter because I don't have a favorite animu

Try checking out the anime based off Akatsuka's works:


Himitsu no Akko-Chan:

Tensai Bakabon:

Moretsu Ataro:

Attached: Akatsuka museum.jpg (1001x580, 253K)

Jokes on you don't even hardly watch it anymore., Anime in general manga is far better.