I have a fairly noticable cavity on my front tooth. It could be worse, but anybody probably can see it

I have a fairly noticable cavity on my front tooth. It could be worse, but anybody probably can see it.

How big of a deal is this? I don't have dental insurance at the moment so I can't get it fixed.

Pic related, it is about the side of that, but on the side in between two of my teeth.

Attached: small-hole-in-tooth.png (299x268, 174K)

i have something like that on my molar
it fills up with food and i have to pick at it all the time
i have dental coverage but i'm terrified of the dentest

It could be a huge cavern inside.



Alternatively it could take years for it to eat through your ever healing inner tooth before it makes it to the nerve, then your face gets swollen with pus pain notwithstanding.

Go brush your tongue faggot. I bet your breath smells like shit.

I'm doing my best to keep it clean. I'm worried more about how people will judge me.

The pic is not me.

Dental insurance is a scam a lot of places give a discount for out-of-policy work. See if anyone will fix it for a couple hundo

>I don't have dental insurance at the moment so I can't get it fixed.
depending on where you live, it might cost $200 to fix.

But nutrition. More than just cleaning.

Maybe you lack calcium and vit d.

>How big of a deal is this?
i doubt people will notice it
you can eventually lose your tooth though unless you get it sealed

It's not about aesthetics, if you let it conquer your mouth instead of stopping ir now, it will cost you 10 times or more.
Replacing toothpieces is on another level nigga.

Better get the 26 of whisky and pliers and yank the fucker out or pay """them""" an exorbitant amount to remove it for you.

>How big of a deal is this?
Not much, but if you leave it like that it will eventually turn into a root canal.
It should only cost you a couple hundred to seal that, maybe up to a thousand once it develops.

seriously get that shit fixed, i had a noticable cavity and i left it for a couple weeks and it ended up needing a root canal, which was 800 bucks more than just filling the cavity

>I don't have dental insurance at the moment so I can't get it fixed.

It costs like $200 to fill a cavity and I live in LA.

>I don't have dental insurance at the moment so I can't get it fixed.
most colleges with a dental program will have a lowcost or usually no cost service, you just get worked on by a dental student, which sucks because they cause more pain (still learning how to be gentle), but it has always been a myth America throws its poor people under a bus medical wise.
>How big of a deal is this?
huge. looks are EVERYTHING in this bitchass society, even things like your boss at work will treat you nicer.

Yes, fillings are pretty cheap. But if you let the cavity go, you could end up having to get a crown or a root canal which are $1,000+.

Get extracted. Either for ~$150-$300 from a dentist, or for the cost of a pair of pliers at home.

Well I have more I think near the back, and my wisdom teeth never came in.

Im afraid they are going to run the bill up and owing thousands.

there are tons of services for poorfags.
also most chill dentists will give cutrates to poorfags if you are an adult, and talk to them about being poor.

>getting cavities
stop eating sweets and drinking the shit water. Fucking normalfag tier trash. Real robots only drink water and alcohol (while alone). None of that trash even tastes good.

Brush your teeth twice and floss once. Every day. And no soda, only water. Spring water, not purified drinking water.

Hell I just brush my teeth once a day and drink water. it's not hard. People like OP are disgusting.

why only spring water and not drinking water?

Im 23 and this is the first cavities I have ever had.

I do brush daily and floss every other day, I just have not been to the dentist in a while for cleanings.

protip: it is all genetics. brushing your teeth is a placebo mostly. Two people can eat&drink the same things, brush the same amounts and one will get cavites and one ownt

It tastes better and has lower acidity.

Pretty much.
Is better to treat it now rather than waking up in 2-3 years to a rotten canal. It would be horrible for your health in the mean time (Hey, rotten teeth cause baldness) and it would cost you way, way more.

I drank Gatorade for 3 days straight without brushing my teeth and developed plaque similar to what you have posted and it wouldn't brush away.

A dentist will have to remove it and clean it.

Attached: feelfrog.jpg (764x938, 112K)

Man up and get a filling before it turns into a root canal. A root canal can coat you over $1k out of pocket whereas a filling might just be $100.

Don't stall because you lack insurance. It's just the cost of living. Dental insurance doesn't make it more affordable in the long run unless you visit the dentist at literally every available opportunity.

>dentist finally asked me what I do for a living
>tell him I'm job searching
>have to go back after one month and still haven't found a job

Are you neet? You can get free health insurance this year.

that makes sense
i forget that different types of water have different levels of pH