Do you think cosmic horrors are real?

Do you think cosmic horrors are real?

I do.

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I sometimes wish they were. But deep down, I don't think they are.

Kinda reminds me of this thing. o

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Only if the daemons of The Warp count

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We still have no idea what kind of monstrosities are hiding in the bottoms of our own oceans. As old & infinite as the universe supposedly is, I don't wanna know what kind of terrors are out there far away in space

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even here on earth

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honestly, the idea is somewhat comforting. I know we don't matter in the universe already, but what if some great beasts meant something in the story of the universe.

I doubt it tho

The universe is finite both in age and expansiveness.

I don't because I'm not a fucking retarded faggot like op

>The universe is finite both in age and expansiveness.
factually wrong

t. astrophysicist

hint: the size of the universe might not be what you think, and the "start" of the universe may not be what you think it is

PhD or sources?
from what I understand with neither of those right now, it is finite, but maybe you can enlighten us.

No such thing as infinity

t. average schmuck

I hope they exist.

They're symbols of our own attempts to struggle against our own insignificance.

They are, but they exist beyond perception. Does that mean they dont exist, i dont know. There are many things beyond perception, until you train yourself to see.
im literally retarded, dont mind me.

>Ithaqua will never impregnate me

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Without a doubt, considering we're in one.

Let's be honest it's finite with the information we know now shit could change in couple of years for all we know we could be in a expanding universe witching a universe

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As real as consciousness.

Yeah, I had a LSD Breakthrough once and turned into a literal joke floating in space for an eternity.

Shits frightening, I dont take drugs anymore

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