So when are you going to finally settle for a 5/10 girl, user?

So when are you going to finally settle for a 5/10 girl, user?

Attached: muffy.png (480x601, 452K)

as soon as one asks me out

whenever i find out who's into me and doesn't have an insanely irritating personality. so never

That girl isn't 5/10

this. she is clearly a 4.

She isnt? What about that one?

Attached: 3221131.jpg (600x652, 73K)

Yeah, because ugly girls with low self-esteem ask men out all the time.

Good luck with that.

Maybe 6/10 at a stretch, she looks really fucking creepy.

yeah but i'm an ugly man with low self esteem

this girl is a 5/10

this one a 7.5

Even ugly girls will expect the man to be assertive and initiate conversation, waiting won't help you get a gf

wtf she's an 8 to me

crispy is personal 10/10 I like a girl with a bone deformity who looks similar. They are both lesbians though.

Ill post different angles so we may get an consensus

Attached: 312321312321.jpg (1080x1350, 164K)

still good looking to me.

What will help me to get a gf tho

mine wont change im obsessed with petite girls with white spanish/latin roots doe eyes and bob cuts.

Muffy and Crispy are the best Jow Forums girls and both are gay. Why is life like this.

Talking to/approaching females regularly, but not always with the sole intention of a relationship. She needs to trust you first.

ok but this time she actually does look 5/10

When a 5/10 girl will settle for me

post more muffy pics please she is so perfect

Attached: b5b99a3a08ac164a4b24183421dee241bad3a0660ae4c89d5c239c99c1b63032.jpg (396x495, 39K)

As soon as that becomes a 5/10
Nice dubs

In your opinion is Muffy for hugs and love or for lewd?

Attached: 1522426519970.jpg (1080x1349, 1.82M)

>weird manlet walks up to girl in public at random
>totally normal and socially acceptable
sure thing

>post more muffy
dont have to tell me twice

Attached: 5B6DA03C-CA44-48AA-B6C2-1D26F2CEEE8A.jpg (960x1280, 224K)

Idk when are you going to stop posting these gay threads?

mostly hugs and love, but sometimes lewd

nice fucking trips

Attached: muffyy.jpg (688x964, 118K)

Muffy is for mating pressing and kissing afterwards!

Attached: 1522087453284.jpg (900x1125, 137K)

muffy is NOT for lewd. hugs only.

Attached: BACD987B-249C-4C11-A05F-67B651F4DA54.jpg (1080x1298, 115K)

Is there an equivelent of a one night stand, but for hugs, kisses and pure love instead of sex?

All orbit girls are for raw, animalistic sex!
Prove me wrong!

Attached: sketch_1512811407207_1152x1080.png (1152x1080, 1.74M)

whats a 5/10 girl look like

pretty insulting to that cute little piggy, probably has more personality than sunny to boot

Muffy isnt even on that chart so the point stands.

Always thought dubs have the best rewards.. this proved me wrong

Rolling for Katya or crispy

Gib me a good one plz

Pretty true, user. Have another chart!

Those arent "updated" charts, user.

Just "change" your favs into the dub/trip space

Attached: Traps__all_of_them.jpg (1500x1500, 495K)

Because i keep pulling 8/10s

Your 8/10 probably isnt as cute as my 5/10 wife!

Attached: 18.png (589x713, 778K)

oh fuck off you ugly bitch

you LOOK LIKE A BOY and not in a good way

My 5/10 wives dont look like boys! They are cute girls!

Attached: 1512207062480.jpg (1080x1080, 1.36M)

she is fully for lewd

roll for Sunny

Sunny > Marky > Anzu > Agatha > Ashley > Rose > Eliza > the rest of these garbage girls

Less makeup != 5/10

What do you mean finally? Like I have a choice in the matter?


Is this a meme I missed out on?

I would fuck the shit out of that boy

Never because I've got a 9/10 gril, only reason I'm still on r9k is because once you're a bot, you're always a bot, even if you become chad.

Rolling for Ilay

None of them have best girl so whats the point.

The fuck's wrong with her eyes. Looks more like some uncanny valley creature than a human

Thats 5/10? It wouldnt be settling my man. Honestly Ill take something that isnt horrible to look at and I can talk to so I can atleast cure my lonelyness.

its okay to find average girls cute user

As soon as I can interact and go outside like normal people.

Sunny is hot

>In your opinion is Muffy for hugs and love or for lewd?
She is for unforgiving pounding that overwhelms her and makes her cry, then tender affectionate cuddling afterwards.

11/10 user, you into erp?

The only right option for orbit girls

Attached: tumblr_p4h97bZZhd1wz8dg1o1_1280.jpg (1080x1346, 155K)

roll for kelly pls gib kelly

She has death doll eyes but I think it's kinda cute

gib me dat pu$$y orignally

rolling for qt3.14159265359

Is there an equivalent of this image, but showing their anuses?

She has big qt eyes

terrible taste, big round eyes a cute

None of them are that degenerate besides Ciara

>mfw my gf looks pretty much like this girl
How does that make you feel, virgins?

Attached: 1494092262167.jpg (489x499, 28K)

She's a light 7/10, solid 6. Not a 5.
This is a 5/10.
Posting moderately cute girls and calling them ugly is one way to ensure you have such high standards that you'll become a wizard without even attempting it.

Attached: girls%20episode%202%20roundtable%20386[1].png (386x250, 70K)

I did for a while. She was never my GF but she was a freak in bed. As of yesterday she and her heroin addict friend broke into my house and stole everything of value. Now she's in jail and he's headed to prison when he gets picked up but I'm never gonna get my thousands of dollars of electronics back and I can't afford to replace them. I can't even play vidya anymore. Moral of the story, don't fuck with roasties. Especially NEET roasties with drug problems.

le sigh


I'm so blind right now I can't tell if right one is a trap. lol

this is a 4/10
this is a 5/10
get it right OP.

How about so long as they anonymously on this board state that they are looking?

I dont think the right one is a trap

5/10 girls are happy to be alpha widows.