Why are young women generally more successful than young men? Motivation, money employment, home ownership etc

Why are young women generally more successful than young men? Motivation, money employment, home ownership etc

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Its all handed to them on a silver platter

Higher conscientiousness levels among women

Their good actions are furthered along with positive reinforcement from peers (Chad's attention). For guys, we don't get that attention that much so we tend to lose steam

This. Also the reason why women do better in the school system.

because its sexist if they don't get their desired role

4 > 2 > 3 > 1

This is definitely absolutely positively an original post

They have constant support system, expected to vent their feeling, literally have the school sytem designed for them( males learn by doing physical activity and moving around) females vice versa. Society in 2018 is designed for them.

because (((society))) decided they should be

They are favored over men by school and by the job market.
They can expect to have more opportunities than a man of similar ability.

Young women are raised with more confidence, these days. Men are spit upon. Those girls are told they can and will and should have EVERYTHING.

Also, side braids are qt as fuck.

The pussy pass.

In the social media age, cheating and circulation of answers in an academic setting is significantly more common. Women are more likely to benefit from this as a result of being more present on social media and having a network of orbiters to provide answers. Thus, young women succeed in academia.

In the corporate world, many higher positions are male dominated so women are favored by diversity quotas. They can, again use the pussy pass and get positions in exchange for sex, hope of future sex, or validation.

Not to say smart, intelligent, driven women dont exist, or even that they are not the majority of successful women. Just that the pussy pass lets some undeserving ones through the cracks.

They are better at socializing than us and they get preference alot of times over even equally social men.

I don't know.

Some how my sister was working full-time (in some police firearms job) and still did a full-time degree. Now shes a teacher.

I can't even do one of those things at one time. NEET for closing in on 15 years now.

females are the ideal customer. they buy lots of useless shit and keep the system afloat. hence /they/ try to get females into higher paying jobs to buy more useless shit and spend less time raising a family etc. your best customer is a 40+year old female trying to compete with younger, more attractive females, buying tons of shit nobody needs. "look at muh new cafe machine user!"

They have nothing holding them back now. A lot are raised with the expectations that they'll get a successful career, a house, a husband, then kids. In that exact order, when typically it's the opposite.

>Why are young women generally more successful than young men?

because they get all the promotions,funding,reservations and encouragement. men just get shit on and told "toxic masculinity." I guess more people need to die until we accept gender diversity was a bad idea.

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Only beta men can't compete with women.
Chad is doing just fine sailing through school with high grades and getting high paying jobs.

>anything >2
user, I fundamentally disagree with your taste

Women are earning the big bux and are more depressed than ever.

1. more motivated that us
2. more hard working that us
2. helps that society has been shaped as of late to harness their potential too.

literally the hardest person I have ever met was a 5'0 90 pound anemic qt.

also we masturbate more, hence we kill off more brain cells.

Since physical strength doesnt matter for most jobs, young women make far better wageslaves than young men. They are more pleasant to look at and interact with while being more docile and subservient. They also mature quicker and have the benefit that the sex starved beta males will bend over backwards for them with no benefit expected.

tl;dr they are the ideal busybody wageslaves

Try being a non meme autistic woman with no social skills and having everyone impose super high social standards on you. Try having most people have low expectations of you all your life only to experience neurotypical men and pampered women who don't get it tell you that you need to be knocked down and your urge to succeed and not submit to insults and bullying is annoying and unnatural

>tfw study computer science and I failed to get a single interview for summer jobs
>tfw all the girls in class not only have summer jobs, but were even offered full time positions
I'm not jealous. It's that these opportunities aren't even given to most guys in our class

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A number of reasons.
Gibs, system rigged in their favor, etc.

>try having everyone impose super high social standards on you
>try having most people have low expectations of you
Topkekerino. And then women get angry when men call them stupid.

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It very simple, women have a time limit to reproduce. Men can have little trouble reproducing past 35. With no biological clocks men just fuck around all the time. Also men sexually and intellectually mature slower them women.

you're fucking retarded my friend, consider suicide, i whole heartedly think you aught to.

Wow, imaging all four with their ass up in doggy style and you run train on them.

Wew that sounds unfair as fuck.
But as we all know, some people are more equal than others!

hilarious sour grapes in this thread. if you were so smart maybe you wouldn't be a loser posting on Jow Forums.

Yes, absolutely, a woman can never truly be a man, no matter how much free passes they get, ultimately a woman competing in a mans world is just a beta male, that's how far their skills can get them. So beta males end up having to compete against women and they ultimately lose because women have all these free passes that the beta male just doesn't have, but against the alpha male a woman just cannot even hope to compete, a beta male can become alpha through years of turmoil and hard work, but a woman can only at her peak reach beta male.

its not that we are smart, its that girls don't have to be to succeed. woman rarely fall through the cracks like men because of lower expectations and more support systems

Alot of men aren't motivated and woman are naturally better at socialising.
Woman are also more materialistic on average.

it's not about being smart, user. It's about opportunities, women have more opportunities because, they're better to look at, more agreeable, better at socializing than men on average those things make them more likable to teachers, so they get better grades, they're cut some slack, there have been studies on how teachers apparently treat women students better than male students and others on how parents treat their daughters better than their sons. Ultimately women just have a smoother ride to the finish line, so it makes sense that they would end up better off.

I used to be huge into science fairs and at the regional, state, and international levels, almost half the awards are female exclusive. Women get scholarships just for being women, and they get jobs for seeming plesant or so the boss can get in their pants.

Underated post oregane

Its easier to focus when youre not denied your needs.

Then be more friendly and put yourself out there more. To be successful you have to sell yourself, regardless of your gender. No one wants to be around the spooky Boo Radley in the corner.

My family made too much money for me to get scholarships and I'm female

the system sets up girls to succeed and boys to fail

I'm a non meme autistic. I can't keep up with the social standards imposed on women. If I were a guy being awkward would be more tolerated in any situation outside of sex. If a woman varies it's considered worse than if a man varies

Way to absolutely miss his point and spout some unrelated bullshit.

Women ''do better'' in academics but what they to after school is fucking atrocious.
Most women end up working dead end middle ground office jobs with no real purpose.
Men in most cases either get a real education through uni, i.e Medicine, Law, Engineering or simply get a trade and become useful that way.
Women fit into the mold that modern society wants you to fit in, be a drone to corporations and push papers willingly.
Like said, they are very good at being cogs.
Men function best under pressure and competition, wich is not what society is today.

It isn't, atleast men will overlook your autistic behaviour if you're a endearing girl.
A man in your position would be judged even more harshly.

If you're an autistic woman it's not designed for you but people keep telling you it is and then expect you to give the tiny things you have and call you brainwashed if you don't. It's like a poor white guy having to listen to people talk about his privilege while he lives in the trailer.

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you baiting? I'd look for the reddit pic where autistic girls talk about their FUCKING BOYFRIENDS but it's not worth it. You have either to be baiting, disingenuous or retarded to believe that autistic women have it harder than autistic men.

I'm at peak disagreeableness, i'm going to starve as a homeless person once my enablers are gone. I'm also really neurotic which is commonly a womanly thing to be but oh well, basically i can't just act friendly because i hate people and speaking, the sound of my voice. Most women are in love with themselves, they're narcissists, just look at social media websites. People like me are just the type that would've been weeded out were it not for our society being so safe. So, maybe for someone else being friendly would be good advice, but in my case, i'm a lost cause.

Employers won't or peers. Not everything is about sex

autistic women are put on pedestals while ausitic men are put down and laughed at. wtf are you on

They wouldn't overlook it for a similiar autistic male either.
You're still in a better position than a male with similiar condition.

They have it harder than neurotypical men in all matters outside of getting sex

I want to impregnate the 3rd from the left. she is beautiful. is that normal?

I 100% agree on that. When I ended up doing like, 4x better than my sister, my father initially did not know how to react. It was such a glorious moment.

This is just delusional

I used to work as a graphic designer, originally it was 5 illustrators, all males, plus some supers and an IT guy. As our company expanded to 30+ employees we started hiring more women, and one thing I noticed is that women want to be around other women when they work. They're like a little cult. They will try to get other workers fired and hire their friends. It's so snakelike how they operate. They don't care about ruining livelihoods at all.

What universe do you live in? I bet you only talk to meme autistics diagnosed after 2010

Swap 2 and 4 and we got a deal.

this is bait right?
Look at agatha, autistic women are swarmed by men all the time, there's pretty much nothing woman can do to not be sliding to success on a track made of warm butter.
you're a liar.

Jow Forums is the only universe i know and the only one that matters

The relevant comparison was between autistic men and women, not between autistic women and neurotypical men, so fuck off.

They're more likely to because people expect guys to have lower social skills. They expect girls not to vary at all. Also if you learn to be strong as a female after a lifetime of others bullying you, people get offended because you're not acting like a woman

The meme ones who pass as normal. Not everyone has the privilege to pass as NT

Because they can fill twinkies with poop and sell them to lonely creepy men.

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this is what annoys me. i do things like this and i get a visit from the police. women do it and get 19.99$ for it. it's hypocrisy at its finest.

Women can't be strong, you stupid bitch, look at you bitching and crying on here, you're still the whimpering retard you were when you were being bullied. you don't know how to not act like a woman.

As an autistic female being lectured on my female privilege I'm like the poor white guy who works at Walmart and lives in the trailer park being lectured about my white and male privilege.

You expect women not to stand up for themselves if abused and want to take what little I have from me

that seems absurdly cheap. do you have a link?

>men function best under pressure and competition
I'm an exception to that rule.

i will literally date you and love you forever

I want to hurt your feelings because it makes me feel good and it turns me on when women cry. You stinky autist girl, you'll never be normal, look at you, have you showered today? i know you nut cases have difficulties with hygiene.

Poopoopeepee edit when?

>They're more likely to because people expect guys to have lower social skills.
[citation needed]

>They expect girls not to vary at all.
[citation needed]

>Also if you learn to be strong as a female after a lifetime of others bullying you, people get offended because you're not acting like a woman
How are you not acting like a woman that offends people?

Because literally everything is catered to them, the education system, the education staff, education rules, etc
Everything is catered for young women nowadays and young boys just have to deal with it

this is so true, so many programs are made just to empower young females. Also to answer OP, women tend to care more about connecting with society, so they are more likely to stay in school and chase good jobs just so other people won't be able to shit on them

>born poor, dumb, ugly male
>have beta parents so you become a beta yourself
>the chads and girls bully you in school
>the other betas dont want to talk to you because you're undesirable in every shape or form
>the media, the goverment and your family lowkey telling you're a piece of unwanted trash at every opportunity
>no confidence, depression, lack of motivation
Not everyone goes like this, but most of us do, that's why we have a entire generation of men who just don't give a fuck and would rather stay at his room playing vidya all day. I tried getting a job once, 1 year of feeling suicidal daily was the result, now I'm finishing college in the end of this year and will kms once I get enough balls, there's no point in having a degree and a job if you aren't capable and will have depression for the rest of your life

would fuck them all oregano style

The system is hard for women who aren't neurotypical. It's like gaslighting to struggle and see your struggles denied because you're female. Being a female autistic is like being a poor kid in a rich neighborhood.

You don't ask for citations when others claim the education system is designed for females. By non womanly behavior I mean speaking your mind, bring individualistic and standing up for yourself

they have a lot of gibs

gynocentric society that exists to prop them up despite them being incompetent

Try being a woman who has no desire to connect

The system now is based on social abilities. It screws over women who have none. It's like gaslighting when the system claims it's for you but works against you

Women have more support.

Bullshit, its always much easier to connect with people. A autistic boy has it worse than a physically retarded girl with down syndrome.

I don't know user. Maybe you should go and ask someone who actually has a clue instead of bait posting in an east tajikistani stick collecting forum.

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>Being women
>No desire to connect
pick one.

Only for sex. You think sex is the end all be all

itsa just like being a guy that has no desire to connect, only better cause you are female

>You don't ask for citations when others claim the education system is designed for females.
Because I've already seen evidence for this but not for your claim.

>By non womanly behavior I mean speaking your mind, bring individualistic and standing up for yourself
If you do this without beeing rude I don't see why anybody would take offense.

sex is the most valuable currency in the world giving women sexual independence was a mistake

Know this feel
>Have had 3 interviews (1 open, 2 phone) in past few months
>Rejected by them and other 2 places I applied to
>Stacy, Lacy, and guys with connections get positions
>Im fucked
Why do they make it so biased?

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Men who aren't Chad basically have no reason to try at anything anymore thanks to sexual liberation and the growth of third-wave feminism.

>which is not what society is today
>tips muh fedora dear kind sir lebbitlor
Fucking bullshit.

Being treated better and having more support at a younger age leaves you with a massive advantage for the rest of your life. It's the education system's fault men are failing.

It says something that they were doing stress testing after theyd designed and built the thing. That should've been done before, I know that and Im a fucking college student.
But then I dont have a gash between my legs

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feminisation of employment - decline of industries driven by physical attributes; rise of industries driven by emotional attributes.

Makes me think of Calhoun's rat experiment.

Women suffer must when men reject traditional masculine norms.