Social ostracization vs bullying

Which is worse? I say ostracism.

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Disagree. Better than to be the jaded outcast than to be the focus of a villain's eye.

Bullying is hardship. Hardship builds character, it builds strength.
Ostracism builds isolation, it deprives everything social about a man, letting him decay in his own little bubble. It will never allow him to change or improve, only permitting the buildup of anger towards those who ostracise him.

you can't punch ostracization in the face

i was ostracized in uni.
how do i heal?

Fucking this, bullying is isolation with humiliation.
1 year Bullying transforms people 100 faster and worse than 3 years of isolation. Both are painful but you gotta admit that bullying is really the worse of them all.

Bullying gives you the opportunity to spot the problem and fix it. Isolation will only make you rot.

>getting bullied
>fight back
>now I'm ostracized

Th-thanks dad, I really showed them, I really, I really, I really showed them what's for! I showed them who's boss! I sh-showed them..

>bullying where they convince you that it's all in your head and your fault and just have to put in more effort to be friendly with people, and then you'd see that they liked you all alone
Fuck normies, fuck women, fuck them doing this to vulnerable people without much mental strength

You had the opportunity to try harder. You don't get that with ostracism because you cannot personify ostracism into a single person.

but at least there's a relatively peace

Knowing that can make things worse because it will make you even more insecure since people laugh at it. Some problems cant even be fixed, like heigh and weird face.

ostracism isn't a thing, no one has to deal with your shit. conform or be alone

I had a boss at my wageslave retail job who said this type of shit to me for years. He was trying to help but he didn't understand shit about me or my situation even if I tried explaining. He'd just write it all off as if being a social reject is an impossibility and that everyone actually likes you. Normie to the core.

I'm only speaking from experience. Ostracism has left me empty on the inside. I had no one to stand up against and tell them that "things will get better for me".
I had no motivation to improve, who was I trying to spite? Everybody, which is effectively the same as nobody.

Ostracism is like being bullied by everyone even your parents. It's knowing deep in your core that you are a terrible poor excuse of a human being and it's not just from one person telling you this it's the truth.

Having been on both ends, I prefer being ostracized. Ostracism can be much more damaging, though. Bullied individuals have a chance at having a friend or two.
>tfw develop major resting bitch face so as to keep bullies away
>tfw no one has struck up a conversation with me since

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>resting bitch face

Fuck off roastie whore, you've experienced neither and have no idea what real bullying or ostracism are

>men can't have a resting bitch face
Just look on Kanye.

Well, i got a bit of bullying in middle to early high school years for being too small and a nerd and all it has done to me was make me more bitter and angry toward other people, then when i lost my friends dude to them finding a gf i got even more isolated and it wasnt worse than the middle school years, in my opinion. Uni life is more of them same desu.

A man wouldn't expect random people to ever strike up conversations.

if you are being bullied then you have already been octrasized from society.

Ostracism involves everybody avoiding you, depriving you of any social contact. That's not the case with bullying, which you can expect at least the tiniest amount of support (before you enter the workplace).

I put on a psycho face too senior year of hs and college before I dropped out to keep anyone from fucking with me, seemed to work for the most part no one came near me

>exclusion, by general consent, from social acceptance, privileges, friendship, etc.
Some losers form groups.I have seen this happen when i used to go to school.

Also it's kinda funny you mention tiniest support because back when i was first bullied and throughout my entire life whenever i was bullied everyone turned a blind eye(normies love to feel superior since that's the way they measure themselves in the social hierarchy.)

Social ostracization is far worse
If a bully wants to beat the shit out of you, you can defend your honor by maning the fuck up and fighting back, if you get socially ostracized you can do nothing but wallow in your own misery and realize that everyone is smiling while you do it

You cant keep your pride when being ostracized
You can keep your pride when someone beats the shit out of you

Bullying. It leads to self ostracism anyways and avoiding the world

>some losers form groups
I was in one of those loser groups, I thought I was safe, but even then I could only tag along and exist within that group rather than participating in anything meaningful.