It's another episode of user

It's another episode of user
wants /to go to Africa/ and never return.
Wat when get these feels

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Jerk it till you are content?

Ive jerked it too many times by now.
jerking is only temporary

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well.....what do you imagine yourself being up to in africa?

Why Africa even? Isnt like black and shit

What is the point of going to Africa?

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And being free from degeneracy
I'd live out the rest of my days there
Its either there or some place tropical
possible SA or even south us

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Ride it out until you wonder why you wanted to go to Africa in the first place, then repeat.

> What is the point of going to Africa?
To get away from this techno world
of 4g/5g, transhumanism, robotics
A.I, negativaty, madness etc
Also.its pretty authoritarian liberal atp

> black and shit
You cremes sure are a riot

Sounds like a plan, OP. I feel very similarly and want to move to a LCOL country soon to be NEET.
What steps have you taken to move this forward?

I haven't done shit atm its just a
Its funny that Ive been here all my life
Going there would be great
And possiblely.......never return

> Ride it out
I could in the mad mad world.
Its too complex and ultra authoritarian

Yeah no. You'll suffer from a shitload of diseases and parasites and get either murder-torture-raped by some feral noggers forced to join some militia and then get murder-torture-raped.

how easy would it be to get a thicc harem in africa?

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>Become Mormon
>Go on mission to Uganda
>Lie about what's in the book of Mormon to convince the African natives to convert and tell them about the promised land known as Salt Lake City
>Get the chief's daughter to fall in love with the concept Salt Lake City and by extension you
>Arrange a Mormon recital for the Ugandan village to show the president of the church how great you are
>Make the LDS church hate you because you told the Africans that Mormonism is about AIDS and Boba Fett
>Decide you don't need the church and live happily ever after in the shitty Ugandan village with qt African gf
>Sing a few songs

JEEEEEEEEZ user sounds like some
Either that or fed shit.
You people just cant see someone shinning
That you'd deliberaty fuck up any place I go.
Its not even fair you fucks have all the connects!!!!
You'll lie your way into ruining any place I go.
Fuckers just cant see a brother shinning

No time like the present to get things started. Watch "Jerry Brown Travels" and "Charles Cather" on youtube, highly recommended for inspiration on taking action. Lots of talk about how to move and live in a LCOL country.

I'm in the planning stages for this, and there's a lot of options out there

Even Africa has Chad/Tyrone
It would be hard unless you are 6'0
and beat women up like hot cakes

That sounds like a great movie. hahahahahaha. But no

Keep your head up bro. They after you cause you a real one. Don't forget yourself. Know yourself. Every lie they throw is distraction

i got them, i did it, not to afrika, but almost. Im happy with my choice.

Dude, thats fucking awesome. Some one should do it.

Congrats man! Only problem with remote places is it's less secure. It would be easy to be killed in a chaotic place. only downside

>Live in US, get shoot
>go to UK, get raped and stab
>go to europe, get rekt by a gyppo or arab
>go to china, get rekt by any machinery around you
>go to latin america, get machete`ed

You are going to die anyway user, just pick the place where dying is worth it.

>and beat women up like hot cakes
Damn I guess r9k was right. Being physically abusive is a Chad trait

That's true. Though Africa is a better option because I don't have to be around with degenerates

Africa is degenerate as fuck... do a fucking research bro. Also, a shit ton of aids.

Embrace the central america madness and enjoy the whores that nature provide.

Then what else user? I'm tired of you guys shitting on Africa. What other places would I pick? Europe?
I've been close to Denmark (won't go into detail). But I feel it would be similar to here.

You have to think logically for a second here. There are personal and impersonal reasons/questions for why a person would pick any place.
The Personal
[What does this place offer ME, as an individual]
- Is it the scenery ?
- is it the people ?
- is it the laws ?
- is it the culture ?
Would these people welcome me or not? ( again a question relating to the personal)
You can't ignore the interests of the personal. Ignoring this would miss out on any reason a person would move somewhere.
You yourself would be the one lacking reasoning if you did not regard the individual's interests.

The Impersonal
- what is it about this place, that I would want to go there?
- what would going there do for relatives or friends?
- what would me going there accomplish for society?
The impersonal is less important but also adds to reason of going to a place (or any place)

So that's my response to any user that would bring Europe into the conversation

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should have went to Denmark faggot

LMAO nice try. I won't be speaking to a pleb here about my life in detail. And you're right. But I feel it would be similar to here

That poster is talking about Central America, not Europe. But I'd also add Mexico and South America too. A few years ago, the hot new place for ex-pats was Ecuador. In addition to my previous post about youtube, also check out the "HoboTraveler" channel, this guy has been all around the world, it's really informative.

I've made this thread a couple of times. And they usually bring up a Euro country. As it were the pinnacle of humanity and other areas might as well be desert or antartica
Also I'm not sure about having long stays in some Latin American countries.

Africa is the shittiest continent you could choose, and that includes Antarctica.

I'd go to northern africa.

The biggest hazard I'd be concerned about is disease. You'd have to really take some heavy medications to ensure you're protected against the jungle/swamp stuff. But as long as you do, you should be ok.

But from a cost perspective, you could also go into Ukraine or the Balkans. The costs there are super-low and when I was near that area, I did like the food. It was very hearty.

But if you did go to Africa, where exactly would you go? That's a pretty big place.

One user told me about Tangier morrocco. I might check it out

> t. sissy soyboy cuckboy numale that hasn't left his house in months.
Sometimes you just gotta be ready out there. you feel me?

I was there for awhile, I don't miss it that much. I'm sure there's nice parts though.

which part were you in? How could you not miss it? it's one of the most beautiful places

i dont want to go to modern day africa but i was i was a character in an allan quartermain novel

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good plan except you dont get to choose where you go on a mission. they just pick somewhere by asking god or something

Lagos and around thereabouts. It can be beautiful but there's places that are dumps, and people that are unpleasant.

>spewing buzzwords and platitudes
just b yurself you'll make it: ;^)