Drugs/Alcohol Thread

How does Jow Forums escape the world's tight grip?

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gonna try weed and xanax soon. any advice for a fellow robot?

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Mediocre album

just be chill before you use either of them, if you haven't used before you might get overwhelmed easily

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fucking trash

I stay sober. I don't deserve escape.

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get really fuckin baked on weed and listen to alan watts


I just rolled on some mdma yesterday. Pretty comfy desu, aside from the strong come up.

>no idea how to get drugs


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Unless I want weed or pills, my only option for dmt and mdma and the like is the darknet. Its cheap and safer than buying from a dealer.

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how long you been at it for man? stuff like heroin feels too strong for me, stuff like shrooms are more up my alley

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Weed and alcohol.
I've drank a bottle of whiskey every night for the past 14 days... well I think I had 2 days where I drank ale instead, and 1 day where I didn't drink at all because I was too hungover...

Basically I did the recycling a week ago and there's 4 empty whiskey bottles, one half full that I'm drinking now, and loads of empty ale bottles.
This is by far the worst my alcohol problems have ever been... I'm drinking a bottle of whiskey EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, and not even getting drunk... just drinking.
Smoking a joint every 3 hours or so too.

I drank around 19 pints of beer in a single day on Monday and I honestly feel like I have brain damage. I feel dumb as fuck and my whole perception of everything is just "off". Can't seem to shake it.

I've got some vaped weed left that I'm gonna roll into a joint tomorrow and smoke. Just chilling atm and riding my high.

snorting it for about 2 months

i like acid but it seems to lose more of its magic every time i do it

Everyone deserves a little relaxation time.

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I like to do shrooms, but I think they can never let you escape. In fact, it's the complete opposite. They force you to deal with all the shitty aspects of your life that you're suppressing, dismissing, rationalizing, etc. I've had a lot of extremely harsh, dreadful experiences like this, even been borderline suicidal.

Lucky for me, I've discovered Panaeolus Cyanescens. It's far less prone to negativity, and lets me fall in love with the mere concept of existence. Both times I've done them became the best experiences of my life, and made me feel like I was put here just to experience pure joy and gratefulness. They completely blow regular shrooms (Cubensis) out of the water. I thought I'd have to get my life together to enjoy tripping again, but that is not so with Panaeolus.

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Im crazy out of my... Fucking MIND....

On the weedle-dee-deed.. SEXUALLY... My fucking GOD HAHAHA oh my fucking Jesus! I'm absolutely fucked out of my tree on that God damn green fucking rich weedle-dee-deed my fucking doodly doods!

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You can't unsmoke weed, so do a teensy weensy baby hit the first time and wait for like ten minutes. If you smoke a whole joint by yourself you might get sick.

Jesus fucking christ!! I used to do this EVERY FUCKING NIGHT!! God I used to smoke pot and jack off all night long!!! All fucking night God damn it!! God fucking damn it you God damn faggot!! BEND OVER FAGGOT

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Tramadol, dxm, weed and videogames

I've tried shrooms and acid and DXM and used to smoke weed for a few years and also did valium for a few months.

Psychedelics are fun at first but get old and can be a bit too intense and long for me. Especially LSD.

DXM was fun the first time but the nausea was too much for me and made me feel awful later on.

Weed is the only one I don't mind sometimes but even that I've cut down on due to cost and how it causes anxiety and laziness sometimes.

i am addicted to kratom and vaping weed

>tfw buying some hash tomorrow

can hardly wait bros I'm drooling just thinking about it

>vaping weed
my nigga, what do you do with your already vaped weed? I like to roll it up into a joint then smoke it.

I used to vape weed but stopped cause it still makes me cough sometimes so idk how healthy it really is, and i was tired of always charging my vape

Edibles and Oil > Smoking

I flush it down the toilet. I would never smoke that shit you're better off eating it with peanut butter.

I cringe every time desu F A M

Hello mastodon poster

I dont really care for your thread, but I saw once more round the sun and thought I would pop in

Which is your fav album?

Crack the skye for me. I love the czar and oblivion. Trents got this way with his soloing, so sloppy and loose, but so precise and magical at the same time.

I think mastodon is like a newer led zep.

Yeah constantly charging the vape kinda sucks, but I look at it as a tradeoff for how convenient it is.
you could've gotten high on that user

Theres no turning back now user you either keep the train rolling or check into detox/rehab. Which trust me they both fucking suck especially the first week, I was in there for heroin for the most part. Ended up twice in rehab and lived in a sober home for 2 years, didnt work cause I still get high years later, smoking a joint as a write this. Its bad when you plan out your drugs usage in order to maximize the time your not in withdrawals.
>ok only got 2 bags left gotta save these for the morning
>do both of them after convincing yourself that getting more high now is better even though we all know those 2 bags arent gunna get me any high

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DXM with a bit of caffeine and then a bit of alcohol to fall asleep. all in moderation.

Happy to see another mastodon fan. Going to see them next month, imo:
Crack the Skye > Leviathan = Blood Mountain > Remission > Emperor of Sand = Once More Round the Sun > The Hunter

Blood Mountain was the first album of theirs I listened to back in 2008-ish

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i am okay the high is shitty

hey I was homeschooled too
Not my parents fault for my turning out an autist, though
I also have plenty of access to drugs now lmao

depends on the material desu if it's totally cooked then yeah the high will be shitty but if it's light brown to dark brown then there's still some good stuff left in that

>tramadol withdrawal

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Snorting for a few months oh user, do yourself a favor and stop while you can. Soon you'll be injecting a bundle a day just to feel normal.

Work. Drugs got old and I gave up just about everything when I kicked heroin. I'll occasionally drink and still smoke weed maybe one or twice a year under special circumstances but thats about it. At one point or another I've done just about everything under the sun other than crack, meth, pcp, and the weirder/newer research chems though. I do miss opiates sometimes still.

Speaking from experiance honesty I'd advise just to not get into drugs in the first place. Like OP said it's really just escapism. The "gateway" drug crap they teach in school isn't a meme but they don't teach the reality of why. The truth is being around drugs and drug users just exposes you to new and different things over time and often you'll be curious or it will seem appealing and the rabbit hole goes deep.
Eventually you have to stop unless it kills you along the way though and once that happens you'll find you've wasted years and years of your life doing nothing and thats best case scenario where you never get into legal trouble.

Oh and I also think it's worth mentioning to never listen to anyone who says psychedelics "cured" them of anything. They can be insightful and help you figure out issues when those issues are based in reality or your outlook but for people with real mental health issues, not normies who are vaguely discontent or just lacking in confidences a bit which they have self diagnosed as depression and anxiety, psychedelics are often a shortcut straight to a full psychotic break. You don't want that shit.

Also fucking love kratom everyday

even light brown tastes like shit and didn't get me high smoking; not worth. The eating method gets me fucked up but I don't like the high that much.

anyone like CBD? i take the oil its pretty chill

Doesn't that shit eat at you if you go at it for too long?

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What he said. It's all downhill after you start.

How do you smoke your DMT? Asking for a friend.


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Tonight, the usual. Ketamine, xanax and weed. Maybe some kratom too idk
God i love ketamine so much
Stay away from xanax, it sneaks up on you and before you know it youre addicted. Oh and the withdrawal is the worst hell you could imagine
t. Xanax addict
You got internet senpai thats all ya need
Why not both tho? But yee dnm mdma is way safer.
Im jelly af
What the fuck thats an awful combo. Ouch
Its not easy at all. I tried about 5 different methods and burned through almost a gram before i got it. I used the machine. No luck with the weed sandwhich method, various vaporizers, meth pipes and more. Just build the machine it works great.

how to buy ketamine? I want to use it but have no Idea how to acquire any

I'm a low-level alcoholic. I've found my greatest relief, though, in actively applying Christian (traditionalist/nondenominational, Gospel-based) philosophy to my life.
Did you know, you don't even have to believe in Heaven for it to greatly reward you? A Christian philosophy, well and faithfully applied and particularly when strengthened by hardship, can greatly improve your life and happiness.

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I had a roller coaster of a fucking night a week and half ago. I decided that I was going to take it easy on the booze for a bit before i officially turn 21 later this month. But god damn man I haven't had sip since then and I'm doing okay right now but sometimes my anxiety and depression just creeps up out of nowhere at random parts of the day man. I can't wait until I can buy this shit legally but even then I feel like I might just go overboard like I have before. Fuck it.

Usually weed/alcohol and very rarely mdma nowadays. Mdma is fantastic for giving me a fleeting release from intense social anxiety but it's a little depressing if I don't have people to do it with. I used to do a lot of psychedelics but the more I did them the higher chance I had of having a bad trip.

Like i said, internet.
The only time i ever got any k off the street it was blue, rocky af, underweight and it barely did anything. Get some nice S-isomer ket from europe tho and youre set
Iktf pham

you post the song and the drug it reminds you of that is it



Did a bunch of synth all week and snorted some Valium last night. Just gonna stick to beer tonight then go sober for the weekend