Where do we find shy, loner girls? They are our only hope of getting a gf

Where do we find shy, loner girls? They are our only hope of getting a gf.

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>Where do we find shy, loner girls?
On Chad's cock.

They don't want us either user, they'd rather become forever single cat ladies than talk to us

at their home

I'm only interested in girls like this

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So how do we meet them? Dating websites or what?

Women have millions of options on dating sites, why would any of them even shy loners pick us.

Maybe they want someone they can relate to?

They're not on dating sites because they're either ugly or insecure. And I'm not talking about the fatties that 'deserve a real man' here, those girls are neither shy nor loners.

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You originally don't. Simple as that.

Do we meet them in college classes then??

Yes. But the problem is indeed that they're usually very shy. For example I had this qt in one of my classes once and she sat alone every single day, never talked to anyone. Of course I was the same and was too autistic to actually approach her (which I now regret).

She probably had a social life outside of class user

> where do we find shy, loner girls?

shooting up kiketube

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Robots refuse to lower their standards and date a 2/10 faced flat chested fembot. They'd rather chase after someone way out of their league

There are no loner girls. All you can do is take control of your life, find a young girl, take out the orbiters, and go from there.

Reminder not to date a girl with male friends.

Everyone has one outside of class. But I could just tell she probably only interacted with her close family.

Take out her orbiters you say?

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They never leave their homes so dont expect them to be on normie places.

>Everyone has one outside of class

Not us robots. WTF

>2/10 faced flat chested fembot.

Give me on RIGHT NOW please

Yeah, all my friends ghosted me. idk what that nigger is talking about.

In that context by 'social life' I meant only being social with your own family desu

>Give me on RIGHT NOW please

Hi. You're talking to one.

shitposting in your irelevent thread to test something

r9k unironically op.
gl getting her to be close to where you live.

Okay, you're my gf now. How's Friday for our date?

True. I've met a few here and they're all from the fucking Mongolian Empire of Finland or some shit.

The Mongols never went into Finland.

>imagine being this dense

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Sorry. I'm not interesting in dating a guy with no social life. I'm hoping to find a sociable guy who I can live through vicariously.

Woah woah woah user. Take several steps back. Let's do a basic rundown of our ourselves (age, location, height/weight) before we commit on anything.

Okay, but just know that robots will take any women. The real reason we're alone is cause no women would ever want to spend time with us. Disproving your initial post about robots not lowering their standards

>Los Angeles

Is that task better than having a waifu? Getting a waifu is guaranteed to work out well, so long as you improve your mindset and attitude, and she's your perfect girl so it's worth the effort.

That's my fembot fuck off REEEEEEE

That's not me, it's a larper

300lbs, New York, 5'5, Hispanic. What about you bby?

Tall, slim, white guy vs short, obese beaner. I wonder who will win.

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that's why they're shy loners user, you can't find them.
you're better off working on your appearance and coming off as more attractive to normies.
>start giving a fuck about my looks a year ago
>throw away all of my clothes that don't fit right
>buy things that I think look cool while following basic common sense like "don't wear autistic assassins creed hoodies"
>after about a year of messing around with different hairdos and looks I settle on something that works
>womemes now think I'm cute
>have had 9/10 literal models crush on me
>deep inside I'm still the weirdo who is afraid to talk to a girl who already likes me
If I could do it then so can you. looks can't compensate for our inner autism though so expect some bumps along the way, chances are you'll mess up somehow before getting a hand on this whole dating thing. (i still haven't)

>230 Ibs

>240 Pounds
>8 inch penis

Well, out of all the people who gave me their description, the slim white guy seems to be to the one that's closest to my location (it's a 2 hour drive just from his city to mine)... however, I still go with none, and there's a very good reason why now that I'm reflecting back on it.

>and there's a very good reason why now that I'm reflecting back on it.
Care to elaborate?

>and there's a very good reason why now that I'm reflecting back on it.

And why is that? Becuase robots are unlovable and lowering our already rock bottom standards will not help.

try being short fag, im hopeless no matter what. nothing i do will ever make me happy, im a genetic abomination

Hello weev. Hows it going? Still starving in Eastern Europe?

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There are ugly motherfuckers who get mad pussy dude, that's no excuse. Being short isn't even that bad, I have a short friend who has had cute girls after him before.


I found one.


No he's fucking short dude, and this is a country where the average male height is like 5 foot 8