I fucking hate cops

I'm not even a blackbot but 99 percent of my encounters with police have been absolutely horrible. Cops are bullies with a badge and a gun who will do whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want and they know they can get away with it.

Many cops are former high school jocks who grow up to be complete nobodies in the real world, so they join the police force to regain that sense of importance and power over people in subordinate positions. Those guys are bad enough but what's even worse is the fucking loser the jocks used to pick on who becomes a cop because he's never been respected a day in his miserable life, least of all by himself. That's the guy who's not just an asshole but an unstable psycho just waiting to kill someone. That's Philip Brailsford, in fact.

There's another type of asshole cop that doesn't get talked about enough and that's the douchebag minority cop with a chip on his shoulder. It's even worse when it's a female minority because now she really has something to prove. The galling thing is that we're supposed to believe that they're feminist heroes who prove that women can do anything men can do. Well, if by that you mean act like a complete frothing asshole, you're right. But have you actually seen a video of a woman trying to wrestle with a male suspect? They're usually lucky to escape with their lives.

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How about not breaking the law, retard.

So you're basically admitting you're a faggot?

I agree but what are ya gonna do about it?

I have literally never had a bad encounter with a police officer. Even those who are on edge and yelled at me and pulled me over for nothing, they turned into reasonable people if you just treat them with respect and not mouth off like a little douche.

Haha nice bait faggot. If anyone wants to know the truth about cops, let me know.

~a real cop

>have you actually seen a video of a woman trying to wrestle with a male suspect? They're usually lucky to escape with their lives.
Case in point:

The media tried to put a positive spin on this and turn it into a feel good story about the community coming together to beat up a troublesome nignog but look at how fucking pathetic this dyke is in her attempts to grapple with the suspect. She throws HERSELF to the ground multiple times while not coming close to getting an arm drag takedown on the criminal. If she didn't have a group of bystanders there to rescue her, she might have really been in trouble when the suspect ran out of patience.

Wow and just like that there was never a problem with police again

>get pulled over by the police
>not involved in anything illegal
>not an ass to the cop
>everything goes a-ok
zoo wee mama

It's good to hate cops and love cops
Everything needs balance

I don't break the law. And I certainly don't mouth off to cops or give them attitude. They're insane and violent enough without me goading them on.

I've literally been walking down the street in my own neighborhood when a cop pulls up, puts one hand on his gun and screams at me "FREEZE! SHOW ME YOUR ID! KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!"

The funny thing is that those two orders directly contradict one another. If you actually reach for your ID, as commanded, you'll likely be shot for "reaching into your pockets." But cops are actually dumb enough to shout those orders at a civilian minding his own business, not breaking any laws.

>Even those who are on edge and yelled at me and pulled me over for nothing, they turned into reasonable people if you just treat them with respect and not mouth off like a little douche.
Those cops are enormous faggots and you're a sad, pathetic cuck for standing up for them. Honestly, you're like a battered wife making excuses for her husband who beats her. Have some respect for yourself, douchebag.

I always offer to suck their dick and it goes a ok

i give no fucks. yea i dont give a shit i gib no fuks i dont give a shit

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Except they didn't beat me, they didn't even insult me, they did absolutely nothing negative to me other than waste my time for a half hour which is literally a better use of time than arguing with some underage muhhh smash the authoritarianship faggot like yourself.

>Except they didn't beat me, they didn't even insult me, they did absolutely nothing negative to me other than waste my time for a half hour
That's a half hour of your life you're not getting back because some faggot on a power trip decided to violate your rights. And you're too stupid or too cowed (or both) to even be outraged by it. How pathetic. You are a weak human being.

Obviously the only people who become cops are low iq types who want to have power over others.

That being said first world cops are way better than any other kind in history.

>dude fuck the police
Having this attitude past the age of 15 is really really embarrasing

feel you op. despise figures of authority in general

Found the weak little cop calling faggot.
Fuck the police.

Found the 15 year old anarchist
go hop on your skateboard lil ass boy

>oh no a half hour i could have spent listening to blink 182 and smoking weed in my garage because my mom wont let me in my room anymore

Man I wish I was as simpleminded and young again like you

Where in china u from

Just get some sort of bumper sticker like pic related. If questioned just memorize something to say like you were with 1/5 Marines out of Camp Pendleton and you went into Sangin with them in 2011. I've literally been pulled over doing over 100 mph with multiple firearms and a bit of weed in my car but the cops didnt even search me or ticket me and let me go with a warning because of my bumper sticker.

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This shit doesn't work anymore. As of 2 years ago, all 50 states now have a veteran status indicator included on driver licenses. If you try this without a veteran stamped drivers license you'll probably just piss the cops off even more. If you're still relying on this strategy you are playing with fate.

Attached: csaurtxukaiitvu_1_.jpg (600x378, 63K)

cops annoy law abiding cucks 24/7 watch a cops show

doing good for the image bud

What? Anarchists are faggots and id murder my family to be 15 again. Cops are just donut munching homos.

I thought you sad sacks never go outside?

As long as you don't have an autistic screeching outburst in public cops don't give a shit about you. You should be happy they arrest criminals and assholes (who would happily steal and beat you to a pulp if cops were not around.)

>taking the bait
if there is a cop this dumb maybe we should just blow everything up and try again

That's crazy, it's the opposite for me. I'm a black and my encounters with the police have all been strangely benign. I've actually just been allowed to walk away multiple times by doing nothing.

I don't know what it is, it's like they just look into my eyes and this vaguely knowing expression just sweeps over their face before they sigh and move on. It's like they can sense that I'm a robot and have suffered enough.

>I'd murder my family to be 15 again
yep definetly a manchild

>I'm a black
they dont want to be "that guy"

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I love cops because they btfo black people everyday and I'm a law abiding white man that doesn't bother anyone.
If you hate the police you're probably a criminal.

Sounds like somebody got a speeding ticket recently.

Or, was it one of these?
>Underage Drinking
>Drug Possession
>Drunk Driving

I love that so many people think it's the civilian's job to not "mouth off" to a cop when they were just existing and the cop came to intervene vs the responsibility of the supposedly trained professional to not shout at and harass people who were just out living their lives. Y'all are some fucking idiots and bootlickers.

PS: Don't even bother responding, I won't read shit

First time I got pulled over I was baked as fuck with my bud like a foot from the cop, and he let me off for a dirty license plate cover. Second time I was speeding and the cop let me off because I didn't have a ticket and I figured the cop didn't want to be the first one to give me one. Any other time I've had to deal with cops, they've always been professional. I agree with female cops though, I've seen some in action while I was out and about and it seemed they were always straight up bitches.

Are you a sovereign citizen, OP?

Cops are trash, black people have known this for decades.

It's crazy because more whites die by cop than blacks but whites will shut down any black movement talking about police reform. The political class has cucked whites so hard that they will allow themselves to suffer if it means blacks suffer too. It's madness.

>The political class has cucked whites so hard that they will allow themselves to suffer if it means blacks suffer too
Did you copy this straight off tumblr?

I'm a pajeet and I've been pulled over twice. Both cops were extremely friendly. I had both my hands on the steering wheel at all times & remained calm and referred to them as sir, so maybe that helped.

>Sounds like somebody got a speeding ticket recently.
No, nor have I committed any of the other offenses you listed. In fact, I've never even received so much as a jaywalking ticket in my entire life. I'm not angry that I was breaking the law and got caught, I'm angry that I don't break the law and never have but have been fucked with by cops on a power trip innumerable times who then "let me off with a warning" just for existing.

I agree with you. I am always civil to the pigs, excessively so, because I have a rational fear that they may taser me or beat me within an inch of my life just for the fun of it if I say the wrong thing. God knows it's happened before. But what if I did have an attitude for once? That's not a crime but good luck if you mouth off to the wrong cop. You will absolutely be looking at a bullshit arrest for a made up crime at an absolute minimum and at worst, physical violence or death. And of course, if you attempt to defend yourself from their brutality, that only escalates the situation and gives them a justifiable excuse to commit homicide.

No, those guys are edgelords. The only thing I like about them is the fact that they occasionally shoot cops.

Same here honestly. I immediately pull over, shift into park, roll down the window and put my hands on top of the wheel and act calm and polite. 4 warnings 1 ticket and they've always been respectful.

I get the feeling that like 90% of cops are normal hard working guys and 10% dumb bullies. It happens and they try to weed those guys out but nothing is perfect.

I'm sure most cops are fine, I just keep getting dicks who feel like stopping me because I "look sketchy"
as a whole, cops mostly just ruin people's day, and people who suck blue dick make me sick

I'm a neet faggot so I rarely encounter the police but the few times I did back when I went to parties they couldn't do shit because my dads an ambassador so I have diplomatic immunity in most cases.

I don't even mind cops on an individual level, I just hate how their fucking unions feel the need to circle the wagons around literally every single corrupt piece of shit officer that gets caught doing something they shouldn't be doing. They are worse that blacks when it comes to that dindu nuthin shit. Additionally, I don't like how some of them play that "you don't know how much danger we face" card as if they're Marine grunts patrolling the worst bits of Afghanistan. Statistically, being a patrol officer is less dangerous than driving for Uber.

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iktf op. My neighbor is a cop and also a drug dealer and at least once a week other cops go to his house to get drugs. They bully everyone in sight, even my late grandma more than once. And it's not like you can call the police on them because they are the police. And the one time we told them to please be quiet because my grandma was literally dying at home they threatened to kill us.

The good thing is that I know my neighbor used to smoke 3 packs a day. Now I haven't seen him smoking in months and he's gained a lot of weight. Obviously, he's had to quit so he'll probably develop lung cancer if he hasn't already

Are you fuckin kidding me call the DEA on his ass, the feds would love to put that shitbag away


yeah, ive also never seen the entirety of India in my own eyes so that whole continent is just a myth

Being around drunk stupid people can be risky at times


I'm not from the US, sadly. The one law enforcement body I could call is just a bad since they are the ones who get most of the drugs into the country in the first place, as part of their duty is to guard the border

I live in a way where I never have to interact with them.
Don't even drive so they can't pull you over, which is the majority of cop interactions.

>Cop pulls me over
>Officer can I ask why you are stopping me?
>Show me your license and registration and i'll tell you.
>He somehow knew my registration was out of date but wouldn't say it

Wtf isn't this an unlawful stop? I got stopped a week before too for speeding and these fucks expect me to give them 400+ dollars? They should arrest themselves for being thieves.

Damn man, sorry to hear

I don't doubt it, but it seems odd that a guy pouring you a beer is more likely to be killed than a police officer

Sometimes the law must be broken in order to be free. I wonder if you're the type who thinks the law is perfect and is created for the good of every person under it?

The law is a cage, sometimes it protects you from the shark trying to get in, but then the law is twisted and exploited ensuring an innocent person can and will be fucked by the very same people who make it. Depends what the hot topic of the era is.