Give me a reason not to faggots

>I'm not fucking kidding

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dont b autistic

What's your reason for doing it?

>he can't even come up with something original as the last thing he ever does


Because you'll just be reincarnated anyway and have to go through this all over again because you didn't learn the lesson

Retards responding to low quality bait

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Livestream it you double negroid

bumping a thread that kills other gay shit is a high iq play, brianlet.

But no for real i'm tired of being alive, i might as well stream it. I want to see if god exist, and this seems like the best way to find out.

Gonna need a pic with the link and shotgun in frame to continue believing.

letting the (((jews))) take over your mind and make you kill yourself just no, don't do it man its not worth ;3 apotheosis here desu ne

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Is it bad my immediate reaction to that photo and message was laughter

you having fun?

Shuaiby reincarnate?

arent you that dude who always posts in /soc/ rate threads and complains about being incel

Are you the 23 year old guy who said he was going to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge?

I saw that thread. What a pussy.

Nah man

It's not a shot gun user

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>Give me a reason not to
You have a pretty cool hat.

New anime coming out next season seems promising.

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But for real guy's i'm kinda scared, maybe i could pay someone to do it?

Go in to a classroom, shoot the teacher, and tell the students if they get out of their seats they will be shot. Play games to see who gets to live. For example: choose someone and give them two options. 1) They die, or 2) five other people die. Do this until everybody has played and then do a second round to see who else gets to live. Repeat until one remains.

then dont do it you dumb fuck

clean your room faggot

>can't even be original with his own death

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So are you going to be waste our time or just do it faggot

that's where you'll be different, huh?
a hat and a rifle.

Lol i ain't doin shit faggots, keep jerkin it to your anime women losers

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If you do it all I ask is that you livestream it pls.

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>pepe hat
I don't have a reason for you user

Just do it you nigger

you have very nice eyes, user

It wasn't the GGB you brainlet

>those lips

Dont do it! Im pretty sure im responsible for a couple of peoples deaths on here so me telling you not to do it this time cancels those out, which is cool.

So yeah dont do it. Especially where your family can find you, come on man.

no amount of
>DONT DO IT user
posting will make up for your actions user. you know what you did and you will have to live with it every day for the rest of your life.

life can be good. you can do whatever you want with your life. anything is possible

I mean one time I fucked this one dudes gf and she wanted to be with me, so we went to his place together and took all of her shit out. He just looked shocked. I knew him sort of well but we were more friends back in high school.

Guy wound up hanging himself. I mean its sort of my fault but not really, he was sort of a bitch.

but it's not always worth living through the bad to get to the good

My famly just abuses me phisically and verbally.
I haven't enjoyed my life in 5 years, and it's gotten no better. Guy's I'm scared, but i want to do this just help me work up the will.
That kid from the origional video took the smart way out, and i want to do the same.

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Stop fucking around OP, go get drunk instead or something

>couple of peoples deaths on here
>fucked this one dudes gf


Do you want to die in your skinny fat pasty body? Start working out, death can wait.

I mean fucking hell man I dont even have a game console, im pretty sure that blue light is a game console power button. Just play Skyrim and get super high.

Don't become a corpse someone has to clean up. Wear it out first. Seriously you look young fuck off life has been too easy for you. Too much time in that stupid noggin of yours

Not only are you attentionwhoring faggot but you're choosing the fucking worst person to emulate. You really want to shoot yourself in the head with a rainbow mask on because an underage Discordfaggot with absolutely shit tastes in everything did it.

On second thought, if you respected him enough to want to copy him you're probably the same kind of cancer. Kys yourself for real

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Nah memes aside i'm trolling guy's, and that kid who blasted himself was a faggot.
I masturbated to the crying of his mother discovering the corpse, unironically.
God bless you faggots

user!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!

Once you are dead, NOTHING will matter anymore. Life is only percieved through ONE perspective, so even though someone has to clean up the mess and people might miss you, it doesn't matter. Those are bad things, yes, but none of that badness can ever reach you after you die. Once you die, ALL problems are solved. ALL badness is gone. Forever.

do it pussy, you wont. FAGG

This sure is an original response that no one has ever said or heard before OP, maybe you should listen to this pure wisdom of truth.

timestamp with gun and mask or gtfo

god likes you become christian and shiett its as easy as this lmao

Please don't, who knows what awesome stuff you could do.

Give them a call

Or chat.

fucking do it already faggot

fuck off you absolute newfag

satan will love him more.


You play vidya user? Hmu if you have steam don't be gay and peace out this early, you can still do cool stuff and then go on to the unknown with some stuff you did behind you.

implying the suicide prevention actually cares about someone killing themselves. this place only exists to get money from the gov.


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pls kekekekekill you're self.

I actually called them once and the guy sounded like he didn't give a shit. Hung up on me it was kidna funny.

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>I want to see if god exist, and this seems like the best way to find out.

People who commit suicide go either to hell or purgatory, if you even consider the possibility of god existing I would recommend against it.

lol, what the fuck is the point of volunteering if you dgaf

thats what catholics believe

>please stay on the line
>what is your name and location
>keep talking to me, tell me what happened
>stay on the line
>someone is on their way now


and that was the story of how user an heroed by cop

Mutt eyes

God I fucking hate this. I know it too

>being retarded
it really sucks you fags wont kill yourselves

Yes, and aside from maybe orthodoxy catholicism is the only valid christianity.

just go to school and setup a POV stream, we are waiting

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back in reality though, it's the story of how user got his life flipped turned upside down and lost his dignity and sense of self from inhumane laws about ending one's own life.

Imagine being so lazy and pathetic that you decide to off yourself just because you are "tired" of living.

>just go to school and setup a POV stream, we are waiting
when the fuck is this going to happen? It's bound to happen sooner or later right? I'm not saying I want kids to die but if youre going to, livestream it.

I want to see a school shooters pov

i can't blame you for that. if i had a gun back then i probably would have one of those really dark times. there was a long time where drugs kept me alive. but healing is possible, and there's something special here for everyone, i honestly believe that. i hope you don't do it, and i hope things get better for you and you stick around. i don't talk to my family either, but you don't need to do that to be happy.

Please livestream


I like this image, im keeping it.

Go to bed faggots lol
Btw i love all yall robts

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>implying the jews dont want to keep you alive so you can continue to provide them with shekels
Oy vey

shoot yourself pls

> want to see if god exist, and this seems like the best way to find out.
better overdose on pills or some shit, die and come back. Also people survive gunshots some times but their face is now completely multilated which makes your life even worse. I think if my life gets completely disastrous I might do it too out of curiosity

there's no hell you faggot

You been in a relationship?

This will happen to you

New-age believes are pure autism.

just play the guitar

you can do whatever you want to do
what's on the other side is so wonderful that youll cry
i'd die for it

Greentext your story? At least what led you to now?
inb4 orig

I ain't khv user, but honestly i kinda don't like women. The ones at my work, and school are all pretty stupid.

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You suck. I was hoping to convince you to go to the worst neighborhood in your area and start killing thugs. Best an hero scenario because you help those you leave behind with a tiny bit better world.

What do you need to make your life better, what should you do or have to do to make that happen?
send me a DM to [email protected] and if you need financial or emotional help I will do what I can to save this community from toxic events that happened before.

Honestly if you're beyond salvation just do it, but you really need to give me good reasons to kill yourlself, have you ever had a gf before? had women feeling disgusting when you're near them? they try to avoid you? are you race-mixed? had you ever been bullied? are you ugly? autistic? have some kind of mental illness? are you a dicklet? you suffer from social anxiety?

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>try to kill yourself, but fail
>they fix your face
>"yay! you're alive! here's $100,000 in medical bills!"
Just make sure you don't miss, OP.

Put all the furniture you can in front of your door/window to prevent people from rescuing you so you can bleed out before they can get to you.

Where did you get the Pepe hat?

the faggot store obv

Good luck brother. I hope you can find peace in death. Just know that people will care and cry and grief when you're gone. If you're not prepared for that, then don't follow through. Goodbye, friend.

Ask your family and your friends. See what they say.

Also: 1 (800) 273-8255