How did he do it Jow Forums? He's like a 3/10

How did he do it Jow Forums? He's like a 3/10.

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Religion or she already has Chad's kids and he is raising them

ill tell you...

he's white

He was a nice guy.
Everyone isn't shallow, at least I hope not.

1 reason. He is not fucked up

Have I been indoctrinated to believe the propaganda robots keep saying?

He's probably locked down a well paying stem job and she's about to hit the wall.


MAYBE he has a huge dick a huge wallet a nice presonality... i dont know, there are many things that can help you get a woman.
no matter what the faggots on this board belive..

Attached: mexigirl.jpg (500x624, 98K)

Beta bux. Every single non-Chad male on earth with a girlfriend/wife is one.

By having a good personality that she fell in love with

He looks Jewish, he's probably rich.

christ look at that fucking potato nose its ridiculous

He has a big brain
He's obviously been absorbing hers

She's 30+ and those eggs are about to expire. Also as women get older their sex drive actually increases and it's easier to fuck ugly guys. 30 something and 40 something women will fuck ugly rich guys.

She's pretty ugly too.

He's tall and probably is doing well for himself

She looks 25 to me.

no that's 30+. 25 year olds don't have that "i still use facebook" look

>that "i still use facebook" look
what does this mean?

He's not, he's pretty clearly Jewish. Which basically means arranged marriage.

They were masters students in the same program is my guess.
He listens to her bullshit

Jews unironically have it easier than chads

most white guys these days are either gay or love cartoons too much. literally anyone can get a roastie.