>my first time posting on a different bord
>the whole bord is retarded shitpost threads
>make a thread
>mods delete it in less than 2 minutes
Im a loser even on Jow Forums
My first time posting on a different bord
You have bad taste in boards.
they're one of the most elitist boards, lurk before posting. That being said its one of the few boards that isnt invaded by Jow Forumstards. So if you actually like anime I'd keep browsing
Pick two user. Elitism is Jow Forumstard incarnate. Fick off.
you're not a loser, you're one of the cool kids
deleting your thread means they like you, it's one of those cheeky bonding things like when sports guys touch each other's butts
/a/ is trash m8
don't worry about it
Except he's right, mr devil dumbass. /a/ is possibly even more elitist than Jow Forums. If you aren't exactly like them and so in the know regarding all their inside jokes and banter, they jump right down your fucking throat.
That board is weapons grade autism.
Is your pic implying the board is soyboy normie cuck reddit cultism? Id be glad if it does. Fuck those pansies. Ill stick with r9k and s4s then
Nah I just posted that pic as another, more familiar form of autism. /a/utists can be way worse than your typical reddit normie soy boy.
is Jow Forums even monitored tho?
its absolutely nothing but trolling and shill threads
there is maybe 0.000000000000000001% political discourse amidst the shit posting
It's really just an echo chamber for schizophrenic right-wing Christian conspiracy-theorists with persecution complexes. Sometimes they have some interesting shit in there, but most of the time it's pathetic.
You're unironically jewish or an edgy fedora if you think Jow Forums is right wing christian zionism besides the endless shitposting
>immediately makes jewish, edgy and fedora comment
A disproportionate amount of it is trolling, however I absolutely believe that those people believe most of what they're saying. They say racist shit to annoy people, sure, but I'm not convinced that the quantity of it doesn't correlate with their actual beliefs.
Kek I got a 3 day ban from /a/ for saying the word jap
>y-you're just a kike atheist!
Now now.
>r/jdif shows up right on cue
Funny. Persecution complex. Racist. Echo chamber. Very very jewish.
Redditor spotted
Sure we use the word nigger a lot, but 6 percent of the population is still responsible for half the murders in the country
I got a 1 day ban for saying Black people aren't human in a dying shitpost thread on /v/ once.
niga how tf is pol real
like nigga jus close your eyes
>Jow Forumsack shows up right on cue to accuse anyone who criticizes Jow Forums of being a jew or a shill
>perfectly validating what I said about them having persecution complexes
And this from someone who actually is at least a little distrusting of the fact that almost the entire media is run by jews. Even broken watches are right twice a day.
>im at least a little distrusting like you, goy!
Tell us about le 1% again rabbi and the evil white supremacy. How many jews died?
lol persecution complex comes out again
>cartoon frog
>anti semetic
The absolute state of talmudism
wut? this type of nonsense is what I'm talking about...
ignorant retard
Oy vey nice quads
Literally the number of jews gassed everyday
i guess anime is last defense against Jow Forumsposting
Jow Forumsack here. I post there, too.
See how these retarded closet cucks come out of the woodworks when you start bashing their bullshit? I'm inclined to watch CNN now just to spite these fags.
If you like anime, /a/ is not the place for you. neither is any other community.
more weeb pepes please
Lol way to protect r9k from racist there guy