anyone else here just fucking hate nonwhites????
Anyone else here just fucking hate nonwhites????
Other urls found in this thread:
As a nonwhite I hope I'm helping by not having children
no, not really
now fuck off back to Walmart
good on you for doing your part
i know i do. white people are so cool.
It's OP
ok Tyrone put donw the burger
what does his dad do?
I don't hate them. I just think they should stay the fuck away from white communities.
Conflict always is greater in heterogeneous societies.
I don't HATE them, I just don't think we should live together.
Than go back to your original piece of land, white boy, we've been here far longer than you
> American native
If we actually left you'd all starve to death within a year
I'm Australian, not American.
But I do feel somewhat differently about indigenous peoples in our countries, while we still aren't completely compatible, I have no desire to expel them.
Their population simply isn't big enough to be nearly as much of a problem as other immigrants.
I tend to look at "ownership" of the land by who has better utilised it, not who has existed on it for the longest period of time.
us coming to rape your women was the best thing that ever happened to you people, if not for us you'd all be dead by now, or worse, in the state of africa
You would all die.
who the fuck is going to play at your god damn casinos.
You mean depleted its natural resources and poluted it with the scourge you call urbanization?
I believe neolithic natives living in harmony with nature utilized it thousands of times better than Europeans colonizers. The colonizers, however, had something that the natives couldn't possibly fight against. Gun powder.
> The pre Colombian civilizations
> Better off with colonization
The Americas werent africa. Its natives build civilizations that equaled Egyptians in architecture and topped them in astronomy. Only god knows what they would have achieved if they hadn't been exterminated by a civilization with superior weapons.
>literrally worshipping a Abrahamic god
hahaha biggest cuck race ever
>living in harmony with nature
Oh come off it.
The only reason natives didn't completely trash the entire continents they were on was because they lacked the technology to do so, and their way of limiting limited their population.
It wasn't some kind of noble custodianship.
For a brief moment I always forget that Egypt is in Africa. It's history is so dissonant with the rest of the continent. For example, the three great American civilizations, Incas Maias and Aztecs, they had many similarities although separated by continental distances and centuries. Egypt however... It stands alone as the jewel of Africa, with no other match in the continent, no other civilization as advanced and as splendid... Capable of wonders hardly imaginable in this very day and age like the pyramids...
Oh , Egypt... What would be of the world today if you had been a dominating empire for longer...
>its a race war thread
I hate non castizos
I thought the "1488" thing had nothing to do with racism. Just the preservation of whites.
> caring about the vanity of race
I can understand culture if you're from a traditionalistic community and want to preserve the ways of old.
But if you're from a modern cosmopolitan/metropolitan secular environment... Entirely shaped by capitalism... And if by race you care mostly and specially about fucking phenotypical aspects...
Is there a more spot on mark of the lesser mind than such prejudice?
the 14 doesn't necessarily but the 88 stands for heil hitler
>its a white people baiting non white and selfing hate white people thread
>white is a race
lol natsoc is not about hating other races
its just the edgybois that ruins it
>natsoc is not about hating other races
If you include Adolph Hitler in the edgy boys group than you could have a point.
One of the angular stones of the ideology is hatred for a race.
> It isn't what it used to be
So don't call it what it used to be called.
The German army had better respect and integration for non-white soldiers than Allied armies did.
id say racism wasnt part of the ideology but racism did exist
That's such circular logic it hurts
> People act with prejudice towards different races
> Prejudice escalates to conflict
> It only happens where different races collide
Yes but that's not why it happens. Why there's the prejudice and hate in the first place? Why the lack of harmony? It's like saying gays are bad because they are hated everywhere in the world, but why? Because they are bad. And why are they bad? Because they are hated. See? Circular logic, an argumentative ouroboros all the way
> Diversity is bad because people fight in it
> But why people fight in diversity?
> Because it's bad
> Why?
> Because people fight in it
And put jews, blacks and gypsies in concentration camps. Your point?
The absolute state of education.
The absolute state of personal strenght...
It's goddamn national socialism. How in the FUCK is racism not a part of it? It is. You are either super ignorant about your own supposed ideology OR, more likely, a COWARD. I see this in the right wing today, everyone is afraid to say what they really think, they use dubblespeak and sneak around with it and giggle at their own craftiness for fooling everyone. But you are fooling NOBODY and acting like a FUCKING JEW.
Not really, but when I'm at the mall I do get sick of their ugliness after a while. When I meet them one on one I try to be neutral and treat them with respect if they do the same with me.
wew lad
never go full retard
i'm a non white in a predominantly white country so there's a chance i'll pollute your gene pool
stay mad whiteboy
Have fun but make sure to enjoy the day of the rope.
I swear to you. There was a time when Jow Forums wasn't a neonazi central. I think this huge shift in the second decade of the century was one of the reasons moot left.
I mean, there was nazi posting? Yes. But it was so more chaotic. There was a heterogeneous amount of many ideologies, specially anarchy, all equal in their shitposting. Nowadays...
I saw a thread asking for "movies about communism" in tv the other day... The shit turned into a nazi festival in the blink of an eye. There's a constant, like, constant influx of nazi propaganda on wsg, 5, 6, 7, 8 threads at a time, all bump limited with dumpings and dumpings, no one ever slightly complaining about how weird it is... And there's one little left inclined thread, or anything else usually associated with left, atheism, gays, feminism, and BAM, it becomes a nazi thread all over again.
Pol has become literally a registered neo nazi website and it leaked into the entirety of this place. It's bizarre. It's bizarre and no one says anything about it.
I hate the presence of nonwhites in white countries, there is a difference.
They deserved it.
>what was the internment of German, Italian, and Japanese citizens
Let's also not forget the invasion of Iran by the UK and USSR, because the Shah dared to not expel or imprison Germans in his country.
Neo-Nazism is not NatSoc, it's just a bunch of edgy larpers who dress up in all black and act like total degenerates.
considering it's a predominantly white people website everyone wants to be a nazi.
The natives also hated the presence of whites in their then non white countries when they invaded and ravaged it.
I hope the European descendents suffer greatly for the atrocities your forefathers did with us, the original truly Americans. I hope you pay with blood for every sin. I hope islam destroy your nations like you destroyed ours. I hope your genes get diluted and outnumbered like ours did. And when you're finished, the muslims can all kill each other like they usually do with so little incentive, and Europe can become a cosmic wasteland filled with war and chaos like the Arabic peninsula. The natives will have their revenge. My ancestors will be paid. The pale faces will be terminated. We will have the last stand in our land, our continent.
I remember when there was a global rule against Jow Forums posting on other boards...
But yeah I've been of Jow Forums for a long ass time. Still a cool place in many ways but GOD DAMN the nazi stuff is tiresome. Do these guys have anything else going for them? I mean other insterests, hobbies, beliefs, etc. or does their entire being revolve around them being a nazi?
blame the traffic doubling after mobile browsing was supported. someone has to shoo these fucking phoneposters away. if pretending to be nazis is what can accomplish this, then I don't care. just get these new faggots off the website. obviously gore and CP like in the good ole days would achieve this quicker but that's a bit riskier
>original truly Americans
Sorry, but the indigenous peoples that dominated North America were not "true" Americans. Americans are the inhabitants of the US, a country that was established by Europeans and their descendants, not the Injun.
What's wrong with his post?
>Inb4 muh fee fees/muh ancestors
normies are coming and staying all your efforts are in vain and just making this entire website boring and stale
Back to your containment board, Aethwulf
You think Jow Forums pushed newbies and newfaggots away? Bitch what was the 2016 election? If anything it attracted people to this place, and not the type you'd like: teenagers. Edgy teenagers. Remember back in school there was always a kid fascinated with Goebbels propaganda... Well apparently tbere are thousands of them and they chose Jow Forums to gather around. Anonymity is to blame. Ultimate freedom of speech, ultimate freedom of consequences for what is said.
The sad thing is that nothing can be done. It became greater than itself. Any contention tactic will be subverted. Censorship would only add fuel to the flame. All we can do is wait for the great pendulum of political spectrum to switch a full turn, like it did in past decades where every fucking youngster was a communist. And so goes history
As long as they just lurk, there isn't really a problem
No that if I could, I would strangle you with my Ethernet cable, so no lie could ever come out of your filthy putrid mouth ever again
back to Jow Forums, subhuman dogshit
We'd also take all the buildings with us.
even if you dont hate niggers that doesnt prevent them from hating you witeboi
You would never say that publicly youre just a pussy desu
Nigger, Jow Forums has been holding the line with all the new plebbitors--most of them either left or were redpilled by now, and the association we had with r/The_Donald scared off a lot of the rest of the site from ever showing up here. Basically the only thing left of plebbit is /ptg/, and they get shit on every time. You should thank us, it would've been far worse without Jow Forums.
This is obviously bait, very few polacks hate nonwhites for simply being nonwhite, we just want them out of our countries. I don't hate a Nigerian in Nigeria, but I hate i when Nigerians come here.
also all the butthurt manchildren crying for the racists to go back to pol, insisting its a containment board, lack the self awareness to realize this board is literally a fucking dumpster of estrogen and self pity. there is nothing you can do to make this stomping ground of kissless virgins, weebs, and incels any worse. even the toxicity of white supremacy is an improvement to this freak show.
> Import thousands, millions of slaves
That alone should do, but wait... There's more
> Centuries of slavery
> Free them
> Do nearly nothing to Integrate them
> Slaves descendents are stuck in poverty
> With poverty comes every social plague you can possibly imagine
Whites literally brought it to themselves.
>questions and answers
>on topic discussion
>informative content
>criticism and suggestions
Wow yeah that describes Jow Forums alright.
>This is obviously bait, very few polacks hate nonwhites for simply being nonwhite, we just want them out of our countries. I don't hate a Nigerian in Nigeria, but I hate i when Nigerians come here.
This is obviously bait, very few non-retards hate Jow Forumstards for simply being brainless, we just want them out of our boards. I don't hate a Jow Forumstard on Jow Forums, but I hate i when Jow Forumstards come here.
Oh god is that boogie?
thats why the continent of africa is a bastion of enterprise and infrastructure
"but muh european colonization"
ah yes, the empires of golden roads, monasteries and skyscrapers which the white man tore down and left nothing in his place except for disease, poverty, tribalism, voodoo witchcraft, cannibalism, aids and unregulated moonshine that blinds people
back to your socioeconomics class you clown
You wouldn't even be able to tell if I didn't say anything.
Tolerant left, eh? The right just cares about an overall solid and stable community that won't be wiped out, as long as you don't go directly against it, they don't care what you think. But the left? They'll stamp out any dissenting thought whatsoever, because their utopia is one where everyone not only looks (that's right, "diversity") and acts the same, but thinks the same.
This is true, but I'd like Jow Forums to stay away from Jow Forums, /lit/ and other decent boards. I mean they even show up at /lgbt/ just to pick fights. Patheric, angsty white anger fits Jow Forums though.
Why does this perfectly describe Jow Forums posters?
The savior of the white race.
You're right, niggers are animals and should have just been slaughtered rather than emacnipated.
>what is the social contract
there is no obligation to be tolerant towards people who have shown they no desire to reciprocate
Why the fuck would we integrate a bunch of farm equipment? We should have listened to Lincoln and shipped them all yet, or better, picked our own damn cotton. The only groups to benefit from slavery were the niggers themselves and Jews. Whites got shafted, aside from the few race-traitors who got rich by undercutting white labor.
this whole board is full of butthurt manchild like yourself
r9k is the only place where being a kissless weeaboo virgin incel is acceptable but oh no not racism. murdering chads and thots is totally cool but please dont hurt black peoples precious feelings
then feel free to leave any time trust me none of us will miss you
if anything, Jow Forums has made the problem worse recently but over time someone will have to be the 'too edgy for normies' board to send these faggots back I don't care who does it and how but it needs to happen if we want to keep any level of quality in posting
You think reddit is the problem of this place, you might be part of it.
Fuck reddit,the intersection is a lie, the relationship between the userbase is irrelevant and indifferent. The same way most of us, the ones who have been here at least for a decade now, have never even visited reddit, And guess what, They also don't come here. the formats are completely different, it's immiscible. Jow Forums is cancer, it attracts edgy teens, it shits on adjacent boards with their irrelevant shit (THIS FUCKIN THREAD INCLUDED) I hope this ends one day and if you think different from me you are either too new to have experimented pre pol, pre news Jow Forums, or you're a faggot, what matters is that you're wrong and I'm right.
>then feel free to leave any time trust me none of us will miss you
yeah i know you'll miss me i'll miss you too
That's pretty much just a half assed justification for taking their land. Face it, for better or for worse white colonizers forcibly took land from the natives and indigenous people. The ethics of the situation either weren't considered, or some religious bs excuse was given so that they could take the resources. For example, if an advanced alien race took over Earth and terraformed it to fit their needs, then would it "belong" to them?
Sure, because they control it, but we wouldn't really be happy about it even if their tech was more advanced than ours. In these kinds of cases might makes right. We need morality to balance things out.
You think there isn't a huge intersection between pol userbase and perma virgins, incels and robots? Half of the anons goes regularly on both boards. It disgusts me but it's true. You're clearly a poltard yourself, so I shan't waste my time any further on this useless communication, I'm not gonna conversate with you, we're done.
>if anything, Jow Forums has made the problem worse recently but over time someone will have to be the 'too edgy for normies' board to send these faggots back I don't care who does it and how but it needs to happen if we want to keep any level of quality in posting
yeah if we just shitpost enough maybe they'll go away as if you guys had any qualitly discussion here
>implying nationalism = supremacy
I just told you I'm tolerant of other nations--provided that they stay different. You want every nation to be entirely the same, because you refuse any concept of self-preservation.
Look at the state of this board, and tell me with a straight face it isn't filled to the brim with normalshits and traps.
t. redditor
You're not one of us and it shows. You have to go back.
im not saying there isnt differences between the boards in fact thats exactly the reason why anybody and anything is an improvement to this shitstain community, accept the migrants from pol and stop being so bigoted. your identity is subjective, race is a social construct.
>I just told you I'm tolerant of other nations--provided that they stay different
so you're not actually tolerant?
>You want every nation to be entirely the same, because you refuse any concept of self-preservation.
Like I said, bringing thousands of slaves from Africa alone is enough to say:
You brought this on yourselves. Pay the price. Deal with it. Nobody forced you to get bkack slaves, did they? No, no, but you wanted cheap labor, quick profit. Recipe for disaster. You done fucked up. History has consequences and now you face one of them. Sorry for you. Just kidding, I'm not sorry. I'm the native American in the thread. I hope you die. I hope everyone with European blood in their veins suffer. I hope their souls are cursed eternally for the evil they have brought to our Homeland.
>Look at the state of this board, and tell me with a straight face it isn't filled to the brim with normalshits and traps.
yeah having retarded Jow Forums thread is better funny Jow Forums has better threads
>Look at the state of this board, and tell me with a straight face it isn't filled to the brim with normalshits and traps.
yeah having retarded Jow Forums thread is better funny Jow Forums has better threads >accept the migrants from pol and stop being so bigoted. your identity is subjective, race is a social construct.
Jow Forums brainlets are better heh you all came from reddit stop kidding yourself
Oh there it is. Identity politics. Assuming he's a "leftist" because you opposed him. That's right there is a laboratorial sample of the cancer that you board perpetuate.
>so you're not actually tolerant?
Bullshit. Ever heard the phrase "good fences make good neighbors"? I don't care what my neighbor or other races do, as long as it stays off my goddamn lawn and out of my face. Your idea of "tolerance" involves me smiling while my neighbor busts down my door, shits on the kitchen table, and fucks my wife.
That is the end result--you just fucking said that wanting my society to stay white is "intolerant" and thus undeserving of consideration. So you see absolutely no problem with the influx of foreigners, and you further refuse anyone else to consider it a problem.
People who firmly insist that they don't care about politics are by default leftists.
>Bullshit. Ever heard the phrase "good fences make good neighbors"? I don't care what my neighbor or other races do, as long as it stays off my goddamn lawn and out of my face.
This is the definition of intolerance you jackass.
Why even argue about this? Just admit I was right and you've broken the social contract thus there is no obligation for anyone to be tolerant towards you. Of all the stupidity on Jow Forums the refusal to own up to their own ideas and beliefs is one of the things that ticks me off the most.
Where did you get he's a leftist?
Why are you bringing an ideological antagonism that has been dead for 40 years into the table like it holds any relevance at all? Why are you labeling his ideology and focusing on it?
Politics on Jow Forums is cancer. Has always been cancer. People who turn everything into political parties are a bore to be around, and you manage to ruin the spirit of every board you shart on.
if you find Jow Forums boring and stale just leave
literally shitposting is the only weapon Jow Forums has against retarded ass normalfags who ruin any fun or creativity with pathetic complaining and thread derailing bait. no one comes to Jow Forums for >quality discussion you faggot we come here because we like a japanese cartoon imageboard dedicated to shitposting and porn
I don't hate them, I just look down on them.
It's funny how many times you pull this card, and it reeks of novelty, specially for someone like me, who has been here fkr quite a while now, and who has literally never even visited the front page of reddit. Your obsession with that place tells more about you than you think.
>I'm not gonna conversate with you
I think it's converse
>definition of intolerance you jackass.
What, wanting my own house and not sharing my wife? Some social contract you have there, you communist parasite.
You accuse me of not owning up to my ideas, but that's false. I am telling you straight up what I believe--you, however, are applying labels and demanding I accept them along with whatever connotations and implications you can assign. I obviously will tell you to fuck off, but you can't have that.
You are the one who refuses to own up to your beliefs, you called a perfectly logical deduction a "strawman". I'll repeat it for emphasis: you said that it is a strawman when I said you want every nation to be the same (as a result of you rejecting self-preservation at the heart of nationalism), but at the same time you said that expecting differences to stay in place as a means of preserving one's own society is "intolerant". How can that lead to anything but a world where all differences are erased? And further, when you deem any difference in thought whatsoever to be "intolerant", how could this place possibly be considered tolerant when it crushes dissent beneath a boot?
See the post above yours. He is arguing that wanting your own society to endure and wanting your own family to prosper is "intolerant" and wrong.
saying i brought this upon myself for nigger slavery is like saying arabs brought it upon themselves to have their countries invaded for the crimes isis commits, like the japanese brought it upon themselves to get annihilated in nagasaki over pearl harbor or that the london residents deserved to get bombed for the UK declaring war on germany.
your logic is unsound , you cant blame individuals for shit governments do retard.
Your irony is not appreciated. Rather, it is wasted.
>"Never do a man a small injury"
Machiavelli was right. We didn't genocide you injuns, but if this is how you feel, we fucking should have.
I'm Native American, and I hate niggers, spics, and especially you white pieces of shits. I hate myself too because I am mixed with white blood coursing through my veins.
Fuck whoever who has race-mixed and is planning to. I hope your child burns in hell for eternity.