If you're so depressed about being a virgin why not just fuck a fat girl? they're so easy.
If you're so depressed about being a virgin why not just fuck a fat girl? they're so easy
I'm not sad about being a virgin. I'm sad about my ex running off with my best friend and losing the both of them.
BONUS: I still have feelings for her.
Obvious troll but "why not have the 6th rate trash version of what u desperately want guise" is pretty prevalent as advice and its gay
Then id be depressed i lost my virginity to a fat girl
Fucking disgusting you faggit
It would be easy to plow a fat chick if I wasn't a social reject.
"I would fight in the front lines of the bloodiest battle the world has ever seen, come back with no limbs, if it guaranteed me an ugly fat chick"
fat girls disgust me. I've had plenty of opportunities to fuck fat girls but I've turned them all down.
Good. Dont. Its gross
Because I don't just want sex with some ugly, self-loathing whore. I want a qt gf who loves me.
A fat girl would kill me.
I'm skinny a baby face 20y twink.
No they aren't
Alot of fat girls are virgins too and they want Yohio not chad or you.
>be a virgin in college
> try to date several fat girls bc the hotties got snatched up within weeks of enrolling
>get rejected a couple of times
> hang with one for a year
>says I am a great guy, but she had a crush on my gay roommate and admits to liking feminine guys
This girl is now identifies as non binary and looks like shit.
you can get them the easiest you won the genetic lottery dude
I tried losing my virginity to a fat girl, but I quickly realized my dick was literally to small to satisfy her. I was devastated desu
I'd love to fuck a fat girl, and I'd love to have one sit on my lap and let me feed her ice cream. I want to play around with her belly and watch it jiggle.
Problem is they all want chad too.
Nice trips.
Its a curse. Asked my friend do I look young, he said yeah baby face, grow facial hair.
I can't grow a beard.
Have smooth European skin.
Don't grow a beard,
use the femboy appeal, punks and fat girls love that.
>Hey faggit, instead of doing something that you want to do, why not just do something that you dont want to do.
I was only the college bus and even heard teen fat chick talk about Men with beards. They wanted a manly man.
I'm just a soy.
pack some muscles then, my soy-infested friend.
>implying I can "just fuck a fat girl"
A girl who looked like pic related would laugh in my face.
The first girl thats showed an interest in me in years is fat in this one uni class. idk what to do but I moved my seat after 3 weeks of talking to her.
>have thick wavy hair that looks like shit when it's long
>have disgusting acne covered skin
Fuck all that noise. Put my dick in your hand.
I'm working out
Been browsing Jow Forums before I came here
GOMAD SS 1/2/3/4
>tfw no REALLY fat asian gf
Because that picture is fucking revolting, and I say this is as a fatbot myself.
Fat girls need a cute face at least.
because i value my body. i won't put my dick on those things
she is the female globglogabgalab
Please explain this "soy-boy" phenomenon with science.
as if even fat girls would fuck with me
they want chad
im not chad
fuck off
>they're so easy.
They aren't in my country
If you aren't among the top 50% of males in looks, attractiveness, social skills, status etc it's literally over
>t. gets rejected on the regular by fat chicks
I met a fat girl online, she's very cute and nice, but she has a kid. A 9 years old girl, which means she was pregnant around 20.
Not sure how to feel about it.
I did. After 2 weeks, couldn't get my dick hard. She was the one demanding sex constantly and I was finding excuses not to fuck her. It's not pretty, it's not cute. It kills you inside.
She smelled bad and her vagina was roast beef. Almost turned me gay. I feel awful, I wouldn't want to hurt never. But... fuck man. It's not cool.
Imagine being doubly fucked: asian AND fat
Fat chicks are fat due to their own bad life choices. 90% of male virgins are so due to traits they cannot control.
We should have not have to settle for fatties.
god the doublethink on this board is insane
I'd rather die a virgin with standards
>can't control my weight
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lose weight you fat fuck
It literally is as easy as not eating more than you burn. Keep it healthy so that you don't go mentally crazy and boom, you're in a normal weight range.
I still dont know who that ugly fuck is
I fingered a fat girl (not a whale) not so long ago and it was great. I expected her pussy to smell like fish but desu it only smelled of her natural scent. Vaginas feel amazing desu.
how new are you to Jow Forums or the internet in general, mate?
That's Sam Hyde, Look up his cancelled show on adult swim: Million Dollar Extreme presents: World Peace. A fucking comedy genius desu
>Being this much of a fucking redditor
even fucking reddit know of him already, that's the fucking sad part.
Dunno what doublethink is but you sound like you are disagreeing with the status quo here so leave. Plebbit might suit you better.
Ummmmm? Did you read what I wrote? Fat chicks are FAT due to their own life choices.
Robots are robots due to being short, not chads, not square jawed, not athletically gifted, not deep voiced, not rich, not smart................
>Robots are robots due to being short, not chads
And some think they are because they are fat, that they can change. The other things I'd agree with you although you can still try to self-improve.
>Dunno what doublethink is
Mate, read 1984, it's basically required reading.
> I want a qt gf who loves me.
That's not gonna happen.
lost virginity to fat girl
fell in love with her
was going to marry her
she left me
more depressed than ever before in my life
what do now?
Because they dont want to fuck a fat girl, they want perfect 10/10 waifu while being jobless, spineless losers with the personality of a brick.
tfw face naturally looks fat like a 300 pound person but the rest of my body is skinny
this is the worst fate
Tfw even land whales reject me
How the fuck did u get a nekid pic of my wife?
Would love a woman skinny enough to sit on my face without smothering me.
Exact same user. Try to make whole the part of you she took when she left you. Learn a new skill. Change your career or move. Live for yourself again. Put 100% of the love you had for her into yourself.
>Mate, read 1984, it's basically required reading.
Lol fucking what?
oh am I talking to a retard who thinks reading is uncool?
No its just irrelvant to what I said.
the word doublethink comes from the book 1984 you fucking retard. Its one of the newspeak words invented in that universe.
It still isn't relevant. Are you having an autistic fit or something?
God damn that pic made me gag. Not a virgin but I'd literally rather kms.
I would tbqh but even they don't want me
Where do I find one if I don't leave my house?
>BONUS: I still have feelings for him.
Go back to plebbit you fucking nerd
I thought it was pretty funny. Kek.
fuck her dude, fat girls make for the best creampie releases
You don't think he knows that?
I will not date a girl that weighs more than me.
I can't believe men do this.
Holy shit this. It broke my confidence and I became a failed normie. I started watching anime. I started hating women. All because a fat girl said m dick was too small.
>short hair
Guarantee that she's a lesbian.
Who says you have to date them? Fuck them a few times, then totally ignore them and make them feel like shit for being a living flesh light.
w-where are her nipples?
that wasn't original
Even as a 3/10 NEET I would NEVER fuck a chick fatter than myself.
i fucked a landwhale to lose my virginity at age 26, and the regret is fucking palpable
i fell into the "its an easy hole" trap, but now when i think of her i can practically smell the disgusting sweaty crevices
if youre not even remotely attracted to someone, it doesnt matter if youre a virgin or not, the experience will be awful
I would probably date her, I have a thing for fat chicks. Especially if they're not too overweight and have nice faces. Not that I really discriminate, I'm trying to get a tall, pale lanklet girl with glasses and pimples to like me.
I was about to say that she barely looks like a woman.
At the bottom.
You probably dodged a big, fat bullet there.
>wanting better than the 6th rate trash version of something when you're 6th rate trash yourself
I did. Really fat red headed saxophone player from Luton. Liked fat girls ever since. Never looked back