>never was really interested in a gf
>too much money and time
>usually just jerk off and watch anime instead
>fairly happy about it
Whats all the rage anons? Are gfs really worth the time and money? Most normies live their whole life to get a gf but I just don't get it.
Perhaps I am morphing into a wizard.
Shill me on girls Jow Forums
ok, essay incoming
Women are succubi that are out to leech what they can from men. Something you'll notice in the animal world and the human world is Briffault's Law:
>Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.
With humans, you have either looks (proxy for good genes to give her offspring), money (resources to fund her lifestyle, supply her offspring), or status (lets her be superior to her peers) to offer a woman. If you don't have any of those things relative to her -- that is, if you don't have anything she can use you for -- you're invisible to her.
>implying u didnt just say this so OP will stay on the thread w8ing for another 10 minutes
why are people so mean?
I used to be a robot but at this point (final year of uni) I am normie status. Not Chad, but Brad maybe. I currently have a 8/10 normie gf, been dating for 6 months. Here are the positives and negatives:
+good morning and good night texts, frequent messages saying 'I love you', 'I miss you', asking if my illness is OK etc. Always up for a discussion about almost anything. Loneliness is essentially not a part of my life. This is linked to:
+ waking up next to someone you fully trust is great. I have a moderately anti-social personality and it took my months to get comfortable with her being round for extended periods but at this point it's wonderful.
+ cumming inside of a girl is a religious experience. I won't go into depth here but compared to 7 years of condom usage it is genuinely incomparable on every level
+ she gives me reasons to improve myself and motivation to keep going. sounds gay but it's true.
+ it's nice going shopping and walking around and seeing old people look at me affectionately / young people look ambivalent or even jealous compared to being the weird single male.
+ made tons of new friends who I would never have made friends with if not for being her tag-along at their events
will post negatives and any more I think of
one more:
+ she doesn't judge me for smoking weed, abusing my opiates a bit, being selfish/a dickhead on occasion. That said, and this is kind of both a plus and a negative
- I sometimes get massive barrages of texts (rightfully) accusing me of being a dick in some way. They are always justified but it's not a nice feeling being called out and sometimes it's when I have a lot of other shit going on.
- it's more responsibility, which I hate
- I can't spend hours shitposting high or doing other NEET things which I genuinely still really miss. Don't think a gf makes enjoying degen shit go away, it doesn't.
- mild insecurity over the fact I have more to lose
>7 years of condom usage
>final year if uni
You're not only not a full blown robot, you're a full blown normie. It's probably much more convenient for you and much better for us if you stop posting here and just look at screencaps from r/Jow Forums
this is autistic, nothing else
I'm in my final year of uni, know these things to be true, but I'm lonely and lost all motivation.
Tfw no gf is preventing me from being a better person
eh, I like coming back here. You're going to have to deal with that
I was in this position, I can safely say I got extremely lucky. Tinder is your friend,if you can deal with the crushing self-esteem damage at first
>I bought you this collar so everyone can know you're mine
I would melt if a girl said this to me
This sounds pretty comfy user.
I should add, I've been at uni for half a decade. I was a robot at high school whether you believe it or not.
>using "eh"
i wish this was a ban-able offense tbqh
Well it's not, for good reason, so you're going to have to lower your power-level
I've been passively using tinder the entire time. Talked to a girl on there on and off for two years but she's gone now.
I could never really see myself as the type of person who uses this app though. Is it just assumed every date is a one night stand?
it's far from decent but better than going to clubs and having to put physical energy in. meeting girls at uni is easy but it's hard to go from there to dating them. I asked a lot of girls for their numbers but it was ultimately humiliating every time. Tinder worked for me because I know how to talk to grils in theory, I just drop spaghetti before I feel comfy with them. If you're a true robot I wouldn't bother
>hurry up and lay down so I can sit on your face
no, definitely not, this is a big misconception. A lot of girls want a decent guy and are just 'trying out' tinder
I sort of feel the same way, don't have motivation or confidence to go out and look for a gf. I feel thats too much trouble and I mostly live life on the bare minimum.
Also I dont have much anger in me which is a good thing
do you have even a shred of evidence to back that up.jpg
just personal experience and that of other normie friends. I would say most girls on tinder are sluts though. It helps if you have a profile that is attractive to the bf-seeking types, stressing career/interests rather than having topless selfies in magaluf etc
I am the same way and for the most part I feel content with life, but every once and a while I wonder if I am missing out on something
Yeah I guess that is true. I have some friends who have met girls through Tinder but it seems pretty hit or miss
I've had a couple of horrific dates and a very short relationship with a pretty fugg, emotionally immature girl before meeting current gf. It's honestly pretty shit, it's just not as shit as the alternatives or being a wizard imo
Maybe I will try actually talking to people at uni. It just feels like meeting people is much more organic and you can really see if you like someone before the date.
Sex and down the road getting cucked and/or divorce raped.
well, they are real, at least
my suggestion is do not go out looking for a gf.
>"it's like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably shit."
i looked my whole teen life for a relationship, and because of that, I said a lot of "yes" to people who deserved a big "no". I ended up miserable and damaged.
After I ran away from my last relationship for safety reasons, I left my dating site profile up so I could browse and laugh at other peoples profiles
and one day, when I was done with relationships, a received a PM from somebody asking me out, which had never happened.
still kinda raw from what i just went through i really didn't wanna go out with this person even thought we had a 99% match, so I said 'sorry, no'. a year later that same person messaged me and i thought "well, if they still remember me and wanna date me after a year, I guess the least i can do is go out with her"
anyway, it's been 5 years and we're engaged and live together etc.
Yeah this has always kinda been my theory, maybe I just need to put myself out there more because I don't really interact with people outside my group of vidya friends
Find me one example of a couple where the man isn't either (1) Equal or better looking than her; (2) Making more money than her; or (3) Has a higher social status than her.
I'll wait.
my parents, being an obvious one.
the stacy who is married to a midget that i see at the grocery store with their midget baby.
literally millions of people.
>house husband
what's wrong? why would you wanna work when you have the privilege of being looked after for the rest of your life?
my gf has a job, I don't. She is popular, I'm not. She is better looking than me. That wasn't particularly difficult
Tinder is only your friend if your attractive, its not like real life where people care about how you talk and your personality most people only swipe on the first pic and only look at your bio if you look good. and you need decent pics too
>I used to be a robot
>at this point (final year of uni)
i.e. you were not a robot, you just stopped being a teenager
this, he says '7 years of condom usage', and he has been at uni for 'half a decade'. That means he has been a normie since about 16 at the latest. What a fucking joke, he was just an awkward teenager who grew and became more attractive.
However, he does affirm the notion that having a gf solves your problems so he is useful since he raises awareness so he can stay.
Made this a couple of hours back for a different thread