>be me
>post actual news in reddit first
>get downvoted to hell for "misleading title", insted of fixing it, the mods remove it
>someone reposts it
>a few hours later
>he gets over one thousand upvotes, while i got 6
>call him retarded asshole
>permanent ban
Reddit is fucking retarded
but everyone there will downvote me again
>>>>>>>>>>>>GET THE FUCK OUT
>go on the history subreddit
>ask a pertinent, interesting question
>let's say i'm queen victoria in 1836, what realistically stops me from declaring the Treaty of Paris null and void and reconquering america
>downvoted, post eventually removed
>get a message telling me to go to this shitty dead 'what if' alternate history sub if i want to ask questions like that
stop being a chad
Even Jow Forums is less retarded
What is it about reddit that people here are so afraid of? Just looks like any other generic science forum.
The user base is legitimately cancer, think of the teachers pet back in school.
Reddit kills you faster than smoking
>r/Jow Forums
oh fuck you have to go back
Reddit's site culture has always been a pale shadow of Jow Forums's. Even years ago, subreddits were filled with screenshots of posts on Jow Forums. But reddit's format of usernames, specific subreddits, and upvote-downvote breeds a kind of groupthink that Jow Forums couldn't stand more apart from. This leads to hoards of reddit newfags coming in and pretending they understand the board's culture because they saw a few funny green texts on Jow Forums4chan.
fuck you fuck off you cancerous worthless redditor
>good ones
>r/Jow Forums
I try to get rid of the cancer, i am just addicted to this shit
>Jow Forums is anti-group think
>'reeeeeeeeeeeeee get off my board!!!!1'
>Being unhappy with shitposters
If this were Reddit I'd be able to down vote you and pretend you don't exist
but you can't
maybe you should go back if you love it so much
That's the point, dumbass. Jow Forums's format makes it so that even though I want Reddit shitposters to fuck off and die, they have as much of a voice as I do on the site.
Did you post a misleading title? Did the other guy post with a different title? Are a faggot OP?
op, the title is one of the main things on reddit
most of people don't even read further then the title
>the mods cannot fix the title
>you got banned for being an overemotional woman
still seems like youre complaining about it tho
seems like you should go back,,,