Is it possible to actually fool yourself into thinking that tulpas are real so that you're no longer lonely?
I've known people who wanted to have kids with their tulpas. That seems pretty abstract. Should we try it?
I've been trying to make a tulpa but they're having a hard time being independent from my own thoughts
Tulpa thread!
I'm sure you can convince yourself there is another person in your head, people have convinced themselves of far crazier things. Just know it's all in your head though and you're just talking to an automated version of yourself, but that's better than nothing for some I guess.
What's better than talking to yourself if you can't trust others?
I mean it's better than real people isn't it? If the tulpa is good
seems like a lot of work when i could just talk to strangers on the internet
You can't to strangers on the internet about everything. And they don't share your memories like a tulpa does so they don't understand what things are like.
>Is it possible to actually fool yourself into thinking that tulpas are real so that you're no longer lonely?
Yes to a certain degree, my tulpa/imaginary friend sometimes visits me in public places which is kinda.. weird since I only see her outline. on the other hand I dont feel alone anymore. She's a very important person in my life.
>That seems pretty abstract. Should we try it?
You could try that. You can do anything with your tulpa! ( As long as she likes it atleast in my case)
>being independent from my own thoughts
training! I think.
Not this MKULTRA shit again
is'nt mkultra about controlling people
The whole tulpa thing is a CIA mind control operation probably
found the snow jew
get fucked
i dont think that's how it works, however it could be instead an influence control operation.
Stop trying to induce pyschosis u tard
A tulpa is one of the best things a person can have that can't be bought with money.
How do we prove that people who say they have tulpas aren't just meming?
By testing shit with brain activity or making one yourself
user who says he has a tulpa and isn't memeing here. What's up?
Have you made one yourself?
Is it worth it?
I tried but I lost all motivation a couple of weeks in. I think I got like one response from her. Her concept is currently stuck in limbo. I may eventually go back and finish creating her.
I keep pissing my one off and making things better between us again. D'you know how to just keep things solid and friendly between you two?
>Is it worth it
Depends what your values are desu. For me it's one of the best things that has happened to me. Last time I was this happy was in primary school
Never really had such problems. We rarely get into arguments but when we do it's trivial. Maybe the best thing is to talk it out.
Hoe does one make a tulpa? Can you make a tulpa in your image?
I am in the same boat desu family.
It's not easy bringing them to life.
Why would you want a tupla when you can just imagine that you're having sex with your waifu?
Because imagining sex with your waifu doesn't feel real. But tulpas actually feel real.
Maybe you just have a shitty imagination, what do you do when you don't want your tulpa around anymore? Does she just sit there awkwardly when you're playing videogames? How do you explain to her why she can't join in?
Because she wouldn't be a sex slave. Tulpas are gfs. Regular gfs also just sit in the side while you play video games.
You have to start by basically making an imaginary friend. Control it completely, give it an image (your own can be a place to start if you want an identical twin; don't go with other people or pre-established characters unless you want it to fail), and establish a basic personality. Spend a bunch of time just imagining it, what it looks like, feels like, etc. as if it were in front of you. Then slowly give it more and more autonomy during your conversations and activities; imagine it there but just let it do things naturally bit by bit until it does everything by itself. It can also be good to imagine an alternate setting for it to 'inhabit' while you aren't with it so it can round out its character.
Its image and personality will most likely change as it decides what it wants to be though. E.g. mine got so sick of being limited to the area surrounding me it decided to give itself wings to move in an extra dimension.
Sounds nightmarish to me desu
You can make it female but with an emtirely male personality though. Then just imagine maps or get it to design them in your head and do imaginary vidya.
Wings? Why couldn't your tulpa just create a portal and go through it?
A portal doesn't let it fly. Up-down is a 3rd dimension, vs forward-backward and left-right. That wasn't the only change it made though, but I'll not judge it until it goes too far.
Sounds like a lot of work when I can just imagine my waifu exists whenever I feel like it
I guess it's your tulpa after all.
That's now how tulpas work. Once they're forced into existence, they appear and disappear of their own free will. You don't control it or fuel it because it's basically a part of your consciousness that you've lost control of.
There are other people who are doing tulpa shit besides reddit? I thought I was the only one.
To answer your questions,
>Is it possible to actually fool yourself into thinking that tulpas are real so that you're no longer lonely?
Yes. Although I wouldn't call it fooling. Joy is independent of me for the most part (I'm still only about 2 months into this so I'm no expert.)
>Should we try it?
Probably wait until your first tulpa is completely independent, then I guess you could try it.
>I've been trying to make a tulpa but they're having a hard time being independent from my own thoughts
Give it time. Keep it to simple stuff like "how are you doing" or that kind of thing. Also it helps to make sure you have a concrete voice. I based my tulpas voice off of some girl's vocaroo message that I liked.
I hope that helps but again I'm no expert.
Yes I know, and I'm saying that's why they're shit
I heard tulpamancers used to live on /x/ and they got kicked off to /trash/ after a /b/to invasion. Now it's mostly discussed on Reddit because /trash/ is filled with bronies. I guess we could revive it here or on /x/ because we're lonely
How long did it take for you to get a functional tulpa?
>he named her after the creepy ai from blade runner
>Creepy AI
Take that back.
Joi is too autonomous to be owned and her personality is creepy. Why the fuck did she buy k a prostitute? That's not ok. And then she's not actually sentient she's just designed to be creepy in all models? Fuck that shit give me a holo-waifu with less personality please.
More personality is better than less.
Realism is the focus. They have to be human but robotic.
How long did it take you to make her?
No the kore realistic they are the closer they are to normies, and somewhere in between waifu level and normie level is an uncanny valley. Joi's mannerisms are all extremely off and not idealized at all. She has too much autonomy for something of her level of realness, but oddly it doesn't feel like she has enough autonomy because she's owned by somebody. Joi is like the worst possible version of waifu technology.
Everyone wants a submissive loyal waifu. She didn't act like a roastie towards K. She didn't say "just man up". When he found out that he might have been a born lifeform she started treating him like he was real and encouraging him to do so too.
How do you want her to act?
>Is it possible to actually fool yourself into thinking that tulpas are real so that you're no longer lonely?
yes. take this from someone who's had tulpas for 12 years. i regularly talk to them as confidants, and sometimes i get so immersed in conversation my thoughts spill into audible words... and people ask who i'm talking to.
>Should we try it?
what the fuck.
the point of having tulpas is the freedom of not having to deal with dramatic shit like having kids. i persnally wouldn't.
I want her to act less real than she does. Any more and she shouldn't be purchaseable at all. But where she is now I'd be creeped out by her shows of affection.
Okay you're clearly a masochist.
Have you ever wanted to get rid of them?
How many do you have?
How long did it take you create them?
Wrong. I just don't want my holo-waifu to buy prostitutes and do other weird shit. She should basically be some anime stereotype that's fleshed out.
Joi is meant to be creepy, it's weird that she is only creepy to normies and people who have thought too hard about where waifu technology needs to go.
So I can't make a tulpa of my waifu?
Do you happen to have the tulpa pastebin?
You aren't supposed to unless you want them to have an idemtity crisis and resent you.
How can a waifu tulpa get an identity crisis?
If they ever see your waifu in her own media they'll realize they aren't her or something. You have to make them aware that they are their own thing.
That's fucking gay. You single handedly unsold me from the idea of a tulpa. I'll just have to stick to writing personal fanfics and using my imagination when I fap.
You can make an oc waifu who is more perfect than your actual waifu. And you can still make your tulpa look like your waifu, but that problem could happen.
OK user thanks for the up to the minute update on your personal life
>Have you ever wanted to get rid of them?
i did at one point, but only because i felt pressured to act like a normie. in honesty, i wouldnt get rid of any of them on my own volition
>How many do you have?
i'm sitting on three right now. one is the first tulpa i madr, a bratty kid type of person, second is basically my husbando and the last is a mentor-type figure who rarely gives good advice when i need it. in between i've had practically 30 of them but they faded from a lack of upkeeping
>How long did it take you create them?
the 30 ones took 4 months. the brat is 2 years, the husbando 11 months and the mentor figure took 1 year
How do I get started with this ? I'm very interested but earlier attempts were not succesful. guides
holy shit that's actually a thing user?
autism makes people go that far
be glad for that kind of autism
looking good, thanks mate. I'll give it another shot
Wew this thread is necrobiosis
What the hell are you saying?
Don't tulpas know what you've experienced up to now?
Apparently you can gate or allow access to memories, I don't fucking know, ask someone who has a tulpa. Anyways don't you think building them off the memories of something would just contribute to their identity crisis if they realize those memories aren't of something real? I don't think you are supposed to build a tulpa to have memories already.
I assume my tulpa knows everything I know because it spawned from my mind.
would having a female version of me as a basis for a tulpa be weird? i don't really know what else to base mine off of without resorting to fictional characters and having another you inside of you almost sounds meta enough to be good
Not really. That's my basis also. Except mine is a trap. Because I can't imagine a female me.
>tfw already girly enough to go in trapmode
for a second there i imagined myself as a chad and my brain almost commited suicide desu
anyways, i guess i'll try making myself a tulpa, wish me luck anons
Here's another thread I made if you want tips.
It took me like 2 seconds to "make" her, it was about 2 weeks until I got any response beyond yes or no.
>self-inducing schizophrenia
hmmmm yes sounds great
you cannot inflict any mental ilness upon yourself with that. Having a tulpa is like having an imaginary friend/gf/anything.
It's actually like having a real wife.
>you cannot inflict any mental ilness upon yourself with that
hahahahahahahaha ok retard
A waifu that you have no control of and who is shaped by your subconscious. Sounds dangerous, and I've known several examples of it being dangerous, through old friends. If I have regular nightmares and my subconscious isn't kind to me, I don't see a good reason to not just nurture a good waifu relationship with a good mindset.
Schizophrenia shows itself at around 18/20 years old. I'm well past that.
I've no doubt tulpa are real and its not durr schizophrenia it's self contained.
I tried for about a week with no results. stopped when by brother saw me "forcing" then got freaked out.
Nice argument.
Ive been doing this for almost a year now and I can see why people would think it would be a mental illness. Talking to yourself in public etc etc. But its not
Well atleast I havent made bad memories with my fren cant speak for everyone ofc
I don't talk out loud to mine. Should I?
Everyone has their own preferences. I like talking loud because I always did that. Buut you can try and see if it works better.
Would picking a voice that already exists hurt the tulpa. Also on a scale of one to ten how dangerous is this for your mental health?
I don't think so.
And I think 3 or 4 but nothing too major.
Can you be more specific then?
Sorry I'm just a newbie like you. I don't know much about it. Hopefully someone else will come along.
I'd say 0 actually as said multiple times now its just like having an imaginary friend.
It's more hardcore than imaginary friends. So it's probably schizophrenia. Takes off 10 to 25 years off your lifespan
Wait schitsophrenia takes that time off your life? I feel like you have to already have schitsophrenia for this shit to even begin to work.
Yes and yes.
Most tulpamancers say that it's not damaging. But I have my doubts
Based tulpamancers
What kind of gay shit were you doing to force it?
>talking out loud: TALK TO ME TULPA
That makes sense.
original pepperoni pizza
Holy shit man dont shout at you tulpa like that. It could backfire real bad. Need I remind you of the /mlp/ user with the abusive tulpa that nearly drove him to suicide?
hahaha carry on mate
I have a tulpa that is a mechanical version of me that doesnt have to worry about its mortality
and whenever something akwards happens i image it ironically blowing its head of with a shotgun, only to materialize again as if nothing happens
i also imagine it brutally slaughtering and torturing people i dont like
>what the fuck is wrong with me,jpeg
That sounds pretty fun. Could greentext some stories?
Oh boy oh boy, tulpas
About mental health: a developed tulpa is great emotional support. Got me through tough times. I don't even take diazepam these days, she can calm me down just time.
>Is it possible to actually fool yourself into thinking that tulpas are real so that you're no longer lonely?
>I've known people who wanted to have kids with their tulpas. That seems pretty abstract. Should we try it?
I want to have kids with mine but I think I should have my own apartment first.
>I've been trying to make a tulpa but they're having a hard time being independent from my own thoughts
Try writing a document that's like a chat terminal with your tulpa. Imagine your tulpa's responses, practice, keep writing, establish character.
This user has the right idea.
That's not a tulpa that's just a fantasy. Although it is a nice fantasy. It made Joy laugh so I guess that's a plus.