South korea is fucking over

you know it'll spread through the whole asian continent, soon your asian girls will be on a worse state that even western women.

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the yellow fever will die out

lol fucking gooks. imitating usa

>the absolute state of plastic gooks

All those people were raped? Even the old guys? Or maybe they just don't know the context of the hashtag

I only care about this insofar as it affects the Brood War scene.

So it seems they have a privileged middle and upper class female population who like to role play being oppressed as well.

Japan will never fall and China's based de facto fascist regime will stomp that shit out.

>Japan will never fall

To feminism? I don't see why it would be more resistant than Korea.

Lol Japan is already weak and SJW, m8

they were already fucked anyway, hopefully the last remaining women march their faggot asses into NK and end it all for us.

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>the yellow fever will die out

No it won't. Maybe for normies but not for us.

>already weak and SJW, m8

fantastic. now all we need is a north korean/chinese annexation of south korea.

>the only way to indulge yourselves with asian qts is porn
that's...kinda sad and not in the shaming way but legit sad

>you know it'll spread through the whole asian continent
No it won't, Koreans are a bunch of shitters that are even more on the socjus koolaid than the US. This isn't anything new.

Because all this bullshit is for teens and young adults. And in Japan they are busy either building careers of being otakus/fujos and drooling over idols.


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>asking me to spoonfeed him
Lol, just take a look at Japan yourself, you lazy faggot

> making claims without provinding anything to support them
Opinion discarded.

I think SK is still pretty conservative. That this movement is gaining ground there I think is more a testament to the level of control the US exerts over it, even more so than Japan which seems impervious to this garbage.

Japan is nationalistic and generally hates the US. They told the UN to get the fuck out when they went there to whine about sexist anime and manga, that happened just recently.

>make claim
>can't back up claim
opinion discarded. Japan remains based.

That doesn't discard it, maybe you should just take a look yourself faggot.

there is nothing you can do now user...let it go and pray that the death of them is swift enough

The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi, shortened from Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat) is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position.

Oh, and also ad hominem. Nigga, you suck at rhetorics.

Alright, here

>low birthrate is sjw
>all his claim based just on that
wow. sure convinced me faggotron.

>korean women are cu-

Only Kim can save them now

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>China's based de facto fascist
Lol, the Chinese government isn't even eerily similar to fascist states.

You need to learn what SJW means


that birth rate is because the men are all shut in NEETs who refuse to fuck. They're literally the asian version of a robot, it's not SJWs that did that to them.

This is an Asian version of la creatura..

> is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position.
I know that, but that still doesn't discard opinion.

this is more a result of their terrible work-life balance plus their men being massive soyboys who are too scared to talk to women and would rather watch the anime and play the video games bombarded at them

i don't get it, what are the signs supposed to mean?

>that birth rate is because the men are all shut in NEETs who refuse to fuck. They're literally the asian version of a robot, it's not SJWs that did that to them.
and because they stacies over there relentlessly shamed most of the boys and men below 8 for being different.

>tfw you realise she isn't doing this to be cute for her boyfriend but instead she's acting cute for the camera because she knows other people will see it

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Man, just get the fuck out. Why do you think people here say they're hiki and neet? Did you think neet is an abreviation of neat or some shit?

El Goblina del Este

>Jow Forums
nigger do you even know where you're posting

normies are retarded I swear

Yes it does you moron.
Why would anyone waste their time considering an unsubstantiated opinion.
If no one gives it the time or day its discarded.

Roasties be roastin no matter what race they are. That's what #yellowfever needs to learn

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>implying it's because of the SJWs
user if you actually look at why people's lives are shit it's almost never exclusively because of SJWs. They just contribute to the long line of other problems that result in people commiting sudoku.

what part of no shaming sad didn't you understood?
we'll never have that loyal asian qt gf/waifu there for us thanks to #metoo
the yellow fever will go extinct in our lifetime

>Han officially recognized as the desirable ethnic group
>limited free enterprise with heavy state interference
>militaristic, expansionist
>propaganda that pushes traditionalism and cultural appreciation

China will fall under communism.

>Why would anyone waste their time considering an unsubstantiated opinion.
Because it might be right you unlimited faggot.

Cunt where the fuck did i specify anything about sjw's? I was actually defending you fuckers trying to say it's not them but now im mad at u too

> limited free enterprise with heavy state interference
> 3/4 of the martket is in private sector

And which "traditionalism" do they push?

the one that makes the men suffer the most.

It already has. China's 4000 year culture was virtually and physically destroyed. All they are now is a shell. All those empty apartment skyscrapers are a good symbol for China.

>Because it might be right you unlimited faggot.
>might be
Yeah and I might be president Trump himself. Or there might be a gigantic prehistoric sea monster in a tiny ass lake. Or you might be able to fly if you jump from the Golden gate and flap your arms really fast. Saying "it might be right" is a piss poor excuse for believing in anything, because it just as well might be completely wrong.

Worst Korea was always the lamest of the three East Asians anyway and it still befuddles going on what is it like a decade now that they're so popular in the West as a trendy thing

But it's not right and you have no proof of it being right. At this point you are just defending your position because of your ego.

Do you not understand what it means to waste time?

By your logic I could claim "cows shit gold" and you would be compelled to research it. Do the world a favour and stop posting

In that case you're a top tier sperg who can't even communicate effectively over text. I'm actually impressed.

You have to be over 18 to post
Come back in 5 years

Nobody ever said anything about proving it.
It's still an opinion and it might be right.
Not proving it doesn't discard it.

Yes it does.
If I see an unsubstantiated claim I am going to discard it and so is every other user who has half a brain. I'm convinced you have assburgers

You are a pathetic faggot and like to take dick.
This is an opinion and it might be right.
Not proving it doesn't discard it.

>Nobody ever said anything about proving it.
>It's still an opinion
Not all "opinions" are created equal. Those that cannot be backed up by anything are worthless and not worth considering.
>and it might be right.
Already explained why "it might be right" is shit reasoning to believe or claim anything.
>Not proving it doesn't discard it.
Anyone with a brain discards it because there is no reason to entertain it. If you cannot understand this, then you, much like your retarded opinion, are not worthy of entertaining.

Of course, that's YOU who discards it, the opinion itself isn't discarded.
>can't accept a simple fact
Really makes you think who's autistic here.
>This is an opinion and it might be right.
I could prove you wrong though.

The "METOO!!!" movement is fucking retarded and I bet half these fuckers are lying for attention

>h-heh you were raped? (wtf this bitch can't get more attention than me!) Me too!

South "Our president is a cultist" Korea? THE South "feminists literally poisoning bosses" Korea?
It's no big secret even in the west that the Korean feminism scene is even more insane than here in the west. Hell, it's no secret that everything South Koreans do is batshit insane (abuse in JPOP is miniscule by comparison to things they do in KPOP for example). I wouldn't consider them as an indicator of what direction East Asia is going.

Ok, so why don't you spend the rest of the thread trying to defend the opinion that you are not a pathetic faggot while I continue to assert the opinion that you are despite any evidence you bring up to suggest the opposite.
Fuck I hate having to spoon-feed idiots answers as to why they are a dumbass.

>Of course, that's YOU who discards it, the opinion itself isn't discarded.
In what way does your autistic brain work that makes you think you make any sense?

Obviously we are the ones who discard your opinion, seeing as you presented your opinion to us.
I don't understand what you're suggesting when you say the opinion itself isn't discarded. Is English not your first language?

should we start a trend?
#notworththtime or #ignoreher would be a great way to enhance the paranoia over a fake rape acussation, imagine how many women will lose their jobs and how many women will be deprived of attention.

Have you ever actually talked to a Japanese person? Maybe the older generations are conservative, but literally every Japanese person I talked with was a big fan of American culture. They were really into Nicki Minaj and other mainstream icons and were doing their best to follow trends.
I'm not sure how some of you built the delusional idea that young Japanese girls don't want to follow the Western lifestyle.

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Where, how and how many did you meet these japs?

Some years ago I went for some language exchange programs and taught English to interested young Japanese people, online. I can't tell you an exact number, it's not like I befriended all of them. Afterwards I visited Japan several times, and had my impression confirmed. Some girls would talk to me just to ask whether they're properly imitating the Western fashion and attitude.

can confirm since I got to smash japanese pussy from christmas cakes

I heard if you are a ginger, you can get laid easily or even if you have pretty eyes like blue, gray or green.
if you have something that set you apart from the rest then you are cute, like a different odd color of hair like orange, auburn, blonde, has to be natural though.

bring back #nohymennodiamond

Me too is just about like actual sexual assault cases right? Done by famous and powerful chads? Should we care about this specific hashtag? It's not like they are being retarded about a pay gap.

women willingly did it and now that they can lucrate from get my idea.
just point the finger and say #metoo and thats it.
but that ended up being a hardcore double-edge sword, now women are losing jobs and lots of money thanks to men fearing #metoo.
the worst thing of #metoo for them is that it deprives women from attention and cannot use sex to get shit for free.
this is why we should push forward a brand that will ensure a backlash against these roasties.

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could I have sex in a country in asia if I'm over 6 feet and have blue eyes? will a low percent of women find it to be a novelty?

Haha that that capitalist pigu. Based China already squashed this #metoo bullshit the second it sprouted. Don't see this shit happening in best Korea either.

Probably the same type of women who would fuck niggers to make daddy mad. Pretty sure everyone looks down on them for being with a white.

>could I have sex in a country in asia if I'm over 6 feet and have blue eyes?
you bet your ass...
>will a low percent of women find it to be a novelty?
>low percent
of course user, though you will probably swim with 8/10 asian qts user...

Most of the young population is busy being neet or getting their soul sucked out by a corperate overlord. They don't have time to think about petty issues like that either when they are probably gonna die out in the next 50-100 years thanks to no one wanting to deal with the opposite sex outside of casual hookups.

Besides, the feminists in the UN committee tried to guilt them into censoring their ''sexist'' media but failed at gaining any kind of a foothold in Japan and were told to fuck off back to the west with their non-issues.

Obviously I don't mean Japan, Korea or China. I mean SE Asia.

Ohhh then yeah should be pretty easy. Make sure she doesn't have a penis before you spend too much time/money on one lol

haha, I heard chicks in Thailand are obsessed with blue eyes or something. Maybe I have a small chance there


lmao i thought asians were supposed to be smart? hahaha


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Funny how every single satellite state of the US falls to this (((mystery))) mental illness.

>Hey, I got a plastic surgery
>pic related

so my prediction came true. I told you guys that no country is safe from feminist cancer and it will spread. you need a strong pimp hand like China and say no to it.

Korea has a long history with westernisation and Christianity dating back hundreds of years. The result is a society and government that is basically led by batshit insane Feminist Christfags that introduced laws about playing vidya past 12am and a mandatory internet ID card tied to your every account. (I'm not joking their old president was basically in a feminist cult).

Japan has never really had Christianity or such an Americanized culture, or at least not to the level of Korea. So they have zero moralfags/feminists in comparison. China has strict laws and authoritarian government but people watch porn and play pirated vidya regardless, the population doesn't give a fuck.

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You all do know that the Feminists in Korea literally abort hundreds of thousands of male babies and post their bodies on the internet with captions like "die you disgusting son of mine!" and shit like that.
South Korea has been lost for a long time.

no shit it gives them settlement money, attention and they get to destroy the life of a man they hate with no consequences. also having a thick cock and being alpha is not going to protect you because male porn-starts are being accused.

Westernisation doesn't automatically mean them getting weaker.