Get yourself a glass when you read this.
No sugar, additives or sweeteners
Helps to flush toxins from the body
Zero calories,
Extremely cheap, almost free.
Humans should drink roughly 8 glasses of water a day.
Get yourself a glass when you read this.
No sugar, additives or sweeteners
Helps to flush toxins from the body
Zero calories,
Extremely cheap, almost free.
Humans should drink roughly 8 glasses of water a day.
Quads checked. Waterposting approved.
Dont drink bottled water
thanks but everyone knew that so I stole your post number even though my timestamp is after yours
this is a nice post, i like this. Thank you, i was actually pouring myself a nice glass of water just now. Stay hydrated user, i hope you all have a great day!
Chose that image because it's more recognisable than a glass with some clear liquid.
What kind of fucked up country do you have to live in where this is a worry? Sounds like your typical broscience bullshit, but even if that's real, why aren't people dying left and right? Plastic bottles would be banned a long time ago if this were anywhere near real. You should start checking your sources user, don't be upset, it's not personal, we're all anonymous here.
Pretty enjoyable track, thanks for posting.
Water is all I drink. I always have a bottle laying around. I haven't drank soda, milk or juice in years.
>Helps to flush toxins from the body
what does this even mean
Yes goy, make sure you get it nice and fresh from the tap.
Kidneys are constantly clearing your blood of toxins. When overloaded, kidneys can slowly accumulate toxins in its tissues, especially if you aren't drinking enough water.
Brian Wilson's Smile album had a B-side built around the classical elements, and ending in Good Vibrations. Although it was not released in 1967 as scheduled, most of the best songs were relased in later years on other albums.
Good point.
I am just drinking Monster ABSOLUTELY ZERO
Good luck shifting the caffeine addiction
enjoy headaches and dry mouth, fucking disgusting you are.
Why would I need to shift it?
I only drink water during the day, but I need spirits on the night.
Which actually reminds me, I need to buy another bottle tonight.. Do I go for Whisky, or Vodka?
Ingesting high quantities of stimulants every day will damage your health in the long run.
Additionally your sleeping habits could improve, and you'd save money not buying monster.
Eh I sleep fine.
I don't think long term. I'm sure isolationist myself from human contact is more damaging to my human health.
I'd rather drink bottled spring water then drink tap water with all that pissed out birth control
>drink caffeine every day
>maybe coffee, or maybe a couple cans of SIPP
>don't have any past 4pm unless I want to be awake until 4am
what, is everybody's problem just that they're a fat fuck who drinks soda instead of water
I used to drink a ridiculous amount of coke and dr pepper, but about a year ago I decided enough was enough, and got into the habit of drinking 1/2 litres of water daily. Sometimes I mix it up, maybe a bit of orange juice, maybe a glass of milk, and now and then i'll get a 6-pack of some form of soda, depending which one is on sale at the time.
Though I did drink quite a bit of hot chocolate over the winter.