What other boards do robots visit?
>Jow Forums
What other boards do robots visit?
Jow Forums, /ck/, /his/, /lit/, /f/, /w/, /u/, and /x/
from around late 2014 until not long after the election I spent a lot of time on Jow Forums
and earlier than that /tv/ was my secondary board
Jow Forums is always gonna be my true home though
tv, int occasionally
/wg/, /co/, and /vp/
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
also checked
/a/, /b/, /c/, /e/, /gif/, Jow Forums, /vg/, Jow Forums, /soc/, /out/, Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Reminder that Jow Forums fags should kill themselves.
I only browse this board. The other ones are not interesting to me 2bh.
Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /tv/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /fa/ and /sci/
In that order
Jow Forums,/an/,Jow Forums,Jow Forums,/d/
>Jow Forums for the memes
And obviously Jow Forums.
Jow Forums, /lgbt/, /diy/
just here, /tv/, and kc
just this and /tv/
On a daily basis: /a/, /v/, /vg/, /gif/ and /s4s/.
At least once or twice a week: Jow Forums, /f/, /b/, /vr/, /vp/, /aco/ and /d/.
At least once or twice in month: /x/, /po/, /tv/, /co/, /h/, /toy/ and /trash/.
Currently trying to get into /lit/, Jow Forums, /news/ and his/. They seem like good boards.
Jow Forums
sometimes /v/
rarely /mu/
>Jow Forums
>inb4 unholy
>/soc/ when I'm trying to find internet friends
>Jow Forums
Jow Forums Jow Forums /tv/ Jow Forums
Very rarely browse /b/ these days but when i do its for porn.
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
/tv/ used to be my favorite board but it's been destroyed by redditors just like /v/
Gas yourself
i pretty much just browse Jow Forums as far as 4chin goes desu
>Jow Forums
/v/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /tv/
Jow Forums
/lit/ is my main board
Used to browse /v/ and /a/, but i don't really play vidya or watch anime anymore. Sometimes /his/ but it's just the brainlet version of /lit/ most of the time.
/x/ /sp/ /lit/
Jow Forums
Ocassionaly /lit/ /sp/ and Jow Forums as well
Jow Forums Jow Forums /his/ /out/ /diy/
I like doing work with my hands and reading
Any other lonely drivers out their?
/lit/, /hm/ and /mu/ on Jow Forums, /leftypol/ and /hgg/ on 8.
If you visit Jow Forums you should be banned from going on other boards.
that is all. I spend 3/4 of my time exclusively on r9k. i don't know why i do this to myself.
Street racers don't nees girlfriends
Jow Forums and /b/ should be locked in their boards. Same with cross-site posters who use 8ch and Wizchan.
Jow Forums
/ck/ (great bantz on this board)
and occasionally /his/
In order of frequency
Jow Forums
Honestly spend at least 80% of my time on /asp/ and only move elsewhere when it gets really slow
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>/asp/ (very infrequently)
I only visit
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Everything else is cancer