And in this moment, a new school shooter was created

And in this moment, a new school shooter was created

Attached: america.jpg (612x612, 48K)

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nobody cares about your uber trips you dumb bitch

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Wait, did those monkeys just break into her house? I don't get it.

I want to annihilate that woman.

Thats just sad man why humiliate the kid like that

they broke into his mom's pussy, nomsayin'. The worst part is that the poor kid had to listen to the gangbang

>all those mad whitebois in the comments
Kek. I bet they had guys come to their momma houses too

Of course you don't get it because you're a dumb racist

There's nothing humiliating about what they did to the kid. You're projecting your own prejudices onto the situation

is this why whites in the US dislike black men?

And a future Jow Forumsitician was born.

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Noice bait. 14/88 meme mr

saving interesting thread

My aunt dated a black guy and we were cool. But he was like a nerdy black guy who was into coding and anime and shit so that was probably why

Honestly, I don't even hate the nigger in the video. He's just doing what niggers do. I want to strangle the mother. The moment you prioritise your hedonistic sexual side life over the wellbeing and development of your child by infecting his home with your fuck buddies, you deserve to get the rope. Honestly, it would be just as bad if the guy in the video was white.

> the absolute state of mothers in 2018

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>the state of modern women
Femnoids are just vile.

>Blaming the black dude for the mother's degeneracy
It would be just as bad no matter the dude's color

Look at all those mad white bois in the comments.

Yo this shit is mad funny, like cmon. Like y know his mom is gonna let him smoke puff and slay pussy in the house when he's in high school if she allows these sorts of shenanigans

normal black folx like that are nice, you just gotta watch out for KANGZ and shoot them on sight if they start infiltrating the nuclear family

This. Keep in mind that this is what women are naturally like when they have complete freedom.

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i dont get it. what should i be triggered for ?

Imagine not just believing that the man that killed your brother should be set free, but dedicating years of your life to setting him free. What the fuck?

Female nature feeling sympathy for dangerous bad guys. And yes, this means that even family members can be thrown under the bus for women.

Women are literally scum. God damn that is just inhumane.

Oh look, another thread about the same video that has been discussed with last year. Whoop de fucking doo.

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You know what, maybe Muslims were right about something.

Attached: memritv-they-say-that-islam-is-against-womens-rights-thats-29814298.png (500x762, 159K)

>white women

this would have never happened if the mother was asian

if the mother was asian he would be a school shooter for different reasons

better than knowing your mother is getting fucked by a pack of wild niggers

to be fair he probably isn't as racist or mentally ill as you so he probably turned out fine

you can tell he's fucked in the head by his mother's choices in life