FUCK sonyggers
This is xbox town
FUCK sonyggers
This is xbox town
enjoy your cinematic 15 fps
No one plays PUBG anymore
I mean thats a straight up lie user and you know it.
>most played pc game
>most played xbox game
Just accept it. PUBG won
>not playing on a PC
>let alone a Computer
The more I play videogames the more I realise consoles are fucking dumb, more so if there's no real exclusives worth playing. This is why Nintendo are probably the best despite their low end hardware since they have their own icons.
Console normie
kek all consoles are garbage. I have all 3 and I barely turn them on unless some big exclusive comes out. complete waste of money.
say that one more fucking time
and I'll X you right between the eyes
Sorry what I meant to say was that the Xbox is dying
Kek fuck off PC masterfag no one cares
PS4 is near enough my Plex machine at this point, only games I've placed in recent times are Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata and Yakuza 0. I bought a Switch a while ago too, I like it so far but it's still a bit too new.
The biggest game of the gen (see
Only on xbox, pc, phones basically fucking everything but the ps4 lmao
>PC , computer
>the new spiderman game is ps4 exclusive
ill stick to my soy so long as I can swing on a thread with the proportionate strength of a spider xbox nigger.
a mac isn't a pc
>implying not just playing Battlefield
Top kek
ok can we go back to counter strike now please
BRs are gay and lame
Yh I guess you win c box is best with all of its exclusives like..like.. likeee ummmm.... could you remind me user what are the xbox exclusives
>Actually genuinely caring about how other people waste their time
Why? I don't get it.
had most use the ps4 yes but something about consoles just seem like a chore in general, I am still havent finished persona 5 and I bought it on release date. the game isnt bad, actually pretty good. i just cant be bothered to turn the thing on. I think is because i had to lay on my bed and get away from computer desk to play on my consoles. maybe i just need to get a 3rd monitor and hook only consoles to it. so i can shitpost and play same time.
Who the fuck uses a MAC
people with jobs and relevant careers
FUCK OFF user kys
Can't you just alternate your second screen between video games and whatever else you do on it? Better than spending money for another one imo.
>t. swede
original pepperoni pizza
Are you a apple fag user
what? apple is used worldwide.
it just has better computer than windows, so it's used in businesses
no I got used to having one monitor with browser and the other with steam/discord/music and stuff, is just really convenient. i probably look at craiglist for cheap 1080p monitors.
(you)re just mad that (you)re a swede
Kek are you mentally retarded or some thing
>PS5 coming this year with ryzen and a graphics chip based on the 2019 Navi graphics architecture with infinity fabric
Xbone X btfo and PS also gets all the exclusive weeb stuff.
Realistically it will get beat by whatever the low end pc gpu is at launch and be used to play nothing but cod l;like every year
user you get it all of Xboxes exclusives are crap I bet my right foot they'll drop halo 6 just to save thier shitty console
Yh at 50% of the price
Fortnite is way more popular. And its on ps4.
Xbox is gonna die ma dude
Wait until your normal computer needs replaicing and spend a extra $100 on a gpu to make it a gamng one. No one actually buys their pc literally just for games, it doubles up as their normal pc
>Have to pay money to play f2p games
pubg isn't free,
>nextbox coming a year later with considerably more power
sony btfos themselves either way
this is about Xbox and PS4 not FUCKING PCs user
I'm talking about the other f2p games. Not just that one.
Yh and all those exclusives user
why are you guys acting so upset? this has been common knowledge for decades at this point.
everyone knows apple makes high quality proudcts like the iphone and mac, they're just expensive.
It won't come this year.
I've suspected for a while that the FF7 remake might be a launch title for whenever the next PlayStation comes out, and that's a while off.
>implying the PS5 will have anything at launch or for the first 3 years
confirmed for never having owned a playstation console
Tbh the op pic sums it up. PS4 has more exclusives, xbox has more games people actually care about and buy
>consoles cucks actually pay to play online
it never stops being funny
Why specifically mention f2p games? I used to have an xbox and you have to pay for multiplayer instead of f2p
Ok user give me one original thing apple has don't in the last ten years And also wether or not they've done any thing better than any one else
ok like Xbox has any now
STFU user
Keep tellin ur self that user
DUMB nigger ain't even got a MOTHER FUCKING SOURCE
video related
Xbox has plenty of games not on playstation, and if the nextbox is more powerful than the PS5 like X is compared to the Pro it'll be my default platform next gen. I'll get a PS5 when the first must have exclusive comes out which will probably be a couple of years after launch.
it doesn't have to do anything original. it just has to keep making good computers and phones, like they've been doing.
It's not an opinion it's a fact. Way more of the ps4 games (which people buy not the literally who tier ones) are on xbox than the other way round. PUBG is hands down the biggest paid game this gen compared to everythin and it isn't even on ps4
>PUBG at 15fps
Ok iam done now
Lot better than 0 desu. how people can say xbox has no games when the best sellers on both reliably look like that every week is beyond me
>implying Halo and Forza alone aren't better than anything on PlayStation
some people pay $60 and expect more than a 7 hour long interactive movie
Hey remember when Xbox released horiz..oh wait I mean the last of.... oh wait I meant to say the last guardian or no Xbox doesn't have any of those
Then why don't you buy them?
AHAHAHAHAHAH ok user iam sure the 10 ppl still playing those games are super happy with their perchase
We do user don't feel bad ok when the Xbox dies we'll celebrate all of its little accomplishments
the best sellers look like this you clearly don't
>console war
you know that something is shitty when even /v/ bans it
BTFO XboXassfags
You know what the X Is for eXtreme lack of games box