Why doesn't your asshole look like this?

Why doesn't your asshole look like this?

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because i don't plan on ever getting fucked in the ass, i'm not gay nor am i a woman

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Because I am not a gay faggot

Does anyone else have to rip out their asshole hair when they take messy shits? The poop always gets all mixed in the hair so I just try to rip as much out as I can.

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Please stop trying to kill our board dude. Its the only thing i have left

how come girls have brown around their hole but not that guy or me?

I thought I was straight until now. But I'd fuck that thing for days

This is what anal bleaching looks like?

A minor surgery has left a scare

i do. i have a clean shaved ass since i was 15 because shit kept getting on the hair. now all i need to do is run and do squats and ill be good

Because I want to make assholes look like that.

>hair on the toilet seat
>99 percent chance it's asshole hair
This is why I always hover over public toilets

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Why doesn't yours? Post your ass faggot

Because I don't shave and I have hemorrhoids

Mine looks better

I want to lick that bussy

But it does
.. Or at least similar enough that everyone who has seen a pic of it in a similar position to that wanted to fuck me or eat me out.

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stop posting shit and show that boipucci

I do this sometimes. Theyre suprisingly easy to rip out too.

>t. 'femboy' who only takes pictures in very specific positions in flattering lighting

Because I'm not a gay bitch looking to go on a pride rally with my transfriend.

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Gonna need those pics, user

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im not gay but i would pound that if he wore a skirt and didn't look at me

>everyone who has seen a pic of it in a similar position

Wait... you have pictures of your butthole????

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Senior year high school I experienced this. Shaved my ass during college no homo. Just hated the hair. Wasn't really an issue since hs. Stopped shaving after college

Don't bully me but you're quite correct...
The position in the op pic is good for butt pics
I don't feel desperate enough to share my pics on a site where they get archived even if I delete the post and anons two years from now could still save and jerk off to.

Some cute boy is flying over to meet me and spend two weeks with me soon too
Read above.
Yes I do have pictures if it why wouldn't I?

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>Yes I do have pictures if it why wouldn't I?

Ummm because I do not think even my wife has ever seen my asshole... the front of my body gets the attention not the back.

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>Some cute boy is flying over to meet me and spend two weeks with me soon too
this is not fair!

i want to ejaculatus in trap anus

Yep, buttholes rarely are cute and pink.

Does having ass hair cause itch sometimes?

I'm thinking about it, I hate TP dingleberries

Whats the best way to do it?

I do that. I also pull hairs from my balls sometimes.
Hurts like a bitch but I kind of enjoy the pain.

Swipe a gillette razor down there in the shower till hair stops coming up.

Shitting can take up to 10 minutes these days because I'm stuck fishing out dingleberries. Really tempted to start saving up to get my ass hairs permanently removed or something, fuck this shit.

I shave my ass hair regularly. It just feels better, and looks better too. I hate having any hair below the waist, really.

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Also, this picture awfully resembles her...is it her? Was it a trap all along?

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Does it even matter to you? You probably don't care if it's a girl or a boy, you faggot of a rapist.

Reminder that when this guy stands up he'll be towering above you with wide shoulders, a deep voice, and man hands.
Reminder that this thread was created by PIC RELATED.

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how am i supposed to shave my ass hair?

Used to have a really shit diet and at its worst I was shitting once a week.
It pretty much ruined my asshole

Think I shared mine before, but I'll do it again x3 I did the same thing, had some lube, thought 'well, guess I could trying' and had the best orgasm ever! I got really into it though and slid my whole hand in there >w>. So it was some fingering to some fisting xD

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Probably when i found out that my mom had a kitchen tool which was just made for putting up your ass so i did
i've just begun training my ass again and i'm thinking about just buying a dildo now for the real experience hope i can take it^^

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And carry it anywhere you go? Brilliant idea brianlet.

If your ass is completely unshaved, then I would reccomend using an electric shaver to get rid of most of the hair.

Once that's done, go in the bath, apply some shaving cream on the ass and finish the job by manually shaving the rest of the hair follices off by using a razor.

Once that's done, dry yourself off and apply lotion to the area to keep it from itching.

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>Some cute boy is flying over to meet me and spend two weeks with me soon too
How on earth did you accomplish that?