Women have pussy deodorant

>women have pussy deodorant


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That bitch pussy STANK

How do you know it's pussy deodorant.

do you really expect a wet hole full of bacteria to smell good without proper care

roasties always scream about pussy deodorants, soaps etc because of muh natural flora and shit. they are proud of their dirty stinky pussies

Well, the brand is summers eve, the packaging mentions gynecologists, and the phrase feminine hygiene are all pretty good indicators, dummy

Of course they do, you fucking retard. Advertising sells us products based on fear. Tell someone their pussy or armpits stink and they'll buy something.

This should not be a revelation.

But pussies and armpits do stink...

armpits yeah, pussies eh. you can just wash them shits with water and it smells x50 better. pussy doesnt have to smell like tropical breeze mango to smell decent

That why theirs new and improved VAGISIL

When are men getting balls and dick deodorant


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What do you think gold bond body powder is for?

arm pits and nuts

but I've never used body powder


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It feels real good user

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Iam only gonna say this once THAT BITCH STANKKKK

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robots actually helped me out for once


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Summers Eve is bullshit. Making up something and then selling something to "fix" it.


Pussy smell is like fish smell; if fish smells like fish it has gone bad, you are actually smelling ammonia, pussy should smell fresh, like fresh fish smell like the ocean.

>pussy should smell fresh, like fresh fish smell like the ocean
What should pussy smell like exactly?

Do you really think that user knows?

Why would you post Tiny Tim's corpse

d-do girls rub anti-itch cream inside of their pussies? wouldn't that cause an infection or something? like it might clump up into little balls when it mixes with the dirt and dead skin up in there. do girls exfoliate the insides of their pussies to stop that from happening?

Just powder your fucking fur burger and shower. Not hard.
Wrong. It smells like that if she isn't hygienic.