Thanks for pissing off drumpfies

This thread is dedicated to a particular Jow Forums poster, who just so happens to be my favourite Jow Forums poster.
Thanks Reiko
Thank you for driving off the hordes of normies who get pissed off at trap posting which is the chemo killing the normalfag cancer.

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the best part is, if you read their stupid ass d*scord infographic, he even says how he's not into traps himself and he does it to cull the weak

I guess you could interpret it that way but he is into traps.

No he is not. Its to maje artists kill themselves when they realize they are 30 and don't look like girls

Do you think that's based though? (I'd rather not discuss the entire battle)

we need to use loli to drive all normalfaggots out

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His ID is Reiko#3333, make sure to add him and show your appreciation!

Thanks again for the nice faps bro. You helped me cum alot by attracting more trap posters to this board.

We have won...but at what cost?

Koakuma kunny 001

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>loli to drive all normalfaggots out
yeah, failed normalniggers totally aren't attracted to young girls
the average normalnigger gets turned on by the constant bussy posting behind cute anime avatars and the deceptively well photographed trap butt. they get turned on by it, start to question their sexuality, then freak out and leave.
you can literally look at the infographic to see him say he doesn't like traps, it's just funny to fuck with them and normals

A few bros have lost their discord accounts in the battle. But fear not. It was their own undertaking

make sure you also do your part by erping with people on the fence or full on trap. type a few dom lines and their dicks go diamond.

I didn't like the spam but I was fine with seeing the normalfags pissed so I kept my mouth shut. I was kind of excited when they got his address though. I was hoping something fun would happen but now we're back to normal and no one got killed. Oh well.
Also this.

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If you want to post your traps so bad, go back to /b/. This board may not have a specific topic, but trap posting is one of the biggest things that ruined /b/ in the first place, we don't need another board to fall to your normie faggotry.

Traps are hot, sexy and not gay.

It's stopped for the most part. If you're still complaining you should be the one to go back to /b/

\b\ really sucks. They're an entry level board with normies.

You would only point this out if you're a normalfag. And what's with those backwards /'s don't you know how to type?

I'm a kissless virg and have autism.
I identify with this board.

Sure, it's slowing down and all, but OP's acting like trap posting is a good thing. It's one of the major things that ruined /b/, that's why is right. It's basically just an entry level board now. It used to actually be good, but now if you go there it's all traps and porn. Go to a board that already has shit like that normalized if you want to post it, we don't need two /b/'s.

Request a blue board. Red boards are always porn dumps

>implying it is anything more than just the standard shitposting affair
ya'll niggas are retarded.

Not all shitposting makes people famous.

>i'm not into traps guys believe me because (weak excuse)

You're saying that because the other boards like Jow Forums have porn on them we should just turn Jow Forums into a porn dump board too? You're not making any sense.

Nobody seriously goes to /b/. Trap porn can't be posted on /lgbt/ so this is the only option

>yeah, failed normalniggers totally aren't attracted to young girls
Nigger just post 1 (one) loli pic in any thread and watch as normalfag retards lose their shit

>Thank you for driving off
You think that's what's happening, but actually, you're just creating super nazis out of normal robots. Those Jow Forumstards you guys hate so much? Yeah, you're the reason they exist.

>Nobody seriously goes to /b/
I wonder why that is.

Who the fuck is Reiko?

Faggot who led those "Why don't you guys become traps?" posts that've been floating around r9k recently. They're starting to die down, but they were really fucking annoying.

Only dying down because I got lazy tbqh senpai

Expect more soon ;)

No one cares about your stupid weeb desires. Go find a tranny if you want a trap so bad.

Someone sounds angry

Calm down little boy

joke's on you, i'm a trap-loving racist

I feel like this is a larp but keep doing God's work Reiko. Scare off those normalfags with qt feminine benises.

I could be wrong but isn't this the same sad leftypol reject that posts stupid political shit on /lgbt/? If so they are as bad as the people they are spamming about. Hell they are as bad even if they aren't because "le eb1n tr0lle" shit is autistic as fuck.

Cancer vs cancer really, entertaining though on some level.

No babe, feel free to add me if you're a fan

normies and the_donald crossposters have no place on r9k

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I'm perfectly calm, just an asshole.