What was the most disappointing or underwhelming experience of your life thus far?

What was the most disappointing or underwhelming experience of your life thus far?

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Turning 21, honestly everybody hypes up being able to legally drink and honestly there isn't anything that great about it.

The one anime con I went to.
They are super boring if you don't have friends.
Though Daiz was there so I guess it was okay.

getting a blowjob. all that hype for something that barely feels better than my fucking hand.

Sex doesn't feel as great as people make it sound, honestly could jerk off and feel better

Probably getting older. Every time I've had issues or difficulties in engaging with other people, I've always been told it will get better when I'm older and my peers are more mature. Yet every year that passes I still see my peers as being utter dissapointments as human beings who waste their lives pursuing empty careers or spouting meaningless bullshit. Honestly I've just been amazed at the mediocrity of human beings and I question how we've gotten this far as a species

College I guess. I thought It would be easy to make friends since I could join clubs with people who shared my interests, but instead it's just normalfags everywhere.
I miss high-school at the charter school I went to.

>force myself through school thinking it will be over soon
>force myself through high school thinking it will be over soon
>force myself through trade school thinking it will be over soon
>force myself through work thinking it ...it...
>...it never ends
>this is it, this is life
>there are no more steps
>it's just endless suffering

People hype it way to much for what it really is, i can honestly say that maturbating to hentai in my room is way more pleasant than having sex.
Also being in a relationship, i never want to date any girl ever again, not because they hurt me or anything, i just dont find worth it the effort you have to put for something so mediocre

Law school is incredibly disappointing. I looked forward to it for years before I finally got admitted. Now I'm almost done my first year and I'm so over it. It's just a leftist ideological mash of bullshit, and non-career related issues.

I was hoping law school would prepare me for a successful career, but so far it's just preparing me to be an SJW.

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I made friends with chads in college. I got super lucky I guess this year.

They know I'm shy.

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its hard to chose

teenage years.

The thing is I've actually almost made friends a few times, but I didn't get contact info and so wasn't able to contact any people I met after that given semester was over.
It really sucks since there was this one person that would've made a great friend, we even had a really long conversation once and had a lot in common, but I didn't think about being able to contact them and am now just completely lonely.

>he fell for the humanist meme

I worked at a real estate law firm for 3 years, realised my career as a legal assistant is a dead end so decided to apply to law school, get admitted and i fucking hate it.

What are you talking about, goy? That's how it's supposed to be!

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The result of most experiences depend on how much effort you put into them

for example, if you said sex was underwhelming you were probably lazy and didn't try to enjoy it, it was your own fault

honestly,I think that anal sex is the most dissappointing experience I've ever had.

>be 16 years old teenage loser
>still somehow found a 6/10 gf
>have first sexual experiences together
>fapping to online porn as often as possible
>think anal is the hottest shit ever
>ask gf if she wants to try
>relationship runs it's course
>suprisingly fine with it
>start going out more and meet new people
> casual flings here and there but nothing serious
>still can't get anal out my mind
>finally find a 8/19 17yo goth chick that seems to be into more kinky stuff
>hook up a few times
>actually super nice and fun the hang around
>start fucking daily
>she brings up anal while we talk about our fantasies while getting blazed
>next time we hook up I say I wana try anal
>she says "sure"
>this is it
>she turns around on the couch
>I lick her ass while she grabs the lube
>So excited
>dick is doing the Hitler salute
>we lube up
>I slowly press my dick unto her asshole
> "Oh yeah, right there"
>press a little harder against it
>tip starts sliding in
>"please go slowly, it hurts a little"
>something in my head clicks and I go into feral mode
>slam my whole cock into her at once
>she starts screaming and telling me to stop
>I cannot stop
>start pounding her ass as hard as I possibly can
>she's crying and trying to get me off her
>I hold her arms down behind her back and keep railing her exposed asshole
>she stops crying and starts making small moaning noises
>Your ass is grass
>I start making heavy thrusts while pushing her back down and her ass upwards
>Keep fucking like a madman for another 15 minutes until I finally blow my load in her
>get off her
>check for shitdick
>clean as a whistle
>she turns around and ask her if she had fun
>she said it felt painful at first but then she didn't feel anything anymore
>ask how
>"well your dick is about the size of a small turd, so it doesn't really hurt going in"
>o-o-ok, that's good

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Dude you raped a chick

nah, it's fine
That was before the SJW days my sweet summer child

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A: responding to YOU

I meant outside of all that you literally raped a girl

namefagging, really?

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Driving. I get absolutely no pleasure from being able to drive, if anything, it's more of a nuisance.

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Nope,we filled out all the neccessary consent paperwork.
I'd rape you when I get the chance though lover boy

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none of it happened. where do you think you are

Prob when I paid 200 to fuck a asian trap she was passable but when she moaned it was.. creepy oh and her penis was bigger than mine that was depressing as fuck I didnt let her fuck me or suck her dick thays to gay for me I did lose my virginity though that was 2 years ago and I'm 28 now

Anonyfagging? REALLY ?

I don't blame you for being bitter, but honestly... It's not MY fault that you decided to be a nameless, faceless, instantly forgotten, continually overlooked, insignificant microscopic droplet of irrelevant mist in the boring background fog of mediocrity...

Lonely boy

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Matt Y is that u?

Not even tripfagging?

It's like you WANT people to use your name.

nothing gets past you, does it ?

It's not that, it's just that I'm an enourmous fagit.

Is this your default response when you have no intelligent retalliation?

Exactly, the story smelled of bullshit and anons fantasies

I can't tell if you're incredibly autistic or some kind of schizophrenic. You type like a literal retard!


Definitely drugs. I can't understand how the fuck people can get addicted to them or why they talk about them like they're the best goddamn thing ever. I even tried psychedelics and they were a huge disappointment. Tobacco is the only drug that I've actually used more than a year after the first time I tried it, nicotine is alright.

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First time I had a blowjob. Chick was really hot, big tiddies, but 4/10. Shit didn't feel that good. Just get lotion and let it warm up a bit on your hand and rub, it's much, much better. Then I had to finger her and shit was like reaching down a fish's mouth to pull the hook out except it's a finger workout. It was only slightly better than jerking off.

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I expected crazy frats, people partying every day, joining random clubs, seeing qts walk up to you in the library and asking for help on assignments, lab partners and their bantz, festivals and nice events to party in.

Instead what I got was a lot of Indians, a lot of Chinese, 80% of students being commuters so the place was dead during the weekends, and the lecture halls were so big it was impossible to make friends lasting longer than a semester.

4 years of my life, supposedly the best years of my life, and I barely even talked to anybody or made a single friend. I was a fucking ghost.

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you just watched too many college movies

do u go to U of T?

Nah I went to this shithole

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