I started trt 8 months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I should have started years ago. If you have any questions just ask.
I started trt 8 months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I should have started years ago...
What changes have you felt?
Don't you have to take it for the rest of your life now?
hows your butt op?
I'm a completely different person, in a good way. Everything has improved. Every single thing. Also, oddly enough, I have a thing for chubby girls now.
Yeah, kinda, but I can come off of it when I want to have kids.
I stick my quad.
>I stick my quad.
sorry I read this as HRT and thought you were a tranny. did you use an online clinic or go local? good call with the quad. very easy to find the muscle, smooth injection, and easy to rotate
I go to a urologist. Different doctors have completely different stances. My current doctor is just like "feel good man? alright, here's 6 more months". But other doctors I've seen won't give me a prescription.
Lol @ you being an effeminate little sissy
its a very touchy subject for a lot of conservative doctors. I'm in Manhattan and would just go online if I ever hopped on. it's around $150/month for a prescription, but id say its a great deal to treat depression.
My free testosterone is triple the average. Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to take estrogen blockers too? and how many mg do you take?
You still have a 40% suicide rate, please go back if you still can, OP. Get some help if you can afford it. Please.
You feel that way now cuz it feels like you are finally making some progress in your life.
But very soon you are gonna be dissapointed with the results, become insecure about your passing, (maybe start camming to improve your self esteem) alienate yourself even further and eventually wish you could go back
Been there done that. Now I just wish I could wake up one day and everything is back the way it was.
If that doesnt happen soon I feel im not gonna be strong enough to carry on.
That's not a good thing. Too much testosterone has negative effects. I hope you like going bald by 30.
Op is a cis male user
God, I can't stop cracking up over this
you realize he said TRT, not HRT...right? TRT means testosterone replacement therapy to bring him to normal levels...
Laughing at all the people who can't read.
How'd your bloodwork stack against the reference ranges? I got mine tested out of curiosity and they were smack dab in the middle and I feel perfectly fine: good performance in the gym, good sex drive, etc. It's only my meatheaded idiot friends (who conveniently never bothered to get themselves tested) who seem to think you're an emasculated inverted-penis-bitch-tit-cuck if your bloodwork doesn't come out several times the high side of the reference range.
No, I do 50mg of testosterone cypionate every 3.5 days.
My free testosterone is around 30. Total testosterone around 1000
How old are you? I'm 31 and am considering it.
My main reservation is that I might lose my job somehow and not be able to afford it at some point after I have lost my ability to produce it naturally.
How much does it cost? I'm assuming it's probably not covered under most insurance.
>have high testosterone levels
>still a meek shy virgin
Had a panic attack a few minutes ago because i made too much noise
I'm 25 years old
My insurance covers the medicine but not the doctor's visits. It's not expensive even if you pay for it out of pocket. It's literally made out of soybeans or sweet potatoes.
I'm assuming units here but how are those numbers justification for TRT on their own? Or was it just based on symptoms?
Those are my levels now. Pre-trt I had like 290 total testosterone, never got free tested. But it was low.
Jaha op needs medication to be a man, fag
lol jealous
why only 100mg/week, that seems low
I run trt at 200mg a week and I much prefer that dose
Ah, got it. What time of day did you get tested?
Good for you. I did a 500mg cycle when I used to play rugby and can't wait to get back on when I'm older.
You take HCG to keep your balls alive. I've read it costs $45 for 3 vials if insurance doesn't cover it (this doesn't include HCG). Each vial should last 10 weeks.
Do you think t will make me less of an ugly andro thing? I got tested for 383 which is pretty low for a 21 y/o I think, not sure about free t.
The extent of the sissy brainwashing on this board is apparent when a man posts some fucking testosterone therapy and not one, not two, not three but multiple fucking people think it's sissy pills. Jesus christ
Good on you OP. Did you get diagnosed by a doctor for low T? How much does it cost?
Cost me 140 bucks for 10ml, and that was generic. I don't know how you'd get it that cheaply.
Yeah, doctor did a random blood test and found out. I wasn't even aware, but now that I've started I feel like a real person.
Costs me very little for the medicine and needles, but I have to pay for a doc appt and blood tests every 6 months
I heard it on a podcast desu. They were in florida discussing the price. My ugl test e was 20 gbp for 10ml 250mg
The more important factor is whether or not you have symptoms of low T, not what a number on your bloodwork that can swing wildly from day-to-day says (383 is in the lower 50% of normal)
I got it tested at 10 in the morning and that's apparently supposed to be the peak. Not sure what the symptoms of low t are. I have 0 confidence but that's mostly a negative reinforcement thing.
What was your free test pre-TRT?
Are you more extroverted/confident now?
Has every mental illness subsided?
Don't know about the free test. My confidence has gone up a ton, but I still have low self-esteem. It's not a magic bullet.
Sounds like you need someone to grab you by the shoulders and shake you while telling you to get a fuckin grip.
It's hilarious thinking about little Sassypants OP trying to be masculine
limpwristed little girl
You don't sound like the real johnny
Where did he go? Is he alright?
Why are you not using the fact that you're on test to get bigger, leaner and stronger?
Being on trt and not lifting is the stupidest shit ever.
I'm soon to be 26 and my test was 3.26ng/ml. I look pretty young for my age and I even have some gyno (even though only very little). I've also got a rather and small frame at the proud height of 5'8.
The biggest regret of my life was to spend all the time up to my early twenties sedentary and I shouldn't have smoked weed for all of my teens and early 20's.
I'm sure my test is higher nowadays because I dropped smoking weed and I've got a physical job so I move around a lot but the damage is done.
Just venting because I'm actually a good looking guy but my somewhat non optimal growth is the biggest cause of insecurity in my life.
I'm just fine. My son Jet, my wife Wendy and I all moved in together in our new place, which we LOVE...
we've all been super busy lately, and having a lot of fun. the new place is huge. gorgeous...
just been taking care of business