
Any fellow robots here know how to deal with tinnitus? I feel like I'm gonna end up killing myself because of it

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mine isnt that severe but ive learned to just live with it. I havent really noticed or cared about it for some time now.

try sleeping with a fan or listening to music through headphones? never had tinnitus, cant tell you anything else, sorry. mby doctors can help to alleviate it somehow

Try hearing aids. Worked for my dad and he works at nintendo.

I've had it for some long I basically stopped caring. Avoid anything that can cause hearing loss (loud environments, earphones etc) since it will make your tinnitus worse. Conduct audiometry and if your hearing is already subpar consider hearing aids

listen to music 24/7

Another tinnitus thread, another thread of crappy advice.

Just do ACRN, or rTMS if you're desperate enough. That should reduce the volume.

>Get tinnitus from listening to loud music
>Have to listen to music even louder to drown out the tinnitus
>It gets worse as a result
Boy I hope they're able to perfect the hearing loss CRISPR treatment that they're using in mice right now in the near future and apply it to humans.

Mine got magically away after 3 years.

>some meme programs on suspicious looking websites
Sounds legit


There's been studies done and most show that it's somewhat effective. Also, you can have it professionally done, but for $4,000and it's not much better.

Just be glad you don't have a saucy tinnitus+hearing sensitivity combo like me
>somebody has a tv too loud
>feel like screws driven directly into my brain
>a car passes by and honks
>feel like an explosion just went off

Attached: mio5.jpg (650x365, 35K)

imo its like background noise that just gets ignored after awhile, just dont pay any attention to it

I mean, the first is just some shitty program and the second is literally electrotherapy. Might cure my gayness, by likely not tinnitus. And yes, I'd gladly drop 4k and more to be rid of it.

How long have you had it? I started feeling its effect two years ago; it was hell for a long time. Every time I woke up it was the first thing I heard and that alone made want to curl up in bed and never leave.
However, with time, my brain began to register it as background noise and it just got me to forget what actual silence feels like. The closest to silence I can get now is hearing that high pitch ringing, but now I'm okay with it.
Hard times lie ahead of you, OP, and I am truly sorry that I can't tell you anything more than you should hold on and wait till your body grows accustomed to it. Might be a few months, maybe a year or so, but you'll get there.

Well if you'd really drop 4k for reduction (Probably won't get rid of it), then this is the way.

ACRN is just a noise program that creates a bunch of beeps around your tinnitus frequency. The point is to desynchronize the active neurons in that area of your brain to reduce tinnitus. It's effective in 70% of sufferers, but it takes 3 months of an hour a day or so for significant results.

Here's some ACRN programs to choose from if you don't like one:

rTMS works to slow down the active neurons in your brain by using electro-pulses. It's effective in reducing tinnitus by a lot in 50% of sufferers, but it takes a lot of visits. Probably around 12.

So no they're not "shitty programs" or electroshock therapy in the pence-sense. You're probably memeing but if you care then do some research on the subjects.

Just wait two years, Apparently that's when signal timings supposed to hit the market. That's why I haven't offed myself yet.

I've had it on and off for about 3 years now. The thing is I usually hear it for a month or so, and then it dissaperars for about 10 months. I recently started hearing it again and I'm scared that it's permanent this time. So that's why im looking for possible solutions

I know how you feel. So, I that you've been hearing it longer than a month this time?

I have had severe tinnitus my entire life OP. Basically silence causes a fire alarm to go off inside my head; it's so loud it's actually quite painful. I'm not sure if the treatments mentioned ITT are effective, I'm too poor/lazy to try them out. The only thing that works for me is white noise, usually a fan. I have a fan on me when i sleep, when I work or do anything really. I bring a little fan with me on travel. Drowning it out with louder noises will only damage your hearing and make it worse, don't do that.

Had it for over a year now. I can ignore it most of the time, mercifully it isn't really loud.

We need a cure for this shit now, not 20 years from now.

I agree. Attempting to use masking techniques seems pointless. acrn and rtms aren't too bad though at least they actually do something.

I've had it since forever together with eye floaters and "visual-snow" or however you call it. Going outside was a nightmare. Ignoring it seems to be the most effective for me.

It probably won't take that long, but personally, I'd settle for a treatment.
Frequency Theraputics begins their human trials this year. They had success transplanting hearing tissue into human tissue. That's a very important hurdle, and it could very well be a success. If it's successful, we could see it hit market by 2025.

Or as said, wait for Signal timing to hit the market in 2020. If you can make your tinnitus louder or quieter by moving a muscle on your face like your neck or your jaw, then this could reduce it by more than 12dB (average loud tinnitus is 20dB). Not as good but it's something soon.

I discovered my tinnitus was due to my fucked up jaw. I started using a splint for my teeth and it helped a lot, even if it's still there. Just put it on before sleeping and I started to feel a hell of a lot better. Maybe you could track it down to that?

One thing I've found that helps is to wear a hat over my ears in the cold. It muffles the incoming sound a bit too

Get used to it fag, I have it since teenager, you get used to it like sleeping with a loud fan.

Would piercing my ears with a pencil make the ringing stop?

I wish but tinnitus is a brain issue. It would just make it worse.

Fucking kek, same situation.
It used to be that I'd always hear the ringing, but I wouldn't notice it. Now it feels like there are fidget spinners in my brain spinning at a trillion rpm.
And I'm only 18. Fuck me.

>indirectly calling us retarded
well ur not wrong

1) How the fuck does the jaw affect tinnitus?
2) How the fuck did you learn that it was your motherfucking jaw that was causing it?
3) What kind of splint are we talking about? Got an image?

I've heard neck stretch could help because tinnitus could be a result of poor blood circulation

I've had it since my childhood. I remember asking about "this noise" to my parents.
Welcome to the club :)

TMD can cause tinnitus by causing stress on the middle ear, or by pressing a nerve that causes tinnitus.

Try shifting your jaw around. If you have confirmed TMD and you can reduce it by shifting your jaw in a certain fashion, then your tinnitus could be reduced with a splint.

not him but i can assume since the jaw can indirectly occlude/open the eustachian tubes, it probably had a lot to do with muscle tension fucking with the air pressure in his middle ear. Just like yawning can "pop" your ears when you change altitude, the splint probably holds his jaw open somewhat, allowing pressure to normalized.

ETD causes tinnitus too but ETD and TMD are different. TMD can lead to ETD though. I have chronic ETD and I clear my ETs out every week to reduce my tinnitus with a neti pot.

Just stop being a pussy. I have it too, but I really couldn't give less fucks. It's just a tiny fucking noise, if this is something that bothers you, you don't belong here.

Same, except I have double vision and I'm short sighted.

This is the one I use; it worked out fine for me.

Attached: 20180405_233816.jpg (2560x1536, 1.28M)

Shit, let me fix that.

Attached: 1522964584249.jpg (2560x1536, 1.28M)