Fuck Toilets

I laugh hard at you toiletfags with your archaic means of relieving yourself. Can't you see the bottle is the way of the future? Portable, lightweight, environmentally friendly. You toilet-jockey luddites make me sick. Toilet users will be remembered in the history books like backwards extremists they are.

Attached: pissbottles.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

what about pooping tho?

I liquefy my shit and store it in bottles as well.

I genuinely think you need help pal. I'm sat here confused and astounded whilst envisaging you doing it.

Whats the deal with the 4th bottle on the second row from the bottom right? Why is it so dark? Is there blood leaking from your kidney? What is going on here? Explain.

If people don't want to use toilets they don't have to. I'm not op

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Piss can come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This is a benefit of the bottle system. I can now enjoy and display my body's creations. With a toilet they are lost forever to the sewers.

what you don't realize here is that while bottles are good for storing your piss, when you reopen the bottle the smell will literally be so strong it will smell like a live elephant is in your room. especially in that dark bottle, boy do you have a surprise coming. and good luck getting the smell out of the bottle. i'm guessing you havent opened some of them in weeks

The smell is not pleasant yes, but is a small sacrifice to pay compared with a lifetime of being a slave to the porcelain devil.

This. Fucking Poseidons and their faggy water rooms.

>piss almost orange

Fucking drink some water every once in a while you dehydrated fuck, holy shit.

>Not sorting your piss bottles from darkest to lightest
You're not a true robot, fuck off

What are the pens for?

Kek, this fucking thread

I enjoy marking piss bottles based on the source liquid I theorize became that piss. Another benefit of pissing in bottles: scientific research and health analysis. With a toilet of course, all information literally goes down the drain.

put fanta labels on them and sell them to mexicans

You are mentally challenged. I'm not being edgy or making a joke. You have serious mental health issues. If a man willingly urinates in bottles and saves them for whatever reason, he is unwell. What trauma have you got OP? Where you abused or neglected? Did you shelter yourself and isolate your self for long periods of time?
How much guilt do you have? Are you happy?
Chances are you are very disturbed OP, seriously, start working out and going on walks everyday. You're starting to close in on yourself and it's eating you alive. I know it's rough but please fix yourself. Shit, it's fucking sad because I used to do this and I was soooo fucked up. I was lonely, fat, and just miserable.
Get help OP seriously, it's not even funny. This is so fucked up man

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I like to think of myself as a futurist if anything. Your tone is very rude and condescending. Stick to your toilet like a caveman if that's what you wish. I'm not going back to the dark ages.

Keep saving them to use them as ammo during the 2020 elections. You can use them to fill up water guns and soak libshits in piss.

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The bottles are marked with marker but the bottom of the pic has three pens.
What are the pens for?

At my nearby research station I use them to jot down notes. They were in my hand, but I had to put them on the ground for a second in order to take this photo of my collection.

You are lying
Who are you working for?
Whose piss is that?

A toiletfag like you would never understand. Some truths are best kept hidden.

Why don't you just piss outside.

half of those bottle look nothing like urine. explain the red ones and that one really dark one.

What kind of knuckle-dragging neanderthal would actually do this shit. What the fuck is your problem OP

i dont reccomend it but you can tell when OP is healthy or not based on the color.

Darker=worse Lighter=Better

You might want to throw them away too.

>Collecting multiple piss bottles.
>Not using 1 and emptying it when it it's full.

You're the most lazy of the lazy.
I use 1, because sometimes I get so drunk that walking to the toilet might end up in injury.

Why are you making such a big deal out of this? People post piss bottle threads regularly. Let the man piss in his bottles. He's not hurting himself or anything.

Why the fuck do normies hate piss bottles so much? I told my neighbor about mine and he reacted as if I told him I was a child molester. I know for a fact the same guy pees in his backyard. How is that any different?

What day of the week/month do you empty them? I have to do it regularly as I use jars ( you see i'm quite eco-friendly unlike toilet users).Otherwise the piss will smell ( although then i can sniff and deduce if my bladder is in good health).

Attached: mfwpee.png (640x400, 32K)

>people seriously use piss jugs

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piss bottles, poop jugs

Don't get the two mixed up. I wouldn't piss in a bottle like some sort of fucking animal.