Why do girls pretend to have anxiety

Why do girls pretend to have anxiety

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For attention. Its not just females either, its nu-males as well. Having a mental illness is considered cool now and people pretend to have them or pull random symptoms out of their asses in attempt to be labeled with some special snowflake shit. This could also be harmful to people with actual mental illness because people will think of it more as a special snowflake meme instead of an actual issue

Why are autism you?

Anxiety is a pussy mental illness so of course women have it. The problem is males complaining about it. You're the fucking weak faggots here. Anxiety is the best mental illness i have. It's nothing compared to actual mental illnesses. Stop playing the victim card homo

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Anxiety is mental illness. Even if you have no legit reason to be nervous when you are a capable and beautiful person you can still succumb to mental illness. There's a reason why suicide rates are higher among rich people than poor people.

Yeah mental illness is not a fucking joke. I've been on anti-depressants for a few months and I fucking hate it and I hate that my body has started to rely on it to function. Imagine being prescribed a heavy dosage ssri and basically being castrated ON TOP of having no social life and social ineptitude in general. Also being addicted to benzoids. I actually wish I can transfer my mental illness to those bitches if they really want it or if they want to add on to what they already have

It's not an actual issue, how could you think it is? Any kind of "mental illness" is just an excuse I'm full of excuses

Lol should have said that to that faggot who blew his brains out on stream

He was a victim of society and circumstance no need to kick him when he's down that would have been cruel

I have schizophrenia pls give advice

Do yoga bruv

Naah he was just an attention whore like all men. Men go to drastic measures to get attention from women since it increases their chances of being able to supply women with his DNA.

I believe fully that women have anxiety, maybe even on the same rates as men.

What I do not believe is that it actually affects them as much.

When you're a man, anxiety is a death sentence for your social life, romantic life, career, and even just doing mundane shit that everybody else does. I see lots of women who are able to be very passive and not assert themselves in any capacity and other people will just do it for them.

Yeah, women don't have to be dominant so anxiety doesn't hurt them as much socially. There's an expectation that they take less risks. A man with anxiety is fucked because he's expected to take the lead but anxiety prevents him from doing that.

Women do have anxiety because they are fucking hopeless. Literally their only quality in their vagina and their body clock is quickly ticking down on it. Then consider they bleed out their pussy 12 weeks a year, are physically weak and highly illogical and emotional.

It is no wonder so many of them have anxiety.

See a psychiatrist for schizophrenia. Mental issues like that are easier to diagnose because the symptoms are far easier to discern. REAL depression and anxiety is a fucking nightmare though especially the medications(which has really different effects depending on the person), the one I'm currently taking makes me want to fucking skin myself alive. But if you just ignore it, you'll just become one of the silent casualties especially if you're one prone to closing up or have zero social skills like the average robot.

Anxiety is definitely a pretty normie/beta mental illness. Full on depression is less so. Shit like schizophrenia is characteristic of the robot.

Exactly THIS. Roasties unless they're a degenerate single mother or suffering from a crippling illness generally have jack shit to worry about except their pussies and feelings, especially adolescent females. Pussy pass is absolutely true, even the bottom tier of women still have despsrate beta nu males who worship females as a last resort to leech off when they realise they have no chance with their dream chads. Men have absolutely nothing

kill yourself


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Women are way more likely to suffer from SAD, and more women suffer from it on aggregate, OP. You might not enjoy the data of quantitative analysis, but that doesnt make it any less valid.

We all know what you need to do

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