Be me

>Be me
>31 yo oldbot
>Finally find the courage to go to a single event at near me
>Go there, reserved for only single people
>See this beautiful girl sitting at a table, all alone
>After the single event is officially started, I walk to her table and ask if the seat is taken
>She looks at me surprised
>Says " Oh, I got a boyfriend, uh sorry"

>Everyone there is supposed to be single
>I can't take it anymore
>On my way out I see a chubby male asking if he could sit, and she lights up and say "Of course"
>I run home, tears running down my cheeks

Should I just end it all, anons?

Attached: suipepe.png (780x438, 239K)

>31 years old
>posts frogs
yeah you should end it

i thought so, i hav no futur

>le bleach meme frog
Fuck off shithead. Please just do it.

i will, nmn

People are different. That pretty girl you talked to was a chubby chaser

You need to find one with a fetish for loser wizards

Dont do it user. Im sure there will be a girl out there for you

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>still goes for the beautiful girl
Fuck you. I am sorry you felt bad back then, but fuck you.

i thought girls liked adult men also i look not too old
i am chubby as well, just mentioned so it didnt have anything to do with me fat

Girls like men around their own age, a bit older or a bit younger. But tell me, if you took that part of Jow Forums advice, why didn't you care for the others? (social status is extremely important for women, etc.) Why didn't you approach someone on your level of attractiveness at least? Why do you bitch about beautiful women not wanting you, since you are not a chiseled chad?

she was beautiful but not like model, i thought i had a chance... she was bit wrinkly and so but i dont mind, prob she was in late 30s something...

>making it all the way to wizardhood and then trying to give up your mana.

But she was still beautiful, user. But she was still beautiful.

im not ugly, my sister always call me cute and stuff, and she is beautiful, i think we have good genes

i am bit chubby but so what, i still have a smooth skin and shave excess hair between brows cause monobrow is nasty

i deserve someone at least, and what is beautiful in my eyes may not be beautiful in ur eyes

mah nigga go to the gym and shave your neck, maybe that's the way to go

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How many people attends these single events? What age groups are mostly present? I imagine it's either full of ugly virgins or full of chads and stacies

no need to be rude, i shave my neck

i feel bad about gym, too many chads there and i feel out of place

seemed like 20-30 was there, mix of people of all ages

there was this indian godess there but she was out of my reach ofc

i go to gym and i'm a fucking faggot, don't worry you'll get over it eventually

even worse, there are homosexuals there

i dont like thinking of them looking at me

You were still aiming too high. Your sister says that shit because she's family.