unfriendly reminder that this is a peep board
Unfriendly reminder that this is a peep board
peep pride worId wide
The Minipublic lives on.
the future is peep
peep team was best team
more like a reminder that this is a reddit board
I was banned during easter who ended up winning I missed it?
Why do the other teams even try? They'll never match peeps
Peep is the peak of evolution
peeps are faggots as signified by their gay colour
any /peeps/ here?
We may have lost the contest, but we'll win the end peepbros.
Go away obnoxious peepfags. Jow Forums is officially a team mini board.
If you're not a butter brother, you lost and are basically human garbage. Get over it.
>team manlet
when will they learn
i just wanna lay my head on your chest close as i can to your heart
Cream ALWAYS rises to the top.
You best remember that.
You didn't miss much but 1st of April isn't supposed to make sense. Peanut Butter remained, the other teams are now all Jelly.
Peeps are my personal sluts
Adda boy, you tell 'em.
>Minis had best princess and best OC
>PBs had the victory
>Chocolates had second place and bromance with PB
>Cremes and Peeps had ??
Peeps had the best memes
Mini-Peep alliance pls
All non peeps, remember to pay your taxes.
Without them we could not finance our fine peep warriors to protect the kingdom and r9k would fall to the barbarian hordes.
I miss peep posting with my peeps
>tfw the corner store doesn't sell peeps
but peep died
(rip small peep)