The Thousand Year Alliance

The population of Jow Forums is twisted, sick from the disease that is feminism and the (((sexual liberation))), its contents being a cesspool of faggot threads and jewish psyops.
By purging the undesirables out of the boards, it can be ensured that the lives of robots can improve once more.
The Thousand Year Alliance is unstoppable.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The tide can be pulled back.

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>Tony, dindin is ready!
>MOOOOOM just a sec, I'm saving western civilization by being an obnoxious faggot on Jow Forums! #truearyan

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Is Jow Forums agreeing to ally with us? Or is this just a thread suggesting an alliance be made to purge the trap heretics

It's only a suggestion, for now.

>implying Jow Forums isn't what ruined this entire site

Fuck that shit you chad. I'll remain a loner.

I'm not the King of Kings, I'm merely the king of myself, it's your decision to either agree that the trap shit is choking the life out of this board, or live life blind like the horde of normalfags.

Fuck off, we have enough cancer already, and trannyposting is already decreasing

Fuck off. Jow Forums is a communist board.


Jow Forums is always gonna be here together with /lgbt/ to protect you robots!

So get away from wamen! Get a cool azn ladyboi gf, and a twink bf, and some cool ethnostate values!

Lets gay the vaginal jews out of existance!

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Never assume safety. Just when you think it's as bad as it can get, it always gets worse.

>not even bothering to read OP's second line

Jow Forums and Jow Forums were and still are best buddies.

Communism is the ideology of failure.

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Jow Forums is a liberal board mostly but Jow Forums is pure cancer. can't believe it hasn't been deleted yet

They say it's a containment board, at least Jow Forums leaks far less than /lgbt/.

R9gay posters are mostly closet faggots or traps. Jow Forums deserves someone better than us.

>mostly closet faggots or traps
That's what (((they))) want you to believe, no really, that's really what the gays want you to believe.

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it's like the thousand year reich but more autistic

Uh, we're not friends. Robots don't care about your crumbling normie collectivist society. Once it crumbles then us robots will shine and we will shine bright. You're civilization can't crumble fast enough. You dug your grave, now lie in.

>we're not friends
>us robots
Are you not against collectivism?

Then it fits us perfectly

The problems of the average robot are 90% internal with the rest being external influences, stop trying to latch onto places you aren't needed.

>blaming yourself instead of others.
Tsk tsk tsk. You are better than this, you can overcome this deliberate emasculation from external evils.

>all avatars are anime
Heh. It turns out, people telling about anime avatars being faggots and trannies were true.

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It's hard not to see anime as jap-made illustrated jewry.

This is how you poltards look to us though

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Forgetting where you are

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Im not Jow Forums fag, but i would 100 times prefer seeing this place with more pol posts than this fucking handfull of fags posting.
It really fucking IMPRESSES me how can so little people shit so much a board with their trap spamming, jesus crist i would love beat the shit out of these shits so bad.
They should be Ip banned for organized board polution.

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They ban people like me for calling out on their literal brainwashing psyops. The mods of the robot board is against the robot himself.

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you're an idiot then. trap fags are easy to filter. Jow Forumstards are a swarm of locusts. they get everywhere. they don't just stop at making threads, they enter every over existing thread too, spamming it with nonsense.

thats exactly what the trap posters are doing you utter retard
i dont care if i see a
post every now and then, trap posters are an infestation in every goddamn thread

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point to a single trap related post in this thread

hell I could pick five random threads and I'd find 10 to 20 Jow Forumstard posts vs between 0 an 2 trap posts if I'm really lucky. Most threads I enter are literally nothing but Jow Forumstard garbage.

I know their are obnoxious aswell, but in situation of trade, it wouldnt mind that much purgin those trap posters.
As long as they dont come with that, "you need to be a supreme male to secure the race" bullshit thinking that i need to be a fucking role model for an aryan society in every thread, im f-fine.
I just have a really bad nerve for this trap posters and i wouldnt mind exanging pol for this.
Afterall poltards should even drive out more easly the normies from this board aswell.

This right here.
Other than my brief mention of the jews, do people honestly believe that this board is cluttered with Jow Forumsack threads as opposed to trap threads?

>I'd find 10 to 20 Jow Forumstard posts
Prove it then.

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Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums are basically the same boards. Natural allies.

>in this thread
how about the entire fucking board?
go kill yourself you gay retard

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Jesus Fucking Crist some mod pls delete those fucking threads and ban their posters. This shit needs to end.

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Fits together like bacon, lettuce and tomatoes.

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Jow Forums is just r9k but with gains
pol is r9k with political beliefs

>trap fags turn up and spam board with their shit
>polfags turn up to fight them and claim that they fit in with r9k
>real robots who have been here all along wish you'd all go away so the nice comfy board could come back.

You're all as fucking annoying as each other. I don't understand why you think ruining this board is worthwhile when you have the whole rest of the internet to have your shitty slap fights.

Why don't the supposed "real" robots do something to achieve their nice comfy board?
I'm not from Jow Forums, but I admire their ideals. Their board hasn't been compromised, why should this board be?

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can something be done about /b/ though that board used to be funny now its all just...cuck porn


shutting it down for a few months like wizchan does would probably help it out a lot
Maybe ban porn threads, but still have it a red board
>96447 results
>17306 results
>128409 results

We simply can have this board left alone, we either have it full of traps and faggots spamming, or the pol boys coming in. Ofc it would be better without them both but this is not an option right now.

just hurry up and anschluss us already

At least the Jow Forumsfags will deter the actual fags.
>63403 results
>20294 results
>213066 results

The people of Vienna celebrated the German Army as they marched through Austria, history really does repeat itself.

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>saying the word nigger makes you a poltard

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>387618 results

I didn't know Jow Forums owned those words

>saying the word trap makes you a tranny

I was using transition because it's the most frequent defining characteristic of a real tranny post, and the word degenerate is for Jow Forums. You're the one who immediately turned it to 11.

>how are you doing fellow robots
Go back buddy, we are doing fine.

>the word degenerate is for Jow Forums
The word degenerate has been part of the English language since the 15th Century. Jow Forums did not invent the word nor does it have exclusive rights to use it.

>go away you don't speak for me
>we are doing fine

>most frequent defining characteristic of a real tranny post
refer to you fucking crayon munching buffoon

who besides Jow Forums uses that word on Jow Forums? who besides trannyposters uses the word transition on Jow Forums? it's about narrowing it down. if you have better suggestions I'm all ears.

>who besides Jow Forums uses that word
I do.

You can't make an alliance with yourself. Anybody with half a brain can tell the people of Jow Forums and robots are one and the same. Although I do agree that Jow Forums would be a lot better without the undesirables. Which is why we should rid this board of all robots.

>who else besides pol uses that word
90% of the site you fucking newfag

poltards dont speak for me.

you dont speak for robots either faglord

complete nonsense, the only people I've seen using it are brainwashed Jow Forumstards and reading the posts in the archive reveals that. it's almost always followed by some braindead conspiracy, something about western civilization crumbling, jews controlling everything, etc.

i am at least a robot. you are a poltard invader pretending to be a robot to push an agenda.
literally everything you accuse jews of doing.

>you're not a robot
>i'm a robot
>trust me goy he isn't the robot
Are you purposefully inept or do you honestly lack any self-awareness?

>peepee poopoo

>i am at least a robot
i really doubt that.
>source, my ass
wew its fucking nothing

"Nigger" is used as a generic insult on every fucking board on this site, dumbass.

I tried warning you bro

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I've been away for like a year what is all this nonsense?


thank you so much brainlet I knew I was forgetting something

just between shill, goy, degenerate, jew, kike, Jow Forumstards are handily ahead

No. Fuck off, Jow Forums is cringe af.

But Western Civilization IS crumbling.
Not saying it's "da j00s", but you have to acknowledge that feminism and sexual "liberation" have destroyed our once healthy society.

some robots have been brainwashed by some e celebs to become alt right and came back to recruit.

>a word used by everyone from poltards to leftists alike
fuck off back to plebbit
summer must have come early already

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Oh look, the trap posters trying to infiltrate

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>goy is used by everyone
>degenerate is used by everyone
>gas the kikes is used by everyone

literal cancer

don't make me add refugees too user

oh look another poltard

no arguments here
what the fuck are you even trying to say
goy is the same as gas the kikes?
you're a fucking mental midget if you believe all this

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newfags have flooded in and decided they didnt like what they saw

Go away, Jow Forums is apolitical. Robots are too isolated from normal society to relate with politics.

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you dont have to understand, my aryan friend. just go back to your containment board

Goy is a term used by Jews, how is that a Jow Forums term?

>everyone i dont like is a poltard

It's not about politics, I'm sure even communists would have some concern if what the board they're on were to be clogged by traps and fags.

I wholeheartedly support this alliance

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>neet tranny loving incel losers are close friends with clueless buzzword cattle


everyone who is a poltard i dont like

really? cause when i search for goy on twitter i see only stormfags use it

good tripole!

>using twitter as your source of information

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>victims of society are close friends with those who are against the ideals that society has to create those victims
Far more fitting.

assuming Jow Forums didnt already colonize Jow Forums

And so the thousand year trap war of Jow Forums continues!

Polcels will be defeated! Stay tuned
