Traps are cute!
Traps are cute!
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If they are drawn. In realy life they smell weird, are hairy, have terrible qutezy voices, have a lean male figure have loads of makeup and look male without the catfish angle and are emotionally so fucked up that you will never get rid of them after a single hookup. Fuck traps. And by that I mean dont
Traps are gay!
I'll have to disagree
Gay retard
>guys(drawn with female bodies and faces) are cute
kys fag propagandist
>draws female body
>adds a bulge
>look here goys, it's a female, now embrace homosexuality
The Thousand Year Alliance is inevitable.
>First they came for the traps and I did not speak out..
Not falling for your tricks, stormfag. Robots and traps are natural allies
Personally I'm perfectly happy to accept it's gay. I'll jerk off to it regardless, I don't give a fuck
>natural allies
Evidently false, traps are the natural predators of robots. They spread their disease like zombies.
>random screenshot from literally whomstdve
Again, not falling for your tricks
This. 2D traps are very cute, but 3D traps are disgusting
This reads like a joke intended to strike every single nerve that you Jow Forums idiots have. Which means that's probably exactly what it is.
>it's just a joke goys
It's doesn't look like a joke when this board is littered with a disgusting sludge of trap threads.
And everybody is fine with it except triggered poltards who dont belong here
>everybody is fine with it
The rapist deludes himself with virtue simply because he is the one receiving the pleasure.
>everything i dont like is rape
literally horse shoe theory
It is merely an analogy, simpleton.
Holy shit, are Jow Forumstards ever so retarded. How about you stop overreacting?
origogo seconded i like you user were realists
>says something stupid
>you are stupid
>i-i didnt actually m-mean it
/pol fag BEGONE
Kill yourself, not even saying that for the meme, i couldn't give a shit about your gay shit, You should kill yourself because you think you're being all cute and whatever.
You don't seem to understand the difference between analogy and conflation, maybe you should think about that before calling others stupid.
>he thinks an analogy is an argument
>this isn't an argument cuz i sez so
people on hrt smell sweet like girls
and any self respecting trap removes their hair
>flat chest
>female figure
sorry but traps aren't gay
Dunno mate not all traps are just female drawn called male.
Traps are meant to be cute, they draw them just like girls... they look exactly like girls (most of them) but they have fucking boi dicks. If you find dicks cute you have infinite gay
You better stop posting him this instant.
He is mine and always will be
Niggas, if you like traps because they've got penises then you're gay
Not for long. There's no sharing where I'm going.
>they draw them just like girls
no they don't
they drive them flat chested and usually with narrow hips. anime girls often have an emphasized chest
get big get
Where it is you're going won't be with my husbando
You can't stop me. I have no one and I'm going to make sure he's going to change that.
He's not going anywhere with you. Find some phony look a like
That's just not possible
>t. Trap psyop poster
Just gotta try, there's surely someone that can match his perfection. Or at least come semi-partially close. Or find a new husbando
>doesnt even try to hide he is an invader
>find a new husbando
Don't ever say that again
Look mate I'm just giving you options because he belongs to me. So you gotta find someone else or a look a like.
I was one of the first thousand posts on Jow Forums when it was first established, you shiteater. It's you who is the cancer.
sure you were buddy.
You keep believing that and you'll fall.
You keep that optimism and you'll just be setting yourself up for disappointment, I'd strongly advise moving on friend.
get fucked you moralfag redditor, I'll jack it to sick shit till I die and your nazi LARP will never ever stop me
Fuck off Reiko, nobody fucking wants you here you dumb gayposter.
if i get the get, traps are super gay
also love you drop
I wish I could break up with my gf to be with a qt trap, she's probably getting fugged by Chad anyway
>misgendering a trans girl in media
brits are really way behind about this whole trans acceptance thingy
That's why they're raiding Jow Forums and not Jow Forums. Oh wait, you're a retard.
grrr, i want to be a natural predator too, i am scary! scary!
looks like traps aren't gay, nothing new here