What is the most "degenerate" thing you've ever fapped to? No meme replies, please

What is the most "degenerate" thing you've ever fapped to? No meme replies, please.

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my father maybe

Sissy literotica

random shit on /d/.

>No meme replies, please
but i literally fap to memes

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one time I jerked off while I was driving, I was listening to Bjork.

If you are a girl that's a little less degenerate, are you a girl, user?

i am yes a girl ja

A Finnish woman.

A tranny giving a Nigger head.
For like 4 times.

I was always high on weed when I did that. Fuck man. I stopped watching porn after that for like 4 months.

I have a pebis and balls and don't take hormones

Mixed race "sex" (bestiality)

Hentai of a girl being raped by flies and other insects

ebin for teh winz0rs

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Female hormones being injected directly into the penis. Watching it fade from a vascular veiny erection, to a poppy cheesedoodle lady dick.

Snuff. I skip the "killing part" and just watch the guy having his way with a still/emotionless body.

I hate it. I can't go back to normal shit though

I don't fap to things I don't enjoy.
I'm not participating in the acts, therefore nothing I do is quite degenerate.
That being said,
>tfw no catgirl waifus

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don't feel bad. the fucking cunts probably deserved it.

Do aborted babies count as CP

my waifu's corpse being anally raped after being shot in the head, maybe.

i dont think you should talk about that user
keep it to yourself

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Gay zoo I guess but idgaf anymore

went to a girls house, wanked into a paper tissue and then wiped the paper tissue with the cum inside it all over the doorknob of her frontdoor and the doorknob of the car that was parked outside (didn't know if it was hers or a neighbours but did it anyway)

Link to this thing???

I knew someone would write this but i didnt think anyone would have the balls
shame on you i hope you seriously kill yourself

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Gay bestiality mpreg

Holy fuck dude, I've done the exact same thing.
Although I would say a local transgender DJ. Mandidexteous, met her at one of her raves whilst rolling and felt that 'connection' next thing I know I'm on the train home tapping to a picture of her in the toilets. Pic related.

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A dude was getting fucked in the ass, and when the top pulled out he had shit ALL over his dick. The bottom just turns around and starts cleaning it off with his mouth. I'll never be the same after cumming to that.

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Not really degenerate, but extremely hot and unusual.

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Horse semen collection for artificial insemination

It's the part when the guy starts having rough sex with a still/emotionless/lifeless doll like body.

That shit is crazy. I literally couldn't go back to regular porn after I discovered this

necrophilia once

either insect impregnation doujin or feminization audio.

>Anal gaping

The last one is rather common for me

You should watch the sfw video of the kiwis drinking horse jizz drinks that were served at a restaurant

A family member masturbating
my grandma

I'm boring, but mommy JOI video

>Myself, kinda, at least the thought of me being fucked by a guy, while I was alone in my room
Pan trans girl
Makes me cringe now that I look back on it but my hormones were crazy and I was super horny at the time.

i fapped. i fapped to 'it' again...

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lmao, im curious what you're on about.

Girls that were undoubtedly underage. They weren't naked or anything (they were pictures you could find on Twitter n shit), but I still felt pretty bad afterward.

He fapped to IT.

What the fuck.

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user that is normie-tier right there
stop trying to be edgy

oh...... fuck, that's rough

Pony vore

I guess it's not the worst but I don't get off to any other "out there" porn genre

now we are talking


>ctrl+f cuckolding
>0 result

I'm proud of you, Jow Forums

Baby rats being crush by two women barefoot.
It looked vintage. And the baby rats were crushed on top of a glass table. Camera underneath the table.
Literally everything i want out of a degenerate fap in one video.

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>be black guy into cuckshit
>no videos where white guy cucks a black guy

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Forced Brazillian face sitting. Rape porn. Monster vore rape. This isn't the worse I've fapped too, just some exaples.

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Tons of vids of white guys fucking black chicks, that ought to do.

Incestuous macrophile threesomes

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For internet standards, not that bad. Pic related.

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Meant to reply to OP, sorry.

Having Queelag lay her eggs in my back like the enemies in Dark Souls 1 before her fight.

Not that weird. Sophia Lillis is a babe.

Consensual cannibalism stories probably

I fapped to futa a few times

your mom, OP

W-what happens if you get her pregnant?

well when the time comes the baby will head out

Do you have a link?
I need to see this

think of the worst you can imagine, then imagine it dead

Would you consider a penis that is smaller than a credit card and has never had the foreskin peeled back to be a lady dick???.... ugh, just wondering for a friend....

Not trying to be edgy or anything but a video of a brazilian girl getting beheaded. Something about beheadings gets me hard. And I don't even hate women or anything like that.

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Ohio. I green texted it before

You cheeky cunt.


>comparing a degenerate tranny you met while on MDMA to the GODDESS Bjork
>shitty rave music vs gorgeous, hearfelt and interesting music
>a literal man vs a pure icelandic cutie
the duality of man

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Kino anatomy desu.

That's fucking disgusting KILL IT WITH FIRE!


this just happened last week and im 25 so it's not like hormones were raging
>playing the forest
>naked cannibal lady runs up to me
>kill her
>dick moves on last scream
>carry body back to bonfire
>jack off while chopping up body and hanging it on drying rack
>jack off while chopping up other bodies i had lying around
i guess im just aroused by the power it gives me over the entities in that game that i can kill them so easily and dismember them and eat their corpses

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pic related was my worst

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damn user, I kind of feel bad for you for some reason. I'm not trying to judge but why do you find necro hot?

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Unga Bunga by Flavor Flav.
Michael Jackson by Flav, too, but I'm sure I'm not alone on this one.

yo niqqas can I get the story?

I actually meant I've had a wank to Bjork whilst in my car. The other story was just my most degenerating masturbation story.

Since when can you put human meat on the drying rack? I haven't played in a while, is that a recent update? Can you eat it?

Cum eating instructions. it didnt taste good and made my throat dry

Only have it from some greentext. I don't have the story.

I don't really find necro hot, but this particular image I like

A foxgirl saving herself from being eaten by an alien by farting into his mouth with such force that he hemorrhages blood everywhere and dies

Macrophile cuckold porn, which is basically a giant man and woman dominating you, talking shit about how inferior you are, forcing you to worship their bodies. I've gotten less masochistic since I've built more self confidence, it was sort of an outlet for when I was feeling worthless.

You mean I could've fapped to this instead

Why do those noises she makes turn me on so much?

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I once found a video of my at the time girlfriend (only one I ever had) ducking her ex.

Myself, back when I was really high on that good Jow Forums autism

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Man you people are so insecure.
Who would have guessed.
I jacked off to that too btw but like several videos.

Some negro fucking a doll in the mouth.

>Mixed race "sex" (bestiality)
What a surprise. No one gives a shit.

I've fapped to doujins with scat in them before.
Also the regular tentacle stuff.
And furry shit, but that was years ago.

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