Have you accepted reko3333 in your heart yet user

Have you accepted reko3333 in your heart yet user

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>traps are mentally ill
more news at 11

I wonder what happened to this user, godspeed my friend

kek rip user
wish him the best

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Probably not much, since the screenshot was taken yesterday

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it's a her now

traps are gay for realz yo

What the fuck is HRT

>Either take HRT or your close ones see you dressed like a girl
The second choice is much better. Maybe even get police involved if you can.

Traps are great and all but shit like this is just sad and unethical.

>he thinks this is real
Do you think it's really that easy to dox people?

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Hormone reproduce transplant

That discord is doing God's work, I swear

hormone drugs for fags who want to """change genders""". It only fucks your body up even more, and probably increases your depression and chance of suicide.

The T stands for """therapy"""


and nothing of value was lost. Fuck him.

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>probably increases your depression and chance of suicide
good. less fags = better world.

We need to kill all fags.

we need to execute queers NOW

who is this reko?

Hostage Rescue Team

Call the police. Why not?

I mean, look at this user

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whoever gets blackmailed -> sue that scum

Look at OP pic, Then at

it really is. you would be suprised how easy it is to follow a trial of bread crumbs because people are autistic and have too much informations online

tfw you will never be reiko's little sissy and give him a bj while he is reaping havoc on this board with his little gang

Someone send the discord link pls

Who the fuck is Reiko? What a little faggot lol, he sounds like a NEET and a brainlet.

Anyone else wanna join just to see what happens in there?

I wonder how they feel about robots who wear diapers.

We're going to need that link.

I just google searched "Reiko Trap Discord" and found lots of relevant information. Let's see what I can dig up...

titty skittles

and r for replacement, lol

>not finding a picture online and using that
He/she/it fucked up

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Apparently this guy has been doxxed before. Digging deeper.

>ywn be doxxed and forced to take hormones

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thanks for making me burst out laughing at 3am retard

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Wait it out. Traps have high suicide rates.

His discord username is Reiko#3333.

Let's see what we can do.

Remember: [email protected] if you are someone who is a minor or who has been blackmailed by anyone in the traptopia discord. I already have one person who submitted evidence, but the more the evidence I have the more law enforcement will take me seriously. Please send any logs, information, or evidence to:

[email protected]

I will set you up with as much help as you need.

Impressive digits.
Anyone who uses discord deserves any and all shit they get.

Hmm interesting. Can I get a discord link? I wont fall for their degeneracy but im just curious

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Just checking, ignore me.

I posted his discord handle above.

Fuck off reko

This sounds like the most absurd LARP ever.

Post more Reiko discord screens, this is hot.

fucking discordfags ffs

Isn't this the guy who also is nigh constantly posting trap threads?

He's a fat ugly shit too, as I recall. Doesn't stop him from dressing like a 12 year old girl of course. A good warning story for all of you who fall for this sissy shit. Being an ugly man is nowhere near as bad as being an ugly woman, which is what you will be if you become trans or a trap. No amount of online validation you recieve will fix your turbospergness and inability to relate to people irl

break your porn addiction, break your addiction to pressure free social interaction on the internet

normal people really don't have weird fetishes or jerk off to porn more than once a week, sometimes less. they talk with people irl every day. you can too, you just need to change your habits. it's going to hurt but I believe in each and every one of you. don't go down this road.

Report the discord server and everyone gets banned from discord.


what's the discord link so I can report it fren

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>joined a trap discord
100% fully deserved.

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horny rape tenis

Dunno fren not a fag or a joo but know if a server gets gassed because of a doxxing and other fucked up shit like blackmail, discord stores everyones data from the server and bans them from discord.

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nah, most ppl masturbate once every day or two. or have sex if they bang th0ts or are in a relation ship. i agree tho, traps are fucking crazy ass weirdos


oh reko it's so hot i'm gonna


We need to save our brothers from the Trap cult

Charge in guns blazing with your most hetero shit

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Someone just gib me da discord link. I'm going in bros. I'm saving us all

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The traps found the thread posted his pic and address. I swung by his house and took a shit on his door step (I live in NC, as well as him). So that is where we are now

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How can you retards actually believe OPs pic, it's such obvious bait.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
This applies to Jow Forums too not only /b/

>less shitty genes
I mean... hes right

you degenerates are worse than trap posters

My discord ID is Reiko#3333, feel free to add me if you're a qt!

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Hold on a s e c o n d
are you the same gut that said he has a harem of traps on a discord a few months ago?
You also said that "its amusing watching them scramble to pick mercy for you on overwatch" or something like that
I then said something about being jealous but not being into traps

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Yea I still have the harem too

I did for a split second desu, but it was gross figured id look at some bussy but they act like they have personalities and shit. Disturbing.

So are you going to share your discord server link with us, cuck?

Lad i have this, it's pretty easy to get on discord

Holy shit whats up dude, I see things have gotten pretty fucking big since then.
And is the whole doxxing thing even real or is this a meme?
Im still a sad frogposter and probably will remain one kek.

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What the fuck have you done LOL
Are you a NEET? Give me your specs. Are you a tendies autistic fuck?

>the whole doxxing thing even real or is this a meme?
Do you think if he did he would say so?

Discord is the Reddit of voip

I haven't attempted to dox or blackmail anyone, all that stuff is disinfo.

So share the link with us and let us see for ourselves, you fucking piece of shit.


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Any other safe text only alternatives?
I don't want my ip handed to other people and I'd prefer if it was easy to use.

Been in your server for a week lurking and just reported it.

I know their real plan. There's actually multiple trap posters and spammers, but they devised a scheme to blame it all on Reiko. Making threads like "Who is this Reiko faggot" is actually false-flags by Reiko and them to shift the heat on him. He gets to feel like an alpha mastermind and satisfy his ego, and the other trapposters like Haruka stay off the radar.

He is also the one posting his own discord everywhere

We need a way of organizing.
Should we set up a 2^3 board to chat?

This also spreads lies and all the spooky gay shit they do.

Is this the same Reiko that was leader of /a/ on 4craft?

>t.confused tranny
Burst aneurism/killing spree, when?


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HERE is OPS picture he is a 56%er

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>wanting to know/posting the address of a young boy

Big if true imagine op is a yank make them meetup

I still wouldn't do it, then again I'm not mentally challenged.

Mfw I took a shit on his doorstep. Fucker should of taken the HRT Skittles

Oh it's true I posted his pic somewhere in this thread. He is a la goblino.

That's the person trying to dox reiko retard

Mhmm that's the guy who made the orginal thread.

haha then why does he have a kabal of traps they all nob goblins too?

Any pics?

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Man we tried to warn you about this trap stuff. Loli is kind of a mental illness rabbit hole too tbqh. Start fapping to vanilla before it's too late!

Here you go I already posted one but here's another pic of OP

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send link to server pl0x

Wait so he's underaged? sounds like bullshit to make you not want to check out his info desu

That isn't Reiko, this is one of the anti trap posters.

He's a 32chan autist

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Is he just 11 years old or is this caused weird mutt genes and food?

what a psychopath, this is why you never fall for the trap meme

get some therapy retards
