
What you high on right now robots?

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5mg amphetamines, nasal spray.

Do drug tests even account for weed anymore? I know anything stronger will fail but are jobs gonna reach the point where they stop caring about weed? That's basically my only hangup with it

Yep. It's in pretty much every X panel test.


Weed's for losers. It makes you piss positive for months.

Or just don't be a retard and just use fake piss.

I wonder if legal states are trying to push it so you can pass drug tests even if it's legal

Just took some Maeng Da karatom and am vaping some lemon haze liquid. Life is good right now.

>5mg Amps

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Or you could just... not do garbage drugs. No offense. Why go through the hassle of bullshititng your drug tests for a shitty herb when you could do better drugs? Especially ones in the PED category.

Intranasal is a great ROA. :^)

I smoked spice 3 days ago and have stuck in my room since then.
Its like my subconscious merged with my conscious.
I can see peoples non verbal language and tone of voice in real time and it overloads my brain.
How dominant people use intimidation and submissive people submit to what they're saying to avoid conflict.
Its hell.

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There's no issue with nasal but my god is that low for even therapeutic levels, not even mentioning recreational.

I just took 160mg of MDMA. I feel really good. Oxy is still better though.

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I use it as a primer to do stuff.

>doing a project?
>playing vidya?
>yeah sure why not, throw in some Phenibut too

Much preferable compared to taking a large dose once a day. Tolerance is minimal at these doses too.

Its still sch 1 substance according to federal government
You know theres drinks to cover that problem

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feeling all warm and fuzzy off of dem percs

What sort of drugs does Terry Davis do?

Whats funny is that most hard drugs get out of your system super quick and you are usually able to pass a drug test if you arent a complete junky.

Weed sticks around and if you are a heavy user you can fail a test a month after stopping.

.5 g of coke and 1g of weed
spending friday night alone again

It's true. I took 5mg amp and then piss tested myself 8 hours later. The line was really blurry but it still counted as a negative.

I would be truly fucked if my employer decided to do a hair test though.

>Once or twice a year LSD bois checking in

I eat some papers every summer when I go to my friends secluded cabin in Northern Wisconsin.

Its so fucking pleasant. I dont think I would like it in any other setting but its just a wood cabin with my best friends on the lake. Last year I just laid on my back on the deck for 4 hours playing a kalimba I found.

I felt like fucking Jean Luc Picard after he lived a whole life playing the flute in the drone when I sobered up and my buddy handed that thing back to me.

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wtf is a hair test?

its half life is 9.2 hours buko youll piss hot in the morning and for about 1-3 days depending on your metabolism

I hate that shit. The drug that doesn't do harm to you stays in you the longest

>retard thinks today is friday night
stop frying your fucking brain

I like psychs too I guess. Haven't done any in a while because my mind is a mess.

I always stack phenibut and LSD together. Really eases the anxiety and they have godlike synergy.

2C-B is my favorite psych. It's much more gentle on the mind and more hedonistic.

are you breathing okay now fent user

oh fuck
I've got work in 3 hours and haven't slept
rip me

How did you know it was me?
I'm alive.

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I'm not sure it works that way but you're not wrong about the morning thing.
> youll piss hot in the morning
That's why most people run a shitload of water through their system before a drug test.

they liquefy your hair and run it through a mass spectrometer to determine the exact drug metabolites that are in your body from the prior three months

I just get slightly drunk on a clean alcohol like vodka mixed with lime juice. I then leave a few premixed drinks next to water bottles for me to find.

I know a ton of LSD people are super anti alcohol when tripping but I find it makes for a way more mellow experience. Im not looking to fucking rocket through space anyhow.

I finally get money in 3 days.
Then I can get some weed at last.

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heh, you know that doesnt work and the half life thing is when the drug breaks down into its metabolites and are excreted since its no longer active. You pissed clean at 8 because those metabolites werent created yet, that what those tests detect the metabolites

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going bold to keep my job

same waifu in the same thread posting about a similar topic at the same time of day

good, stay that way please. There's enough normalfags here and robots need to stay alive to spite them.

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then they'll take the hair from your pubes and armpits. If you don't have there either and can't provide enough hair from anywhere, you fail automatically.

I'll just claim I'm having chemo

Opiates are still the best drug there is, I will continue to do them until the day I die. I hope when I do die it will be from nodding off and forgetting to breathe. Completely painless while being in complete bliss.

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>not being a stimchad

come on user step it up :^)

don't you want to see life in a more positive light :^)

Stimulants make me extremely depressed after I do them.

Adjust your dose. I don't crash from amps.

>tianeptine won't arrive until tomorrow after work
>ran out at work YESTERDAY

I did 60mg of Adderall IR and 1.75mg of xanax. Every day after I was extremely depressed.

I've never touched them so I can't really judge, I just see people dropping like flies and dying on them and I feel bad.

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An average dose of xanax is 0.25 mg

you mad man

I used 5g of kratom over like... a year. I didn't like it so I only used it as pain medicine when I got sick. Pretty good pain reliever, much more effective than NSAIDs.

When people say they're too good to ever try, they're right. The feeling is so amazingly pleasurable that you want to do it again. I'd only bother to take them if you have someone you trust enough to hold your accountable, otherwise you'll probably get addicted.

That's a therapeutic dose for anxiety. Xanax is recreational as well however. There's a very hard to reach point where you can even nod off on xanax like you do on opiates. Xanax+weed is my second favorite drug combo after oxy+weed. Oxy is more intense, while xanax is more relaxing, but they can get pretty similar.

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>tfw i've done opiates benzos and weed at the same time
Best fap I have ever had in my life.

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>you have someone you trust enough to hold your accountable

I don't really have anyone that cares that much about me. im pathetic

xanax is just.. god awful I dont understand how anyone could like that drug. Its such a shitty drug it doesnt even work for its stated purpose and you wind up strung out

why are lips like these so cute, I just want to kissu and lick her face.

We're all pathetic here. "Pathetic" is relative. What we consider "pathetic", such as normalfags shamelessly attention whoring, normies just think is normal. We're right, they're right. Embrace being a loser and accept that you're outside mainstream society. It's like a poor person who keeps wishing he was rich.

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Because japanese cuties are top tier

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that sounds comfy as fuuuuuck. this is an original post.

Weed, maaaaan

Wanna get drunk and watch anime openings tho

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If you want I can get high on saturday and we can watch anime openings

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Can I get in on this fun as well please? We can all get inebriated and watch anime openings together.

But i'm being stoned not intoxicated?

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>tfw when no weedle-de-dee

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weed is an intoxicant as well friendo

Well I won't be able too until like 8am on saturday PST if you still want too

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Not the person you replied to - I've only done Oxycodone a handful of times, and I guess I get the appeal. It's comfy, but I don't feel like it's as comfy as edibles. That being said, 15mg of perkies and a big bag of weed is maximum over-comfy.

I've already accepted being a loser, my issue is loneliness. But normies really do repulse me and I have no interest in such a friendship even if it was presented to me on a silver platter. one of the typical stoner normies in my class I thought I could connect with but he was insufferable and violent (angry political views too). Constantly verbally attacking me and others and I soon retreated back into solitude. Thinking about people and social environments in general just makes me nervous. I have no fucking idea how people smoke pot around others and actually enjoy it.

Normalfags don't mind being socially uncomfortable for some reason. That's why they keep saying things like "YEA THATS HOW EVERYOEN THINKS" as if that is an argument.

You'll be fine user. Find friends online.

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I really don't appreciate you associating such a cute and innocent girl with your degeneracy, OP!

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bepis and originali

shitty brick weed.

>tfw no real life weeb friend to get high with and then watch anime
Feels bad man...

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where do hell do people even get drugs like oxy and xanax?? i really really love to try them and i have no friends so its not like someone can refer me to someone. someone help pleasee

Maybe we can do a weekly thing where we watch an episode each saturday. I like nichijou, yuru yuri, ghibli and cute things mostly. They relax me but I enjoy the typical robot stuff like wlecome to the nhk too

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I got mine from some 18year old kid at work but he got fired and now I can't get my hands on either so feels bad man. Now I can only get weed.

Sure man but I like a lot of different things.

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crack and heroin

LIke what? sorry if I'm not interesting

>tfw my employer only does drug tests if they suspect you

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>tfw you smoked a blunt with your manager and now have dirt on him so he can't fire you
Feels blackmailing man.

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I'm on 2.5mg lorazepam daily
not sure how to feel about it. numbs me really

just took 3 300-30 tylenol 3s
and smoking some dank kush
feels good man

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>take opiates
>want to fap
>can get erect
>feels good to jack off

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that's a solid fucking reference

Orgasms actually don't feel that amazing on opiates. They feel good, but it's not that much better than what you were feeling before you came.

Im "high" on 20mg and nasal spray as well.
If high means im not dealing with the symptoms of add.

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I feel like doing DXM but it's kinda late already.

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I'm sober rn but earlier today I huffed paint thinner with a friend and got buzzed. I wish I was on some xanax or something that'll help my depression

>not taking benzos and smoking weed to get the ultimate orgasm
lmaoing @ you

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nothing unfortunately

Alc with acid is a great combo ime, at least for recreational tripping in groups or alone. I was an alco myself though and acid made quitting drinking pretty easy when the time came. So I do more meditational type trips these days.

bendzedrex fapping all fucking day manchild degenerate fuck here
>inb4 /drug/ starts to recognize my posts and figures out my drug schedule

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