There are actually people in 2018 who like:
> knife wielding piss girls
> gross loli bulimics
> obsessive murdering beta orbiters
How can you even defend your choices when based Sayori wants to hang with you?
There are actually people in 2018 who like:
My only regret about this game is that there isn't enough good rule34 of it, it's always these faggot Western tumblrites drawings
Japs really do make the best hentai, good thing it got translated into Japanese recently and they're playing it, hopefully we'll see some good doujins in the future
But Natsuki is cute. Cute!
I'm surprised that this game didn't get picked up by talented artists. DDLC definitely looks and feels like a Japanese game.
> tfw no yuri lewd, despite being worst girl
Natsuki has an attitude problem that would get annoying after a while. I don't care how good her poetry or baking is, she sucks and Sayori is based.
Well I like playing "leap frog" with my waifu soooo
Monika was the only one that actually existed you dummy. It wasn't a dating sim, YOU were the one getting dated.
Monika is best girl.
Sayori is also gud but not best.
Natsuki and Yuri are trash.
dead threads
Monika is edgy, philosophical, overtly sexual but somewhat embarrassed and modest about it
big cute
Natsuki is bait for degenerate freaks, Sayori is OK I guess, and Monika is pretty good
oh shit names mixed up big time haha I am too high for anime discussion
>he unironically likes this normalfag whitu piggu VN which is actually an advert for the dev's upcoming game
Natsuki a qt. I will fucking fight all of you!
I didn't even play the game.
what advertised game?
>he doesn't want to read a book with yuri
>he doesn't want to make tea with her
>he doesn't want to have interesting conversations
>he doesn't want to feel true passion
>he doesn't want to hold her and tell her she deserves to be loved
Suite your self, more for me.
>all these anti-yuri fags
Yuri is the robot's choice
Is Yuri /ourgirl/?
The char files have hidden masseges about something called "project Libertina" lurk moar.
>Just Monika
>Depressed Monika
>Tsundere Monika
>Autistic Monika
I was the same as you going in the first time. Went down the Nasty route, but now I'm just Monika. I love Monika!
my normie friends where showing me a gayme theory video on somin like that. Because I played the game
Wait was Natsuki bulimic? Might have more in common with her than I thought!
Monika is the only good doki.
Monika the best fuck the rest.
She's malnourished because of her father
Yuri is the best, absolutely no question
Sayori was the one who made the game mildly memorable and shocking, in my opinion. Her attitude in the good ending is pure and lovable, as well. The characters are cool and all, and I like seeing people love them, but it's all just too underdeveloped for me to find as worthy of much discussion or a place in my head or heart a year down the line. I understand that being underdeveloped and disappointing was the intent, in the end, so I won't trash it as not doing well at what it wanted to, or anything.
The video gets a lot wrong (it thinks Yuri is Libertina for example) but that's a good start.
> being loved by Yuri
> being loved by the sort of degenerate who would use her blood for ink and piss for tea
> cutting herself for sexual thrill
> possible animal fucker
Have some self-respect user.
but can any of them give frog tongue handjobs?
Stop spamming this fake ass Watamote looking bitch and post a girl that makes your heart go doki doki.
make me, your waifus might fucking kill them self's before you get to first base
>Loving someone who would torment and gaslight her close friends
Even Sayori tries to help her friends when she becomes club president (by deleting everyone) not only does Monika delete everyone she makes sure to gasslight them. In contrast Yuri has a kind and loving heart and actively struggles against her flaws to be a better friend, she deserves to be loved.
Monika is a nice girl who loves you. Yuri is a freak with a knife collection and severe emotional issues. Choice is obvious my dude.
When she has her sanity damaged by the club/Monica starts messing with her, she fights back harder than anyone else, she feels genuine remorse for her actions and is far more self concious, you are quite shallow if all you can see is some freak who gets off on cutting her self.
>nice girl without emotional issues
>has an entire hour of obvious struggle with the truth of the awful things she's done, with her making up any justification she can to escape the facts
Everyone else was more honest than this, even if they had their secrets.
yuri is definitely top doki doki waifu
Yuri even develops her own media awareness without club president powers (she pretty much foreshadows every death not just her own)
> kind and loving heart
> innermost thoughts suggest that Natsumi should just fucking end it already
> makes a joke about Nat's shitty dad
Yeah, a real keeper.
She only stabbed herself as a logical conclusion to how batshit she was, not out of any motivation to protect you from herself.
She cried and apologized after her argument with Natsuki, she tried to avoid MC when that didn't work she tried to persuade MC to leave the club with her, eventually she excepted her fate, also people are not defined by their violent and evil thoughts but by how they handle them.
Natsuki is for headpats, Yuri for handholding and Sayori is for hugging tightly and never letting go
But what is Monika for?
Sending you into an existential crisis
>people with emotional issues don't deserve to be loved
The point of the game was that people deserve to be loved no matter how strange or unusual they can be. You might as well not have played the game.
I really don't understand why Monika suddenly decides she loves you forever and forever enough to kill all her friends despite not knowing literally anything about you. This really broke the immersion for me.
Whole point of the """"""game""""" was lmao shock value
Deep late night conversations
and also for lewd
Monika wouldn't approve of you staying up late user. You need to get your sleep.
>devil trips
Monika is for marriage, silly!
>tfw Sayori wanted to be your and Monika's cuck pet
>tfw monka ruined it by spinning Sayori's depression dial up to eleven before you even had a chance to waifu her
We can infer that Monika already had a crush on you the previous year, but yeah, I agree with you. Everything about DDLC would have benefitted greatly from more build-up/longer playtime.
Ill admit that the game is manipulative (it literally wants you to feel guilty for not playing it) but it did have a point, weather or not it conveyed that efficiently is another question.
Our assignment for this weekend is to draw lewds for the club!
I'm drawing Monika lewds at the moment. Hope you like bondage stuff.
Don't lewd Monika!
>people call monika best girl
>she literally kills everyone you care about
>yandere (which is shit), but expresses it in the most evil and irrational possible way
sayori > yuri > natsuki > shit > monika > mc
>everyone you care about
Nigga I didn't give a shit about the others. MC cared about Sayori, but I'm not MC. And Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri only liked the MC. Monika actually loves ME. She's best girl in a way the others can't even approach.
Should have been katawa shoujo: mentally ill edition
So much wasted potential
That's a good wallpaper. saved.
Isn't someone making a mod that turns DDLC into exactly that?
I connect with Natsuki on a personal level so I like her the best. All the other girls besides Natsuki and Sayori are shit.
Manga ain't literature, mah boi.
That last one and the piss are deal breakers, but the other two sound fine