Fuck you motherfuckers. I know a girl like muffy exists now

Fuck you motherfuckers. I know a girl like muffy exists now.
> She's a virgin
> won't accept money from beta orbiters like a typical bitch
> grossed out by sex, preference towards girls
>likes Lolita fashion and has weeb tendencies
>down to earth, sweet, and has slightly low self esteem
>qt but not insanely attractive

It physically hurts knowing a girl like her exists and I will never meet a girl like that. Also cutie thread I guess.

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I wanna cum into her hand and then lick it up

>grossed out by sex, preference towards girls
This usually means bad things happened during her early years...

muffy is best girl for sure

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bumping with another muffy

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/rare muffy/

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did someone say cutie thread

t4mako on instagram, Latina qt

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That's not rare it's on her tumblr.

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there are five angels in this photo

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this is a quick and easy way for me to find out what that post was without scrlling down the page. i couldnt give a shit about what you wrote or why and i didnt read it. peanut butter number one.

I will post a crispy in your cute girls thread.

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but how many pics and content does she have ?
and will there be more ?

Are you morons really going to do this shit every couple months? Do you not remember the half a dozen sweet and innocent young girls you morons have fixated on over the past couple years only to find that they've been fucking chad all along, or been sending out nudes while pretending to be grossed out by sex?

Learn your fucking lesson already.

Muffy is different. She is asexual and not even into men.

i know this horrible just horrible they are all the same.
and they hate us. they pretend like they are our friend.

so now muffy is the new girl ? lol.
man you guys are good at finding these girls.
first it was kelly then kennidi now its this girl.
i wonder who will be next.

She doesn't have a ton but she's been posting pretty frequently lately.

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I can't even remember all their names anymore but at the very least, Ciara and Sunny should be fresh enough in your mind to provide you with evidence that they're all the same.

>comparing muffy to ciara
I really hope you die.

i will agree she is very cute. and unique type of women.

I really hope you spend the next few months obsessing over your newest young, sweet and innocent girl who is not like the other girls before she inevitably proves to you that she actually is just like all the other girls. And I hope you don't learn anything at all from the experience and keep going through this cycle over and over and over for the rest of your life.

fuck that girl is ugly desu

Ciara and Sunny don't count. You could tell that they were big attention whores, especially Ciara.

I would also like to post crispy

this but ironically

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Do you not see the pictures of this girl in this thread? Where do you think these pictures came from? She took them of herself and she posted them online. Why? Because she is a woman and

what do you faggots see in her, she's horrendous

shut the fuck up, muffy is pure and she's mine

>posting a few selfies on instagram is equivalent to whoring yourself out and posting nudes in a discord server that caters to literal pedophiles

There's nothing wrong with posting a few tasteful pictures of yourself. She's always so modestly dressed and none of her pics are sexy.

This is how it starts, you morons. She already obviously craves attention. If she didn't, she wouldn't be seeking it out by posting pics of herself. Women get incredibly addicted to this kind of attention, which she is now going to be getting in ever increasing quantities thanks to threads like this.

The more attention she gets, the more attention she will want. The more attention she wants, the harder she will try to get it. The harder she tries to get it, the less modest her pics will become.

Anyone else notice that Ciara's been copying Muffy lately? She also got her bangs cut the same way.

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Shut up I had my bangs like that last year

she is so beatiful

you can really see muff head's jew nose here

i know she bought a lolita dress cause she saw muffy wearing one.

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I think her nose is cute, it makes her look imperfect.

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good, I think she'd look good in egl

wow this is pathetic

will roasties ever learn?

I ordered that in December or January before I saw her posted. And it's not even lolita.

why wont you turn Gothic ?

I've been out for a while, is this Muffy the new Sunny or something?

new crispy is more accurate

>hey guys i know i'm a literal crack whore but look at this cute dress i totally didnt see a younger, prettier, more popular girl wearing
>dont i look cute when i pretend to be innocent?
no, you look disgusting

like putting makeup on a corpse

You're never going to be qt perfection you awful harlot

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>more popular
Hey I don't like ciara either but that's just inaccurate.

You're most likely a LARPing faggot but I'll take the b8 anyways. You're a whore and should kys. You will never be cute or as pure as Muffy. You will hit the wall faster than most women due to your drug abuse. A beta bux will most likely marry you but you will never get the same amount of attention as when you were jb.

Do frilly dresses only belong to her? I don't get why you guys assume that I'm jealous of girls when I'm not. I see it all the time, someone makes a mean post about a girl and people assume it's me. I've never claimed that I was innocent. I just didn't buy that dress that I had wanted for months to imitate that girl.

Posting (((her))) is no longer even tolerated and I haven't seen anyone shill (((her))) for at least a week which is a long time for waifus. Muffy is undoubtably more popular now.

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Ciara has over double her instagram followers.

That is literally every girl on /cgl/

have you ever been on /cgl/ mate

How can you guys orbit someone with such shit coords? She looks just like some poser but buys cheap lolita shit. What a loser.

jealous seagull detected

What are you talking about? Coords? She looks really nice. I like that she wears clothes that are different from other girls.

Yeah. They all have a prefrence for girls, usually white, usually virgin or in a relationship, grossed out by sex, not insanely attractive but still qt, like lolita fashion but have weeb tendencies, have low self esteem, and do not accept money from orbiters.


they literally spawned the cesspit that is lolcow, no way are they pure.

some beautiful digits user, even double quads

>usually virgin
>do not accept money from orbiters
You definitely haven't visited.

>being jealous of her shit taste.
I would rather die than swap my wardrobe with her
>does not know what coords are
Get a load of this newfag
Yeah she wears clothes that are different but for a gothic (and I say this lightly for the attention whore poser) lolita they are trash tier.

The point is these kinds of girls will never be attracted to us.

Virgin or in relationships you left that second part out.
>do mot accept money from orbiters
Some so but the ones I talk to have refused some big offers

ciara looks the best as emo/goth/punk.

I still can't tell if Muffy has a dick or not.

She doesn't look the best in anything and always looks like refuse

yeah he does just look at his face

what kind of guy would muffy be attracted to ?

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Why are you into beastiality? It is not normal to find cows attractive.

kys cunt nobody wants you here

people getting sick pleasure from watching a train wreck is not the same as people honestly enjoying a cute girl's pictures

(If she had to go for a guy and not another girl,) goth guys, obviously

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>can produce multiple dairy products
>don't do drugs
>doesn't attwhore
>can be legally killed for tasty meat
>can't produce shit
>do drugs
>attwhores all the time
>can't be legally killed

Attached: better girl than ciara.jpg (490x350, 27K)

Time to start wearing lipstick and teasing my hair.

yea well most of the people that follower her probably don't even talk to her.

>tfw no cemetery gf.

You are right. I feel so bad for insulting cows that way. They do not deserve it.

i just think ciara looked the best like this.

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dddddddddaaaaaaaammmmmm son this nigga just got checked

The girl behind her is much hotter.

>orbiting a lesbian online

That is the saddest shit I've ever heard.

There's something very existential about this picture.

why do people hate on ciara? she is literally perfect.

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>i-i'm not jealous

>attention whore poser
>trash tier

Is there anything more pathetic than a jealous female?

>coords ?
wtf are you on about you fucking brainlet ?

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>preference towards girls
even if you did meet them you'd never be together with her at most you'd be friends

i'll never understand men that like lesbians. sure it might be cute seeing two girls doing lewd stuff together, but they'll never want to fuck you no matter how good looking you are.

None of us are going to fuck her anyway, even if she was straight.

Coordinates. Her outfit, user.

>lolita they are trash tier.

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because she is mean.

did somebody say ? post rares ?

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no user but I was thinking it, go ahead and post more I dont have many and no rares

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what were you thinking about /her/ ?

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make your own thread retards

They can't because it would get deleted since even the fag mods recognize this junkie and her desperate orbiters for the cancer they are.

mostly about her astounding beauty

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truly the most wonderful women of our time.

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hey user, have you seen this one ?
its my new favorite.
>most beautiful eyes ever.

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Ciara/ciarafags are so threatened by Muffy they have to hijack this thread.

i would follow her anywhere.

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If anyone actually cared about muffy this thread wouldn't have been 'hijacked'

I care about her. It's just hard to fight back when she still has so few photos of herself on the internet.

>is it a face or is it a potato?