Who the fuck is Reiko

Who is this Reiko anyways? I keep hearing about him everywhere, and can't even tell if he's a real person. Is he some anti-trap propoganda, or is some weirdo actually rounding all the traps up on the board into some weird cult/harem that goes around trying to turn all the betas on the board into sissies? Someone please explain the situation.
t. a consfued tranny

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the boogeyman created by Jow Forums to give voice to their destruction. in reality, however, there are multiple people independently preaching the ways of HRT.

Ah alright, I figured he was just some kind of boogeyman. Thanks.

Him and abunch of other guys keep spamming muh be qt trap etc threads.

Discord fags speading disinfo

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he's the guy scaring off normalfags and the_donald posters by posting traps that they get boners from.

He think it's working, now you're getting backlash threads

anger is but a stage of grief. inevitably Jow Forums will submit to the allure of traps

They want to think they're hot shit but all they do is film themselves push out sour logs like


i was already submitting lmao.
the backlashers will leave
>be Jow Forumsfag
>see qt trap
>get boner
>get mad
>im not gay traps are gay reeeeeee
problem solved. loli would do it quicker though.

loli would only get rid of normalfags, not polfags

Fuck off to your containment board you filthy cancer and take your cancerous discordfags with you.

Cunts i fuck traps and sissyboys, i dont shit up a board though over it nor do i try and turn ugly spergs into "girls"

>he doesn't want more feminine peeners to look at
must be sad

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I have enough to look at and stick you tiny clit in a cage.

Someone who screenshots himself pretending to have this conspiracy to turn all robots into trans people, and it's obvious to anyone with an IQ over 80 that he's just trolling and trying to shake the board up and enjoys seeing the backlash against actual trans people that comes from his shitposting.

One of many trap faggots who organizes on discord and spams up this board

No matter what their intention is, it's still spam and should be treated as such

that picture is not me. and you can never have enough.
he's not a trap
he's only getting rid of retards who take him seriously.

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lose weight you chubby fuck

again, not me. but if you thnk that's chubby you must be a fucking skeleton.

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Tubby boi want a tummy rub?

no, just putting a bunch of trap pics in this thread because i feel like it. i would like to give a tummy rub to a trap qt though.

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>he's not a trap
So he's not a spook, take your shit to r/hapa were it's needed

Reiko organizes a majority of the trap / sissy threads you see on r9k. Supposedly he blackmails and harasses people as well, pretty much Ciara tier.

His ID is Reiko#3333, feel free to harass him or maybe try to trick him into giving up info.

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I'm the hero r9k deserves, all sissies will bow to me

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Report the server, even if they delete the evidence discord saves and logs it.

thank you based trap poster. all of your pics go directly into my fap folder. these drumpfkins are hilarious.
keep crying

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i like this one
not tiny, only slightly under average, bright pink
10/10 would shlurp

I know this dude we cam often

original pepperoni pizza

>these drumpfkins

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Pfft no, why would i share my boi with some thirsty incel

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because it would make that incel very very happy.

Fuck off prison gay cunt, learn to be a good comfy robot.

i am a good comfy robot, i'd just like to have her(his) name

>Shills for discordfags
>Calls people drumpfkins
>Thinks this place being full of attention whore trannies is good
comfy, kys gaycel

i only shill for rieko as he is doing gods work. none of the attention whore trannies are really trannies just the chad rieko. go back to r/the_donald.

t.underaged newfag not even american but the trapboi is

>chad rieko
Shills for chads, fuck off mong.

I am american. Trump can suck a tiny girl cock.
chads are the best. you're thinking of brad. fuck brad.

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Leader of /a/ on 4craft.



That isn't the 4craft /a/ discord.

What is 4craft?

The competitive Jow Forums Minecraft server. It's had a few iterations over the years, the most recent of which ended about a month ago.

I'm like 99% sure this is Reiko posting these threads/getting cronies to, so as to inflate his sense of self worth as some kind of trap master-mind. Made you look.