What does it mean if my gf watches yaoi anime? She's not a fujoshi, she's 95 lbs.
Gf likes yaoi
same my nigga except im the one who likes yaoi
not because im gay or bi, but because it'd mean a gf who probably likes anime and would cuddle up with me in bed and watch anime with me. also i've been told that i look like manlet fujobait, so maybe she'd be into me a bit more.
It means the same as a guy watching yuri anime.
Not much apart from the fact they like it and are probably straight.
it means she wants you to cuck her with a guy
More boys = more penis = more attraction.
It's really not that hard to understand.
I don't watch anime I'm a grown man.
Would love to fuck a sissy faggot in front of her to assert my dominance. How do I bring this up?
>I don't watch anime I'm a grown man.
Ask her what's her opinion on "Sasaki to miyano", if she doesn't like it, then she has shit taste.
fucking normie degen get off my board
she might be into pegging
Girls like that usually want the opposite, to see their bf fucked by another man
t. experienced knower
my gf mostly just likes watching other girls get spanked. or herself.
she's a very focused pervert
Anime is mostly made for adults.
toss off numbnuts, hope she leaves you for a qt jap boi
>Anime is mostly made for adults.
imagine ACTUALLY believing this. top kek
It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of fact.
shounen are not adults cuck
it means youre a fuckig norman thats what
Shounen goes up to age 18 and many adults read shounen manga and watch shounen anime because they aren't obsessed with demographics like you are.
>many adults read shounen manga and watch shounen anime
Many adults also watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but that doesn't mean the show itself isn't mainly marketed towards young girls.
shounen are the most popular and they're made for underage teenage boys lmao
the STATE of you
i wish i had a gf. im so lonely
MLP has nothing to do with this, but it's a standard tactic to bring it up and try to forcibly and arbitrarily associate it with anime in an effort to discredit it.
Daytime Shounen Jump action adventure shows are a teeny tiny minority of anime.
Loneliness repels women. Before you ever are going to get a gf you have to learn to be alone without being lonely. Women can SMELL lonely desperate betas who want to sniff their pussy from miles away.
>Daytime Shounen Jump action adventure shows are a teeny tiny minority of anime.
Yes BY FAR the most popular worldwide. What does this tell you about the demographics of the audience. I'll help you out: they're teenagers.
>Yes BY FAR the most popular worldwide.
Which doesn't actually mean anything.
>try to forcibly and arbitrarily associate it with anime
No, it's not. They're both forms of media that are made with a young audience in mind with much older people watching them.
Look, it's alright to be a manchild, but denying you are a manchild is just sad.
Shounen anime is 8-18 and a lot of shounen anime is aired in the middle of the night. Anime is not as strictly segmented as American animation and the Japanese aren't psychotically obsessed with demographics like Americans are. Anime also isn't made as childishly as American animation which means it's more suitable for viewers older than the nominal target demographic.
>Look, it's alright to be a manchild, but denying you are a manchild is just sad.
This is projection.
>anime isn't for teenagers
>yet the most popular anime are made for teenagers and the average anime fan is a teenage boy
Overseas audiences don't matter, and again daytime Shounen Jump action adventures are a teeny tiny minority of anime that gets made. They are just the only anime that you are familiar with.
>overseas audiences don't count when we're discussing overseas audiences(YOU)
lol this coping is TOO MUCH. face it, the average anime consumer in the west is a teenage boy. if you consume anime over the age of 20 you are statistically a manchild.
>Shounen anime is 8-18
Exactly, KIDS.
>Anime is not as strictly segmented as American animation
>what is shounen, seinen, shojo, josei, etc.
>Anime also isn't made as childishly as American animation
The animation literally has nothing to do with anything.
Call it whatever you want. It's not going to change the facts of the matter.
Anime is a Japanese media made for Japanese audiences, of course overseas audiences don't matter.
>lol this coping is TOO MUCH.
There is no "coping" going on. I am objectively correct and you are objectively wrong and don't know what you're talking about.
>Exactly, KIDS.
No. Read this again: 8-18.
>what is shounen, seinen, shojo, josei, etc.
Not anywhere near as important as psychotic Americans think they are.
>The animation literally has nothing to do with anything.
We are literally talking about animation.
>Call it whatever you want. It's not going to change the facts of the matter.
I'm the only one here with facts.
>overseas audiences don't matter
You are an overseas consumer of anime though, and we're talking about YOU and your fellow WESTERN anime consumer. WESTERN anime consumers are teenagers, objectively speaking. So if you're a western anime consumer you are either a teenager or a developmentally challenged manchild.
I just told you why overseas audiences don't matter.
>So if you're a western anime consumer you are either a teenager or a developmentally challenged manchild.
No, statistics. The most popular anime in the west is made for underage teenage boys. Therefore, in the west, if you are an anime consumer you are most likely to be either an actual teenager boy or a developmentally challenged adult aka a manchild.
This is a fact and you cannot dispute this.
Once again, overseas audiences don't matter and anime isn't just Dragon Ball Z and Bleach. You are also projecting.
>The most popular anime in the west is made for underage teenage boys. Therefore, in the west, if you are an anime consumer you are most likely to be either an actual teenager boy or a developmentally challenged adult aka a manchild.
Still waiting for you to dispute this. Oh wait... you cannot. Anime manchildren BTFO.
There's nothing to dispute and you are still projecting.
>statistics are projection
This is absolute proof your brain is in fact mentally stunted, you cannot even understand simple math and averages.
This is also projection. You are just projecting, projecting and projecting. You are a developmentally challenged teenager.
>loses the argument
>I was simply pretending this whole time
Ladies and gentlemen the typical anime consumer.
I won the argument.
Not until you dispute this.
>>The most popular anime in the west is made for underage teenage boys. Therefore, in the west, if you are an anime consumer you are most likely to be either an actual teenager boy or a developmentally challenged adult aka a manchild.
There is nothing to dispute and you are still projecting.
The average anime consumer in the west is an underage teenage boy.
Prove it wrong or admit you are an underage boy mentally aka a manchild. Those are your two options.
You don't have to be fat to be a fujoshi >u<
But anyways I like watching boys fuck because I really like dicks and seeing porn with girls in it just makes me jealous desu
Porn when the guy cums in the girl is rare and also makes me anxious
Guys can cum in guys often in porn
You are a developmentally challenged teenager yourself.
how do l get a fujo gf?
fujoshi has nothing to do with weight
But she's grossed out by guys kissing in real life. I mean, she supports gay people and everything but definitely doesn't like gay on gay male in real life. Only anime, it's weird.
Yeah I'm same. Like i said i just like dicks and like watching them do their thing, and straight porn is too loaded for me so I'm not into it. I don't even like the kissing in the porn.
I don't think it's weird. I like yuri a lot, but lesbians in live action/real life isn't the same.