/creative robots/

Come share your creative work with fellow anons appreciate and get feedback.

Music art game design world building the list is endless share your ventures with us!

Attached: creative 2.0.png (1580x966, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I am somewhat crative, but i haven't really gotten to it, and i'm only posting here to ask you guys to not stop.
What you're doing is great, even if you're drawing furry porn.
Don't give up and improve as much as you can.
Dunno if this'll help anyone, but if it does, great.

Good fucking luck, user.

We had a real good thread last time you anons better not fail to show up this time around I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans

Attached: download (6).jpg (228x221, 9K)


I finished up with this today

>shenanigans ensue
Sorry boyo. The shitposting is nigh (probably)

Thanks user it's great to see support for these threads. Hopefully they will become the flagship of Jow Forums and we can create a community of artistic culture around it.

It'd be nice to see this board develop into something more positive for robots and help them build themselves up rather than degrade their existance

Real fucking chill man good work

I don't mind shit posting as long as people post and don't let the thread die. I want to showcase the talent of this board

Thank you! I think my drums are boring though

Lets the melody stick out more you don't want the focus on the drums imo

Here's an old recording of a song I've wrote it's pretty raw so don't expect much


I like this the drums are fine

back cover art for my book LEFTOPIA that i did yesterday. hope you like it.

Attached: leftopia-back-cover_.jpg (615x720, 469K)

i draw some weeb stuff

Attached: drawin.jpg (960x720, 62K)

and digital

Attached: Capture.png (1056x778, 253K)

This happens allot, a comic I made last week.

Attached: 20180405_234527.jpg (2896x2896, 195K)

I use recordings/livestreams of people who've killed themselves, and translate that into something which can preserve both their memory and the trauma of their death. I released one for Shuaiby today


Attached: Shuaiby-halo.png (550x550, 619K)


Been making raps with a friend for years and we've finally gotten a bunch of soundcloud attention, downloads, and reposted on rap channels with Lil peep and the like. I see people post it on Jow Forums every once in a while.

Attached: acidpepe.gif (300x300, 1.47M)

>tfw no chibi monsterloli gf

Attached: 1418879253797.jpg (884x904, 89K)

my latest creation

Attached: 1521267026687.jpg (580x563, 236K)

forgot link

I agree, this board could be the fucking best.
I'll support this thread until the day i die.

I wish I could draw or write or make music

Attached: 95EE1D5B-83E4-4658-A52C-0239867E3531.png (526x410, 35K)

Looks good, unique style


Pretty good but it felt like it was leading somewhere maybe you could progress on it?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Just takes practice man everyone has to start as a beginner

any original content? your voice is pretty good and guitar playing or ukulele passable but it'd be nice to hear some original songs

I can't start anymore. I start and I get nowhere. I can't help being a defeatist, the moment I try to do something I already feel like I can't do it so I just avoid everything.

Attached: 8F1A2AB5-334E-49A8-82F4-32AC6B8367F4.jpg (646x640, 114K)

Your greatest enemy is yourself

Take some drugs and lighten up user

ha, fucking faggots. your threads fucking suck, pieces of shit.

I don't think drugs will help me. I want to make things but I can't, all I can do is avoid it because failure sucks and it takes extreme willpower to muster any effort to do anything for myself.

And yours don't?

Attached: 1502321971849.jpg (496x496, 154K)

You will be cleansed user

Attached: aug.jpg (225x225, 4K)

t. uncreative brainlet

Attached: I+love+the+brainlet+memehere+have+some+more+_a47acbb1f1e89f1faa66e791c0c28ba0[1].jpg (588x823, 62K)

i really like this, do you have anything else to post?


Attached: CskyVvaWAAAT3Kj.png (450x500, 232K)

what is this? give us a description and why should we join

Exact same here, but its weird you feel this yearning to create and when you give into it and try something finally you realize its not going to go easy and match my perfect idea of it and the motivation just drains away again.

And its been so long now since I last tried.

start of with light poetry

or a hobby where your progress can be seen physically like wood working

Maybe you're trying the wrong thing

Editing there's lots of stuff out there you just have to find whats right for you

New to drawing. Thoughts?

Attached: 5646230E-CA83-4E9F-B6B7-9575C6754F28.jpg (4032x3024, 1.83M)

A good start. Keep drawing.

thanks :)
im trying to ink all my sketches but sometimes i cant bother

Based OP
If that's what you think, why not try adding some drum fills, some drum sound effects, some effects and all that? If you don't like how something sounds, change it up and try some stuff. Get wild with it. I have a very long way to go myself, regarding music and all that.

>insert anthony fantano review here

Darn lad, that is very nice. I honestly would really like to see hentai in this style,

Is this an original character? Post back-story please. (If you have one.)

This is right up my ally. Feels like a mixture of mario paint and 1970's experimental cartoons. I fucking love mario paint. I also fucking love experimental 1970's cartoons.

Attached: Falling Through a Field.jpg (220x220, 13K)

Anymore to share?

Man you should make a youtube account where you make videos reviewing creations from these threads you really do have a way with words.

Attached: download (8).jpg (196x250, 7K)

You know what? I will. Good idea.

Attached: it moves.jpg (450x450, 136K)

:D post the link to it if you make it now I'll sub

yeah but maybe in the next thread, im too lazy to get anything right now

(most of it is on par or worse than what i posted anyway)

When this thread sages, I'll make a new OP and make sure to ask in the OP if it's alright if I review the work posted in the thread. I'll make the video the day that thread archives. It'll be some work, but it'll be fun.

Attached: only a lad.png (466x476, 243K)

Sounds good I look forward to seeing it hopefully it'll encourage more anons to participate in the threads

forgot here's my new track that I wouldn't mind some feedback on I think my guitar playing and general song structure is getting better but it'd be cool to hear some opinions on this if anyone can spare 2 mins


I'm back bb grills

Attached: ghdfdfghdfgh.jpg (5000x3000, 1.53M)

damn, you've got some solid production and heavy lines on this album. I'm surprised you group haven't gotten more attention

I already know what user you are from the art style stellar stuff as always

Plz make an anime

Ive only made 2 but im planning to make more
(This is the first one)

Attached: dfgkl;.png (2550x3300, 418K)

It gets lonely when the house is quiet

Attached: dfgkl;2.png (2550x3300, 393K)

thanks for the like

Attached: dfgkl;3.png (2550x3300, 285K)


Attached: 49F10245-1CDB-48E8-A306-BB5664321E75.jpg (837x1024, 158K)

This is such a cozy thread.
Here's a work of mine from last month.

Attached: Zeudq.jpg (1000x525, 56K)

Real good use of lighting user I mire your work

Thank you dear user. You oddly made my day today.

this immage is comfier

you should sign your work more creatively
ie etch it into the side of the craft or as a logo on the craft or cut into the tree with aheart or something

danke thanke
I know that I can do that but I didn't want to for whatever reason. Maybe I'll try that. Thanks for the tip.

really pretty
Very nice.
Please compose more

appreciate the support I plan to!

"hit that subscribe button user"

Attached: jew.png (301x167, 8K)

life is truly suffering user
Looks really nice user, better than when I first start out.
The aesthetic is so good, gives me some feels.
Damn that looks amazing, are you self taught? I love seeing concept art, I wanna try someday.
eye candies
thankies user
I dont draw hentai as much any more but let see if I can scrap anything in my folder, some hentai style is unironically my inspiration
(also is same user with the pink sketches) I draw the right character with sort of a story in mind about an rpg fantasy world where people are born with the potential to become either wizard (like the girl in the bottom left) or knight (top left, also villain). The MC (on the right) is someone that is born with wizard power, destined to become wizard, but he inspired to become a knight more than anything, rejecting the idea ur pre-determined at birth, you know all that drama.

The design doesnt really reflect it but I think I could try better sometimes. I really like getting into fantasy games illustration or that sort

Attached: Capture.png (1154x804, 292K)

before I post, how the fuck do you guys wipe your exif? My method is so fucking slow and convoluted.

Hello, here's my art. I never really interact with others at school so it'd be awesome to hear some real opinions on my stuff. I know it's pretty shit but I'm still happy to share it!

Attached: LrMgdcc.jpg (2755x2755, 881K)

I like the juxtaposition of day night in the first one.

The last one on the right reminds me of something like mighty bush

I don't draw myself but I'd say you're off to a good start keep at it

I appreciate it. I'm considering going through the lessons on /ic/ and learning how to actually draw instead of just sketching shit from my head. Just trying to figure out what I desire to be good at right now.

Have two separate sessions one where you draw what you want and one where you focus on learning new drawing techniques and skills

I like that idea a lot. Thanks, that's what I'll probably decide to do.

do you have anymore in the vein of those tikis? I dig the style there

Anyone here make vaporwave?

I do not, sadly! I made it on a whim in art class during freshman year. Took very little time and skill but the symmetry and crazy designs really make it look neat.

oh shit I thought you meant the bottom right photo with the face. Those tikis are the easter island statues! I found an artist who did scratchy ink drawings and tried to recreate his style. I don't remember his name tho.

I can play the guitar and sing but I don't really like my voice that much. I can never seem to find my natural singing voice since I'm always singing along to songs.

anything to post I'm sure it's maybe just your reaction to your own voice I'll be truthful with you user

I suppose I could record something. Just give me a second.


this is my bandcamp, theres a bunch of different sounding stuff on there but its mostly folky acoustic stuff

Attached: Godlands.jpg (1200x675, 335K)

I recorded something, just gotta try to upload it from my phone somehow.

Here it is. Ignore the shitty guitar playing. I'm really rusty when it comes to playing and singing at the same time.



preparing myself emotionally to get ignored entirely again already.

Maybe I'm crazy but it almost sounds like an acoustic cover of a shoegaze song. I like it a lot the vocals and the guitar mix really well together.

nice dude. Got a really nice vibe going with that sad hollow voice.

you have any more links to your music man? I'm really liking this guitar.

Voice sounds fine to me man you should write some songs and upload them I'd listen

that was actually really beautiful user, you have a great voice

I've tried but I'm not the greatest guitar player and the lyrics I write always come across as cheesy and uninspired.

Yeah this is really good user felt like you wrote this song about me


It's a project I've been working on for 3 years my dear user-kun. I want to create a franchise that unites artists of all kinds no matter how they feel about themselves.

Attached: Mercy_Graves_Brainiac_Attacks.png (338x308, 85K)

Seems pretty cool, user. I bookmarked it. The page is pretty clean looking too.

>It's a project I've been working on for 3 years my dear user-kun. I want to create a franchise that unites artists of all kinds no matter how they feel about themselves.

We shouldn't have to ask the main purpose of your site. It should be obvious within the first 5 seconds we land on the first page. Just s tip because I'd like you to succeed as it seems your goals are noble!

I was kinda going for a shoegaze vibe, thank you. I wrote it about a camwhore lol

Benefits of being dead inside

It's basically my talent agency that is heavily focused around interaction in the community. I don't like faggy sites like Deviantart because they don't provide a way for artists to make a living off of their craft and I believe we can do it together. I believe in a future full of Neet Bux and Roasties BTFOing as we become the chads we have all envisioned ourselves to be. I hope you join me in our humble quest.

One of my buddies painted this for a mixtape I'm working on. I make shitty beats for reference.


Thank you so much lovely. I hope you have a wonderful, comfy day.

Attached: album_cover.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Benefits of being dead inside oregano

Right guys I need quick feedback on if this is a good idea or not

I just wrote my first parody song ever and it's to the tune of Eight Days A Week By the Beatles


The song concept is 8 memes a week and its about how an r9k user goes from a waifu fag to a trap fag

here's the lyrics tell me is this remotely funny or relevant to this board I just spent about 10 mins on this so no hard feelings if you think it's garbage

Fuck you stupid OP
Fucking kill yourself
Traps are gay and furries
Plots of the eternal jew
Hold memes
Love memes
Hold memes
Love memes
Ain't done nothing but shit posted
8 memes a week
Please don't insult my waifu
She talks to me in my mind
3D women are roasties
Fuck chad all the time
Hold memes
Love memes
Hold memes
Love memes
Ain't done nothing but shit posted
8 memes a week
8 memes a week
My waiiiiiiii-fu
8 memes a week
is not enough to grow back my hair
Oh a femboi thread babe
I guess I'm through with you
I'll take these girly pills and
Throw away my waifu pillow
Hold memes
Love memes
Hold memes
Love memes
Ain't done nothing but shit posted
8 memes a week
8 memes a week
No waiiiiiii-fu
8 memems a week
My transistion is finally here
Fuck you stupid OP
Fucking kill yourself
Traps are gay and furries
Plots of the eternal jew
Hold memes
Love memes
Hold memes
Love memes
Aint got nothing but memes babe
8 memes a week
8 memes a week
8 memes a week

I dno is this a good idea?

What do you guys think of these lyrics?

>I want you happy
>I want you dead
>You smile at me
>To get ahead

>Now are you happy
>In bed at night
>A fool you took me
>And you were right

really good imo

Mind if I use these for a song I'm making about Jow Forums?

Attached: 249e7ae910cf4db0e86ada01536156b8.450x400x3.gif (450x400, 148K)

Go ahead. The chord progression I had in mind was B - D - A but it would be interesting to see someone else's take on it.