Women hate thread

Let's have a women hate thread fellow robots.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is good op
Don't let women influence your decisions
Strive to be a free man

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>This is good op
>Don't let women influence your decisions
>Strive to be a free man

Wise words user.

why do they ruin everything

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>why do they ruin everything

Because they are cancer.

Here's some gold I found on a thread a few days ago.

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A classic, anons.

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I feel bad for that guy. Attacking the elderly is unforgivable. If I could, I'd burn her alive.

>I feel bad for that guy. Attacking the elderly is unforgivable

Same here.

Stupid whore getting what she deserves and other stupid whores trying to ban anything that could possibly harm another stupid whore

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If a single bite of a nut almost kills you. I'm sorry but those genes should not be passed on

just in time to post this

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she's probably smarter after that incident honestly
she's definitely smarter than the other roasties in that pic

you can be one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, plan to send people on mars in a decade or less, but women will still be condescending to you.

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>not being able to use correct punctuation
I feel your pain phone user

shut up nigger

>Calls himself a robot
>Hates women

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Why wouldn't a sexually frustrated man not hate women?

>>Calls himself a robot
>>Hates women

Fuck off failed normalfag women have done nothing for real robots.

It's irrational

How is it irrational?
I'm miserable because women don't want to have sex with me

I dont hate women but I have a strange feeling when seeing couples together. Its like a quick change of mood but I control myself not to get mad.

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Get a load of this beta orbiter lmao kys

It's irrational to hate an entire gender just because they won't let you stick your dick inside 'em

What's even going on in this pic?
t. brainlet

Wouldn't you hate men if they didn't want to give you dick?

She broke up with him I assume

>wtf, why no women want to fuck me ?
>all i do is frequent the board with daily women hate threads

Geez you pathetic fuck.

Loss meme I think

>Geez you pathetic fuck.


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>Is a robot incel.
>Doesn't hate women.
Pick one. No wait, even normies with enough bad experience would end up hating women.

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Make me you fucking pathetic faggot

>Make me you fucking pathetic faggot

Reported for being normal Jow Forums is for male virgins only.

Retarded incels like you are the source of constant amuesment for me.
Keep being mad ya phaggot.

Stop calling robots incels normal scum.


here i have a place for you

Those humans need to die. Weed out the weak nut allergic humans.

Just found out I have a new coworker, the bitch who my other coworker tried to set me up with who ghosted me for another guy last minute. I'm so fucking mad, why here of all places? Even worse the same coworker is trying to put us together and now my other coworkers caught on and are doing it too. Why is my life a sick cruel joke, why do people take amusement from actively making my life worse. I know I sound like a whiny bitch, but it just pisses me off, fucking roasties at work are treating me like some fucking little Ken doll to act out their Cupid fantasies with.

Hey Normie here. I like this board because I'm too old for /b/ and Jow Forums&Jow Forums get stale.
I'll have days where I think I have it bad or get depressed at stuff, but then I go to Jow Forums and the robots make me laugh. I think your outlook on life is hilarious. I'm thankful for that.

>it's a "Normans get upset that their victimized nigger gender is displayed as being as terrible as it really is" episode


some one post a toasty roasty

Now thats just mean
What a cunt

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Oh god the poor dude is eating with a picture thats most likely him and his wife
Since he's old I wouldn't be surprised if she's dead and this is all he has left

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Men commit most crime
Men commit most murderer
Men started all wars
Yet women are the nigger gender

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I remember when these threads were made back in the day and they'd get 200+ replies easy, with only the occasional butthurt tumblrite refugee coming in to REEEEEEEE. Nowadays you need a gas mask just to avoid the obvious roastie stench in them.

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You shouldn't be on imageboards to begin with normal person go back to facebook also normals cant have unhappy lives.

Tell them to fuck off because it's really making you mad

behind every criminal, murderer, war person there is a woman (often time multiple women) egging him on

How do I turn myself gay? I've been watching gay anime non stop and it's helping a little. Any other tips?

You cant your sexuality isn't a choice.

I think gay people are that way because butt sex feels better than regular sex
Its also why most lesbians are faking it

They cant help being hormonal robots, but so can cockroaches and I hate them too

1. why
2. gateway things that are a little bit there are the way you get into any fetish, and once you see that thing, the moral dilemma of weather to reject your feelings and force yourself to not give in is a big factor. if you give in and you like it, then you'll lust for more when the thought comes to mind, and it slowly gets worse and worse. this is how people develop all the fucked up fetishes they have. forcing it probably won't help though.
3. fag
being gay is nothing more than a fetish, shit tier one too

I miss the old Jow Forums too when the male virgins ran this place not the failed normalfags and female attention whores like Eliza.

me too guy, I haven't been able to find a proper explanation for it yet

>white knighting women
Looks like the only pathetic one here is you.

why women hate? why? WHY!?

is it because American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc.? Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

is it because American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste? The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

Bad news, bro. Being gay is an illness. That is, even if you manage to turn gay, you can still recover, for example with religious therapy (go check couragerc.net).

>conversion therapy
not a fan of gays but user that's fucking stupid

anything goes, as long as you stop being a gay faggot

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If I saw this man eating like that I would go up to him, introduce myself and ask if he would like to talk to me. (He'd probably say yes since he's lonely and stuff)
Then I'd ask him about his wife and the life they lived together while sharing a nice meal.
I wouldn't however take a fucking picture of him and post it to social media like a total fucking bitch. Fuck women t b h.

Try getting into females(male) then moving into twinks after that you can go full fag.
Expect don't do any of this because being gay is degenerate and you should instead find a qt virgin girl to wife and impregnate.

>be decent kid
>average looks
>good hygene, haircut, etc
>try my best to atrtact a mate
>be flirty and charismatic
>don't get any positive feedback from the opposite gender
>give more and more of this up since it doesn't get any feedback at all
>now a filthy neet without any desire to shave or shower
>get negative feedback
>boils down to get ignored or hated, choose your pick
>"omg where have all the good men gone, now that im old and want to settle down after getting my roast pounded for a decade??? men are at fault for this!!!! :c"
>expects me not to hate them for being this stupid

Fuck that's so sad, what a heartless bitch...

Women are abhorrent creatures

user no offence but you do know females are the ones who usually have a better time attracting mates right? This is the same shit Elliot Rodgers did and look what happened. You're supposed to ask girls out not sit there waiting for them to ask you out.

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>get a job
>ask girls out
>do your best to look and smell nice
>not understood as attracting a mate
i know you're just pretending

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I dunno the user sounded like a autismo to me. I mean I'm a manlet spic and even I was able to get a gf in highschool.

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you are literally responding to the user you called an autismo, brainlet spic

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>Women hate
Women feed energy from both positive and negative attitudes. You want to know what women hate the most? Indifference

5th one down is dreamy as fuck

Pretty sure her reaction to this was OMG ELON MUSK REPLIED TO ME, begged for more replies from him, then kept trying to create provocative posts so he could respond again.

All for attention.

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Fuck what the hell happened to this thread we should reunite to hate rosties no argue with some orbiters and they faggotry

>>be flirty and charismatic
found the problem.

>be me, desperate incel 26yo geek wasting his time on opensource shit
>land a good job because a tech guy I knew introduced me to his engineering boss because of my github history and because in a ten minutes interview I solved two debugging issues saving his ass
>got my first paycheck and while I was going back home and still wondering how many tech gadgets and vidya I could buy, female neighbor notices me for the first time and asks over for a coffee
>two female cousins announce they will be home for next family reunion due next month
>grocery female cashier who literally avoided me like a literal steamy dogshit welcomes me with a happy and almost singing voice - never happened before
>as soon as I update my normiebook status to "works at Acme user Inc.", my HS crush instantly texts me she works nearby and we should have a coffee
women are abhorrent creatures going for money, validation, and attention - and their holes are instrumental to that
>time to up a tick
>delete all former fb posts with moronic memes and shit, update privacy settings, make my fb page work-friendly
>update fb pic, me in a suit at my desk
>give my fb to a few selected coworkers - mostly females having a fb profile looking better than a linkedin page
>share a few of their stupid marketing pics
>go as far as sharing a nomikai pic (afterwork drinking between coworkers) where I wasn't
never had tinder, yet it was like literally every wasted female around was swiping me...
>...including some female coworker as well (inept landwhale ones, tho)

Lessons learnt:
- female assets: their holes (fun fact: seems like they don't lose their value when wrecked and decaying - this phenomenon is named "most simps are happy to go the full cuck way")
- male assets: steady income and owned house (no matter how of a balding dicklet manlet you are: if you own a condo in Tribeca, females will flock at you); the former is enough to become an Attractive Man.

I have to make texts posts to post images anyway man.

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God my stomach hurts

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>no matter how of a balding dicklet manlet you are: if you own a condo in Tribeca, females will flock at you
guess why they flock to you? they are about to hit the wall and need their beta bux to survive
if they really wanted you, they would've tried to get you when they were in their early twenties

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This is ridiculous. Consent cannot be revoked after the fact

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Crazy linatics

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Women cannot be trusted

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Don't trust her with your life

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More contennt

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>she could have gone up and spoke to him
>would have made him incredibly happy
>instead she posted a vulnerable sad old man on social media for likes
it's not exclusively a women problem, normies are monsters who would happily kill someone just for likes and shares on facebook

male or female never date anyone with a mental illness

Women are not loyal to country or kin

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>call himself a robot, doesn't hate everyone whilst hating himself more than everyone else

fuck women and all but that just saddens me

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All for attention in all forms

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You never see or hear of women (elderly or not) do this for their deceased husbands.

Can't leave a woman alone for two seconds

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well deserved though if the guy already knew she had a boyfriend

That's because even old women can find some geriatric Harold (Chad of yesteryear) dick to replace him.

No fucking shit, genius. That was what I was implying.

Fuck off normal faggot, I hope you die in a fire you disgusting waste of oxygen.

>Men commit most crime
>Men commit most murderer
Impossible to prove, as courts are massively biased toward women.

>Men started all wars
Just wrong. Statistically, female rulers were more war-mongering than male ones.

Why not just murder the ex at this point?

you really strike me as a strappin' young fellow! how is it that YOU can't find a sweetheart?

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>average looks
>posts this
c'mon, you know how to write it seems, hope you can read too, brainlet

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so you hate women because they have preferences and standards? don't be a retard mate plenty of valid reasons to hate women but them hurting your feelings isn't one of them

she meant that she can call off sex while it's happening not call rape after it's over you retard

Not them, but not at all.
If no one would pork me, I would look at myself as the problem, not them.

I know I'm a virgin because I don't get close to people, I don't work on my appearance, and I don't form relationships.