When you meet a woman who makes you feel a feeling so unique and special that you would destroy the world to keep feeling it, maybe then you can understand what it is to be human. That feeling is what they give you, and it is worth more than anything that you could imagine.
When you meet a woman who makes you feel a feeling so unique and special that you would destroy the world to keep...
I wish i could feel this, user
Only the best Chad conquerors can feel that because a woman can only like a man like that.
I thought this was a picture of a girl spreading her flat butt cheeks. Anyone else?
Aww, congrats op. Hope it wormks out
The second you feel this, you are doomed
You could destroy the world to feel it all the time? It will make me human? Well I dont need a woman to feel greed.
I know this feel.
I would die for my girl. She's my everything. Soon we'll be married and I'll be happy until I die. If that doesn't work out then I'll join a monastery and live as a monk. It's always something I wanted to do, and now I will have a reason to withdraw for the world to be with God if things fall through. This is perfect.
did you just join in to fucking brag?
fucking kill yourself
hope you get home and chad is fucking your girl you normie
I will never know what this feels like, to hug another non-blood related person.
But it's fine, it's the way it is supposed to be
Chad would never fuck her, she's mine. She would die for me too I know. We're so happy together. She's asleep right there, her hair looks so pretty. I was laying next to her, just listening to her breathe for a while. I stroked her back gently. I ran my fingers over her spine. God it feels good to be in love.
Good luck finding that manic pixie girl who doesn't just want your money and to fuck Chad and Tyrone behind your back like 99.9% of other women. Women are evil sociopaths who toy with men because nothing else is fun to them anymore.
> she's mine
> she would die for me too i know
alright kiddo see you in the next couple of weeks when you find out shes fucking chad behind your back
It's sad user, you not knowing what love is like. When you're both i love you don't need anyone else. Love isn't just sex, it's just a part of it.
Lol is she putting her dick in him?
Except it's not the way it's supposed to be at all and you know it and you know you are the problem
No, i believe this is the way it was intended to be all along.
God or destiny or whatever made it so
Fuck man... FUCK. It even looks like her, and he looks like the fucker she is with right now.Fuck...I'll never know how it is to hug her... to have her near me. Why am I like this.
Pathetic user, you can do better than that
Do you often fantasise about her being filled with his cum?
Yes about 0times/ever. At least i know this shitty place won't ever change.
WAsted dubz on a retarded post i mean to reply to you not to myself.
She's going to make you suffer SO much.
Why is it pathetic? It's better to accept than to defy
This, this so fucking much!
This is not a feel that you want robots so just fuck your bed and dream about your waifu.
Love is evil just like drugs and soon you'll become a slave to it except it's hard for us to find it so you won't get your fix and you'll be in a faster downward spiral than the incels and robots here.
Even if i did feel this i would never say it, homo
This implies that any woman since the dawn of man would ever find me attractive. I could be the last man on Earth and it would be me and 4 billion lesbians.
ive experienced real love in my life.
but sadly theres a 4th dimension called time.
And time will fuck everything up.
Trust me, it will and theres nothing you can do about it
Honestly I have experienced this, and I experienced much greater fulfillment from making my own morrowind mods.
>When you're both i love you don't need anyone else.
man, I can't wait for this normie to experience the pain of breaking up. the romantic ones always crash and burn
i-i feel you
>break up
Highly doubt that lad. We're been together for 5 years and we're going to get married soon. I told her that I loved her on the first night we met, and things have been solid ever since. Marriage soon.
That corny shit OP coined can dry vaginas like crazy.
Just look at it. Do you want her to come by horse and save you too, faggot?