Is the condom in the nose a new trend? Pretty funny 2bh
>haha tide bods xDDD
>ear gauges XDD
>gondom thru nose :DDD
*eats tidepod*
You don't need guns
*snorts condom*
Guns are dangerous
*cuts off penis*
>haha the people representing the other side of the argument are smelly and dumb xDD
Comics aren't acceptable political discourse.
t. angry tide pod eating ear guage wearing condom snorting faggot who lives in LA, the bay area or some other snotty community.
Political cartoonists are literally the most useless bottom tier people on the planet. They almost always get completely wrong whatever they're parodying, they can't draw guns to save their lives. Literal internet autists do their job for free in their spare time. Vastly more precise and relevant than what these subhuman brainlets get paid to do. Also it probably took whatever Boomer or Gen X'er faggot an hour to do what some internet kid does in like 5 minutes.
Jesus fucking Christ.
They have been since before you were born, faggot.
Damn this millennial is butthurt
go drink some soylent and vape some fentanyl and everything will be alright
It's amazing how every political cartoonist out there is this awful, the only exception to this is Kelly and he's fucking amazing.
I was born in 1995 you fucking mong.
The fact that the artist can't even differentiate between generations is astoundingly retarded, just like you.
Gen Z is worse than the Millennial generation, you fucking mutt. That's nothing to be proud of.
Fuck off you mouth breathing imbecile
What is the original Kelly comic that that image is from?
thats gen z you dumb mongol. and this generation is about to get redpilled hard. just wait until their rebellious phase wears off
>just like you.
this cartoon just shows old people will believe anything
Kek all these failed normies getting butthurt, looks like he did touch a nerve
>implying condom snorting and tide pod chewing aren't legitimate trends that shitskids started doing for views
>implying these aren't the same little peckerheads who whine and complain about how their rights under the Articles of Confederation are being infringed upon and try to interpret the Constitution to suit their warped views of reality
*gets a job through a firm handshake*
*buys his first house at 25*
*moves all manufacturing jobs abroad*
*never retires*
Ye he knows hes millenial. The retard cartoon is talking about gen z. no 18-30 year olds ate tide pods.
>implying this isn't accurate
Face it dude, our generation is fucking retarded in many ways. It's hard to find anything worse than SJW and hipsters, only hippies could compete with this retardation.
>lives in the most technologically and medically advanced period in human history with the highest standard of living, literally Rome at it's peak
>rooooo everything is too hard fucking boomers
>Rome at is peak
Nope, Boomers lived at the peak. We are living in the Fall.
>we are living in the fall
Hoooooo boy.
lmao @ all this millennial butthurt
>Degeneracy is the norm
>Economy is only good on paper (peoples living standards are actually going down)
>The Western world is quickly losing influence and prestige
>Barbarian invasion in process
Doesn't really sound like the peak to me.
A handful of people doing something stupid isn't a trend. It's like the news showing Jackass clips and claiming all the kids are sticking toy cars up their asses. It's clickbait for dumb normies who want to feel smug by imagining everyone else is dumber than them.
I mean all this shit like ~March for our Lives~ or ~The Resistance~ is pretty retarded, but it's not really exclusive to any one age group. Lots of boomers and such are involved. I don't think these highschoolers CNN keeps trying to strut forward even qualify as millennials anymore.
I can't believe how many fags ITT are offended by that image
Our situation is worse than I thought
If you think we have it better than boomers just because we have more technology you truly are an idiot. Even boomers themselves admit they screwed us over.
I'll let you sit there and think you're smart though
This is a boomer as fuck comic but its also right.
>typical millennial victim complex
I don't see Gen X crying as hard as you faggots.
This. For every libcuck I can show someone on the """""right"""""" that's equally degenerate + a virgin. For l'example pic related, now draw him as a comic and there's your intellectual argument.
Correct, highschool seniors right now are gen z. They don't even remember pre 9/11 or time before wifi
Shits orig
younger people actually support the 2nd amendment (particularly automatic weapons) more than middle-aged or boomers when polled.
>generation Z
>litterally kids
>snorting condoms
In what kind of shithole do you even come from?
Boomers think AN ENTIRE GENERATION is wrong
I've heard generation x complain too
I haven't heard generation z but its probably the same
Boomers are the scum of the earth
wtf, i did that as an edgy party trick to get in to bed with goth and emo chicks. why has it become a trend?
"Millenial" is used in too broad context these days. I'm 24, and I have little in common with a 30 year old, and even 21 year olds are retarded.
I'm a late Gen Y master race nigger. Anyone born after "98 has no hope, culture died before you even knew what was going on. Teen Titans Go bitches, gtfo.
Gen Z is doing the Tide Pod bullshit.
This is fucking propaganda, devised by anti-american forces and amplified through social media, so that boomers think the younger generations are irredeemably retarded. They are furthering this narrative for political reasons. Don't fall for this shit or any of Trump's lies.
The youngest Gen Z can now reveal their age here without getting banned, you retard.
*oldest originally
Yah yah hurrt tf up and die boomers. Fucking leaches doing everything they can to waste as much money as possible before they die.
I don't fit into my age group and think they're retarded
We're living in bad times. I figured that I had 2 options: care about success and let the boomers ruin my life or not care about success and have fun and spend money in these dark times. I chose the second option
Except libtards are going on the streets rioting when they can't get things their way and trying to take away our freedoms.
Are you retarded? If Millennial kids end at 2002, that makes the oldest Gen Z kids 16.
Millennials actually ended around 1995-96 by most accounts.
I'm just going off the image the other dude posted.
People have been doing that spaghetti nose trick forever. Let not forget that it was boomers who decided to put lead into their cars, paint and pipes. Not to mention smoke two packs a day and had to drink 4 shots just to go to bed.
We're the smartest generation yet.
>shit art
>lol you look like a dork
>refusing to ignore all distraction and call out on their shit, hole ridden view
Its like the artist was too retarded to do anything intellectually and have to resort to this kind of low tier humiliation. Maybe he didnt even understand why he hated the sjw in the first place
My grandparents born in the 1920s and 1930s could run circles around millennials
How can conservatives act like they are smarter with a straight face? It's comical. The average liberal is probably 10 points higher on the IQ scale than the average concuck if not more. All the dumbest people I've ever met were massively conservative.
>offended by that image
The image isn't offensive, it's the fact that the person who made it makes a living making fun of fantastical strawmen based on memes they saw on facebook like a 9 year old.
>its teenagers hating on other teenagers episode again
This one, sadly not one of his best.
Liberals think their policies work. South African prisons are full of rape from liberalism
Yeah sure whatever grandpa
Most liberals aren't politicians. I'm talking about your average joe conservative and liberal.
>Liberals think their policies work
most of them do
the original TT was stupid too
I've talked to liberals. They think everyone should get free college so taxes go up and the master's degree becomes the new high school diploma.
It works in some countries that don't celebrate having unorganized, shitty infrastructure
If everyone has a bachelor's degree it's like no one having it. Employers will only demand more and more
>implying young people aren't fash
The future of right wing politics is now grandpa
So keep the public dumbed down until they are replaced by robots?
I want things to be as easy as Boomers had it. You want to make things harder for our generation.
>I want things to be as easy as Boomers had it
Tough shit, they got lucky you didn't. We all have to waste our lives fixing what they fucked up. You don't want to make things easier or better, for anybody but you. You're just like a boomer.
I've been called entitled so much I'm immune to guilt. Go ahead and be a sucker and make things harder for you. You sound like them when you go blah blah blah clean up the mess for nothing and work twice as hard for half the outcome. If anything 2008 taught me many people failed after doing the right thing. I learned doing the right thing is pointless
You sound literally underage. I'm not saying go back to work, I am saying people need to actually fucking die.
I have generous family. It allows me to shake my head at everyone's criticism and have fun in my youth. I plan to start my own business after I save enough so I don't have to live by anyone's impossible standards.
>Gen Z is redpilled and conservative
This meme needs to die.
And why should I want high taxes after they die? It's a waiting period and I want to gorge myself after the famine to make up for life's unfairness
>We all have to waste our lives fixing what they fucked up.
Ha! That's hilarious. I'd rather leech off their failed system until it crumbles than contribute to it. You feel free to wagie. Don't let me stop you.
Well at least you're honest in an original way.
cant you just buy a franchise? what sort of new business models do you have to offer that the lizard men haven't already perfected?
>You don't want to make things easier or better, for anybody but you.
And what the fuck's wrong with that, normalshit?
>I'd rather leech off their failed system until it crumbles
So what happens after that? You roll yourself to the crowded, burning hospital?
You made it apparent.