>drank 96 oz of water
>ate 7 fucking corndogs
>still hungry as absolute hell
>go for a run
>still hungry as shit and want to order a pizza
How do I make the hunger stop anons?...
Drank 96 oz of water
eat some real food.
kill someony, eat them
How fat are you? --
What do you mean by that? Sandwiches, mash potatoes, corn?
My weight is around 240lbs unfortunately.
Still having trouble cutting out bad food from my diet but it's better.
Never cared for soda.
Suicide is the answer to all of your problem OP.
After you die you won't feel any hunger because you won't feel anything at all when you're dead OP.
stop eating junk. its made to not fill you up so you eat more and buy more.
>Going for a run when you're hungry.
>>My body will burn calories and get less hungry yes that is how calorie intake works.
Smoke ciggarettes lol
Order the pizza user follow your dreams.
Get drunk. And fall asleep.
not even memeing
>>go for a run
>>still hungry
well shit who would have thought that would happen
Have you guys never stopped being hungry after a workout? I've had it happen a whole lot honestly.
>after a workout?
pretty big >implying right there
the only time i haven't been hungry after working out is when i used to work out right after eating
if i had gone any more than about an hour since eating before doing a workout i would feel really hungry within a few sets
When I workout I end up feeling sick every time. I have to sit for 30 minutes before I feel hungry.
You could try paying 70% of your income to rent and having to skip food multiple days a week because i dont like rice or pasta
Eat real food that contains fiber, not just refined carbs and processed meat.
That is exactly what I mean. Also nice trips.
Are grits ok? I know oatmeal is ok but I really can't stand oatmeal.
A little empty but a bowl of hominy grits is infinitely better as part of breakfast than a couple of pop tarts.